Why all the console hate?!

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:25 am

NOW dont go that far. Each company has its faults.

Out of all the game companies between Nintendo, MS and Sony, I PERSONALLY love Nintendo's exclusives the most, they use the oldest IP's but always have a charm that makes them new.

Its something only Nintendo could do right. Not even the great Naughty Dog could really bring Crash back from the Dead.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:59 pm

Because consolization caused Crysis 2 to not become a big graphical advancement. Oh, and why share the experience when consoles will just taint the graphical prowess and the Multiplayer.

These are the reasons why.

Still getting it for my Xbox and still loving Crytek for pumping out its chest and giving the concorde moment the PC gaming had in 2007, to consoles. While fixing the story up.

You know that Graphicks on PC will be much much better than the consoles .. it dosent matter if it comes out for consoles, the game would be the same graphics even if it wasent for consoles :)

And that i dont like to some console gamers is the fact that they call the pc a piece of **** , a crap and more more .. you know console gamers .. PC is giving to you the games . The PC is the creatore of the games. The console gamers need to know theyr limits and do not comment **** about the pc thats all ..
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Sunny Under
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 pm

I know that. But really depends. Of course Medium and up will look better then Consoles.

I love the PC. I am a main Console gamer but I am becoming a PC gamer just because of the great games and indie games that are first made on the PC.

Also Steam. Smiling Face.

Also PC doesnt create ALL games and IP's. But the great Battlefield IP started on PC and so did Crysis.

And why did you think you needed to end your comment on such a bad note? Its like your trying to personally attack me. Its great that your telling what you know, even though you listed the obvious or some of it, BUT dont end weak.

You make yourself come as a Douche by doing that.
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sam smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:58 pm

Consoles limit the game engine. The company starts marketing to mainly the consoles, and ignores PC.

They are even cutting some features completely from the CryEngine 3 because it doesn't "scale down on the consoles". What a sad waste of a game engine, in my opinion.

Read: http://www.nowgamer.com/news/2903/crytek-crysis-2-on-ps3360-forces-pc-cuts
Umm... wow. That guy completely didn't listen to what Cevat was saying, even after Cevat suggested that he wasn't understanding what he was saying in the interview...

Article Summary:
In an exclusive interview with NowGamer, Crytek boss Cevat Yerli intimated that, rare though it is, on occasion elements which work on the PC version but aren’t able to scale down to the consoles, simply don’t go in.

We quizzed him on how different it has been working within the limitations of the consoles versus the unlimited ceiling approach adopted toward the original Crysis on PC. “If it runs okay on PC, but not 360 and PS3 yet,” said Yerli, stressing that it’s a rarity, he went on “there’s only like one out of a hundred times that ever happens” but concluded that when that is the case “we don’t do it.”
What Cevat said:
So, the way I approach that is, and this is an intentional thing for me, I say ‘I really don’t care if we can do it or not, we have to do it’. I am a programmer myself and made some of the engine. So when I say this is what I want and people say to me ‘you can’t have that’ I say, well, I can have it in CryEngine 3. The upshot is don’t tell me we have to compromise, find another way to do it.

So when I say ‘get me that’ if it runs okay on PC, but not 360 and PS3 yet I say okay, that’s not a fact, but there’s only like one out of a hundred times that ever happens, then we don’t do it. So what I’m saying effectively is that there’s a narrow band of core experience which we pump through to all and then it’s the engine which scales up and down based on the platform. And when I say ‘up and down’ it’s more up on PC and then safe on console. There ultimately, there has been literally no compromise whatsoever, because I worked on it, not just as a PC game. Actually one was no different apart from the pressure of making it more positive and I didn’t want it to make a PC-like game on console. I really wanted to make it an intense blockbuster experience on console, and then scale up on PC because the engine can.

No, no, that’s why I’m saying, like, perhaps you didn’t understand me, we didn’t make any downward revision. With any streamlining; it’s not a matter of reducing scope.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:20 am

I know that. But really depends. Of course Medium and up will look better then Consoles.

I love the PC. I am a main Console gamer but I am becoming a PC gamer just because of the great games and indie games that are first made on the PC.

Also Steam. Smiling Face.

Also PC doesnt create ALL games and IP's. But the great Battlefield IP started on PC and so did Crysis.

And why did you think you needed to end your comment on such a bad note? Its like your trying to personally attack me. Its great that your telling what you know, even though you listed the obvious or some of it, BUT dont end weak.

You make yourself come as a Douche by doing that.

