*Fanboy flaming*
Kid, you are quite wrong in so many ways it is saddening and you do give all PC players a bad name too

The consoles can handle at least 32 players (360) or 256 (256) and probably more if the developer wanted to. Cutting it to 6 vs 6 is just low, and got nothing to do with consoles.
More like the ever-present lag due to some kind of bad P2P-style playing (no servers) and people abusing the network. Sinvce most gamers on the PC side got such bad computers, they got to lower teh graphics in order to make teh game sell, and the online-requirements too because people got so bad internet connection.

Pc exclusive = bad graphics, these days. You got WoW, Sims, Farmville, Minecraft, Star Craft 2, CS etc. All PC exclusive, all got worse graphics then any console game. Combine that with people playing with less then 1Mbit broadband, the horror.
I myself got quite a decent Pc (maxing crysis at least) and a dedicated 100/100Mbit. Still I play on my 360 since I can play with my friends, got all the exclusives, got splitscreen, and no problems/lag/driver issues/DRM etc.
Because they're jealous and not gamers. On consoles you always get a fair fight, no one will have an advantage due to faster dpi mouse or better keybord, and there is less cheats, and some people can't play honest really.
Others just get sad because the platform they know and love (PC) got out-manned by the consoles, and the gaming companies focus less on the PC, the main problem is usually that they can't aim on consoles and get pwnd by noobs and get mad. I play on PC, and console, and love them both for their individual strengths.
On a PC I got perfect aim and wonderful graphics, and mods!
On a console I can play with my friends or my girlfriend, splitscreen or live, without any problems at all. A smooth sail, so to say.
All haters may not be kids, but they behave really immature and hence I label them jelaous kids, for that is what they are