Just pointing out its almost impossible to discuss the existence of an idea of Aliens without these said event popping up here and there.
which is exactly why they dont need mentioning, they get plenty of conversation, but dont apply to this conversation and throwing them out in every post confuses the points that are being made in this thread... look at the majority of the people replying in this thread.. theyre quote replying you talking about them, which is getting away from the point..
Its not random, but special. Like I said before, it can be a What The Heck Moment if ever they never been across to the ruin before.
and people would think a giant radscorpions gouhls and supermutants were perfectly normal if they hadnt seen them before?
yes, its something that isnt common place. that doesnt mean its a random encounter-in the sense of random encounters in games. its very much a part of the backdrop in this instalment.
And look where this evil take us now. In a way, still mean along the line of bad guys as their existence.
jsut so we are clear, its not as much the personification of "bad" as it is the intrinsic quality of "bad" that ihnabits mankind.
its not merely that they were a part of 50's culture. but why they were a part of that culture.. the same things that shaped the plots in these movies shaped the events of fallout. communistic threats. bomb threats. our own knowledge and how we apply it to science as a threat. this was real life and it bled into the culture that fallout is based on.
not just alien movies.. but any of the 50's monster movies. i mentioned the movie "them!"
this was a movie that was to show us how our actions in scientific progress had ramifications.. not as much "Us Vs monsters".. but "Us Vs our own scientific abhorations".. Forbidden planet is the exact same, only its how our evil or rather dark tendancies endangered us.
now.. the ants from "them" are nodded at as the ants in the grayditch quest "those" Would you consider them to be out of canon? because in 50's culture those ants and aliens were metaphors for the same things. therefore, if betsoft wants to add aliens into the mix, it deosnt go against the fallout universe..
i know a lot of you want to keep the struggle in the fallout universe as mankind trying to survive..
and thats fine.. i can respect that. i doubt that betsoft is going to make aliens the main antagonists in the next game.. they simply exist much the same as redscoprions, or raiders.. another type of character