Thank you, now I'm trying to imagine a Thalmor movement based out of Bath. Would they have a Liberal Democrat agenda? Who they annex and go to war with?
Would their main form of transport be primarily donkeys and tractors? (I'm not taking the piss - I'm
from Somerset).
High Rock= Probably lots of high rocks there.
Hammerfell= Somebodies hammer fell there.
Elsweyr= Kahjiit wished they were elsewhere.
I think the fable surrounding Hammerfell's name is that when a group of nomadic Dwemer were heading out from Morrowind the leader of the clan, Rourken, threw his hammer and decided they'd settle wherever it fell. Hence Hammerfell.
For Elsweyr, the same-but-opposite is true. An old Khajiit proverb states that the perfect society was always "elsewhere", so they decided to be smart-arses about it.
No idea why High Rock is named such, but I doubt they were being so literal.
For the record, "Somerset" may sound romantic to you but the rough translation is "settled around Somerton", which is just a very technically named settlement because it was apparently of a kind that were always abandoned in winter, hence "summer town". Also none of us are elves (although I'm named after one).