Ok. Now, I've never done a whodunit before, but let's give it a try. Basic info:
*I only want 5 other people besides me, making a total of 6.
The experimental part of this RP is keeping your identity secret for as long as possible. This is what adds dramatic tension for the other players, so make sure you can handle it!
Here is how the assassin character will work: you will be RPing two characters in one. One will be your “cover” character. RP them as if they weren’t an assassin, including a made-up reason for Tyron’s wanting you dead and RPing thoughts their cover would think. The second persona will be the assassin as he/she truly is. This will primarily be used to execute assassinations, although you’re welcome to RP the assassin persona alongside the regular one, either by using an unknown account, sending them through me, or keeping the assassin RP for revealing after it’s over.
On assassinations:
-Each must be pmed to me for approval, just to make sure there’s no godmoding, character control, etc. Then, either I will post it, or you can post it using an anonymous forum account.
-You are welcome to make your assassinations as skilled as possible… an assassin bordering on uber would probably be the only way to keep you from getting caught. If I need to, I will point out one clue for the benefit of the others. If there isn’t one for pointing out, I will make one up. If there are too many clues, I will help you narrow it down. Feel free to suggest a clue when you pm me an assassination.
-I’m going to limit assassination to, at the most, once every six (in-game) hours. This accounts for time spent studying the target and planning. If you wish to take out multiple people at once, then it will take longer for you to plan it (12 hours for 2, 24 hours for three… no more than that at once).
-Beware of character control. If there’s any sort of c.c. in your assassination, I will have to clear it with the target player through PM… but that’s a long and cumbersome process, especially given the fact that most players will NOT condone it.
-Remember, your survival depends on you staying undercover. There’s many of them, and only one of you.
-Wait until I give the go ahead before making the first kill. We need the front gate to shut before you can start having your fun.
-I’m going to give you your first target. After that, it’s up to you who goes and how you do it. You get a lot of freedom; use it well.
-When I’m ready to set you loose, I will send you a PM with other details I can’t type here.
*DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL! It will help. Trust me.
-only do your side of a conversation.
-No mind reading.
-No character control.
-No one-line posts.
-Romance allowed; just keep it clean.
-All killings outside assassinations must be approved by the victim .
-I am GM. Listen to me, and I shall not smite you.
-Have fun! This isn't a particularly epic RP, and it probably won't last long, so have a little fun with it.
- Name
- Race
- Hair color
- Eye color
- Age
- basic looks, scars, etc
- History (can be brief) (required)
- Likes
- Dislikes
- Primary weapon (everyone has one)
- Secondary weapon(s) (optional)
- Clothes (no armour)
- Birthsign
- Class
- Guild(s)
- Abilities. (for class)
My guy
- Marcus Rontell
- Imperial
- Dirty Blond
- Grey
- ?
- Tall, thin man, he has a long scar from the top right to the bottom left of his face from (supposedly) being in the Battle of Red Mountain.
- Marcus was always a wanderer. He could never stay at once place for more than two years. So he never had a family. Now he lives in a cabin in the woods, fending for himself...Until one day he is summoned to Getgo Island.
- He likes to use knives, not daggers or swords, knives. He uses bows too. He likes to tell stories about battles that he's been in.
- Poor people, false accusations, getting orders, not giving them.
- Hand crafted knife, used to kill and gut animals.
- An ivory bow, with 16 arrows
- Brown linen shirt, and linen pants.
- Thief
- Gypsy
- None
- Only one, the ability to tell people their future. Maybe he lies.
Six people get called to an island off the Bitter Coast called Getgo. They are all suspects to a murder, and will be locked in there by magic for a week. five of them are innocent, one of them is guilty. They were asked to bring their weapons, to compare them to the ones described from the crime. The leader of the island dies. Only the six people remain. One by one, they start to die. But clues lead to the killer. At the end the assassin's revealed and all but him/her are dead...Or maybe a plot twist could happen.