i'm just saying if your major skills are based on what you use the most. and you avoid fast travel. if there is NO mounts, not sure if they have even confirmed them one way or another i avoid this place after the lead up to oblivion's hate fest, and the athletics skill is a perk based chain. the non fast travelers will be unavoidably railroaded into the athletics skill. probably not a bad thing if they'll be relying on it so badly but still it makes more sense to turf it out if people will be forced into a skillset they may not want.
to my other quotes, if dragons are intelligent they can be tamed/reasoned with. lore or otherwise the other 4.5 million people who will play the game will probably spend the game wishing they could use the dragon as a mount. even if the hradcore fans hate the idea. i know it's not an option anyway. i'm just saying bethesda makes this game for the silent majority not the people on this forum. they only announced the game when it was surely into it's beta stages given the timeline. i'd say it's more of a case the designers couldn't think of a non gamebreaking travel system using dragons.