Yay, no Mod tools for BF3, or Commander, and only 4 classes!
Not to mention all the wonderful (note: horrid) care that PC BC2 got in relation to consoles.
1) Somehow a game with no mod tools is not a real PC game? So then BF 1942 is not a really PC, and neither is BF2 nor BF2142. The community made mod tools of their own before DICE even released official ones.
2) No Commander doesn't mean anything except that it's a mechanic DICE didn't like, and that they feel they can improve - they aren't oblivious to the face that most people liked that feature. Its removal doesn't mean nothing can take its place (something improved).
3) BF2142 had 4 classes and it worked well. BF2142 is the most solid hardcoe Battlefield game to date in terms of gameplay mechanics since it refined everything that was in BF2 (prone deviation, more balanced commander powers, etc). BF3's mechanics build upon 2142s.
4) I don't understand where you're coming from with the "horrid" care for PC BC2. 64bit exe for BC2 was not needed since it was designed with console limitations in mind, hence why they didn't waste time and money implementing it. The result is that we got a far more optimized game than we would have gotten if DICE hadn't learned how to create efficient memory systems for Frostbite 1.5.
We do not know enough technical information about Skyrim to conclude that there is "no reason not to implement it." My guess is that the game won't need as much memory as we think since it's going to heavily rely on streaming systems.
In terms of modding, a 64 bit exe would probably be beneficial, but I don't know enough about modding to comment deeply on it. If modders are responsible enough, I'm sure they can create great mods that don't eat up an unnecessary amount of resources just because its available (wonder why there's so much "bloatware" out there?).