Anyone got any ideas. I don't want to be loaded up with old equipment and not be able to have all the sweet loot.
I was thinking of bringing my desert ranger outfit, and the ranger scarf outfit along with my modded cowboy repeater and modded hunting shotgun. I might rethink of what i want to bring with me to the big empty. untill than post your ideas here.
Desert Ranger Combat Armor/ Helmet. Brush Gun (I never go anywhere without my Brush Gun). Paladin Toaster [For robots (seems like there's an abundance of them in this DLC)] A Light Shining in Darkness Maybe Joshua Graham's armor instead of the DRCA, just in case I run out of inventory space. Edit: Oh, and I'm going with my skin, brain, organs, bones, cells, blood, and urine. I'm drinking a Purified Water before I go to the Big Empty, for no reason (I'm not on HC Mode or anything)
The DeBug Megapistol The Disintegrator Alien Blaster Riot Shotgun Q-35 Matter Modulator Bear Trap Fist
That's about it, don't need much. 1000+ Stimpaks, 400+ Super Stimpaks, Maybe 3 doctor's bags and that's it. I want to take full advantage of my inventory.
1 50% Health .357 Magnum 1 Mint Condition Plasma Pistol 1 Bright Follower Outfit 5 Weapon Repair Kits 10 Stealth Boys (I have a collection of 250. Thanks Caesar!) 50 Coffee Mugs