Call of Duty also started on the PC and look where it has ended up. It used to actually be a great, fresh game.

Then again, look at what's happened to other PC IP's over the years like Battlefield and now Crysis. :|
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:49 am

This is looking all too familiar. Developers can claim that they're not dumbing down the PC version, but it always happens. Here is a list of games that went from PC focused to console focused:

- Morrowind -> Oblivion
- System Shock 2 -> Bioshock
- Deus Ex -> Deus Ex 2
- Unreal Tournament 2004 -> Unreal Tournament III
- Call of Duty -> Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
- Battlefield 2 -> Battlefield Bad Company
- Red Alert 2 -> Red Alert 3
and more.

In the future, here seems to be the latest in consolization:
- Dragon Age -> Dragon Age 2
- Duke Nukem 3D -> Duke Nukem Forever
- The Witcher -> The Witcher 2
- Crysis -> Crysis 2

Console gamers can pretend this doesn't happen, but there are far too many examples of games fundamentally changing to suit the limited hardware and controls of the consoles.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:14 pm

Console gamers can pretend this doesn't happen, but there are far too many examples of games fundamentally changing to suit the limited hardware and controls of the consoles.

Gamers don`t change that...and why would i care if they change it to 'fit' on consoles? I don`t.

Some people on this site are in a negative spiral towards every game thats out there waiting for you to enjoy...yet they trash everything that`s out there because its on consoles. Acting like they deserve more because they have better hardware then a console. Its your own choice to upgrade hardware!!

2 cents from me.......Haters will hate, gamers will game.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:23 am

The dude above me has no idea what he's talking 'bout.

You don't care 'cause you're a console player, am i rite?
People say that Crysis 2 would have higher quality if it were not for the consoles to reduce it's quality because of stupid 5 year old console hardware.
They have to make money though... but I don't enjoy this.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:24 am

Console gamers can pretend this doesn't happen, but there are far too many examples of games fundamentally changing to suit the limited hardware and controls of the consoles.

Gamers don`t change that...and why would i care if they change it to 'fit' on consoles? I don`t.

Some people on this site are in a negative spiral towards every game thats out there waiting for you to enjoy...yet they trash everything that`s out there because its on consoles. Acting like they deserve more because they have better hardware then a console. Its your own choice to upgrade hardware!!

2 cents from me.......Haters will hate, gamers will game.

I'm not negative towards every game out there. I looked forward to Crysis Warhead and was completely satisfied with that game. I was looking forward to this game, but it's showing more and more signs of catering to consoles. Yes, this is a bad thing because as history shows, games with a PC focus tend to be deeper experiences whereas games with a console focus tend to be shallow experiences. I chose the PC as my primary platform because I want more from my games. If Crysis 2 is just going to cater to console gamers, then I will not even consider touching the game until it hits the bargain bin.

There is really no excuse. Crytek has only made PC games so far. Each of their games have been million sellers (Crysis sold 3.5 million copies). So why is it that they're focusing on consoles? There are many simple features that were already implemented in the original game that are being dumbed down so that the game plays better with a controller. For some insane reason, this also affects the PC version. I want my suit menu, lean, grenade button, prone, 16vs16 players, large open levels, vehicles in multiplayer, and many other things that were already in the original game.

Next thing you know, the PC version will sell poorly because PC gamers refuse to buy dumbed down console games and then Crytek will blame it on pirates again even though piracy also exists on consoles.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:08 am

@vstef96: I guess you also don't understand what Cevat is saying. He says there are NO cutbacks in quality because of the consoles.
'People say that Crysis 2 would have higher quality if it were not for the consoles'. Who are these people???
I think you better listen to the developers than to someone who doesn't know a thing but think they know everything.
I am still very happy with what I have seen so far and can't wait to play the game. I don't like all the complaining here.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:02 am

Crytek focusing on consoles is like Porsche deciding to make a mid-priced family saloon and then claiming to the original Porsche fans that they will have the same experience they did in the GTr3's.
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Solène We
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:16 am

Crytek focusing on consoles is like Porsche deciding to make a mid-priced family saloon and then claiming to the original Porsche fans that they will have the same experience they did in the GTr3's.

excellent answered good sir
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:18 am

Console gamers can pretend this doesn't happen, but there are far too many examples of games fundamentally changing to suit the limited hardware and controls of the consoles.

Gamers don`t change that...and why would i care if they change it to 'fit' on consoles? I don`t.

Some people on this site are in a negative spiral towards every game thats out there waiting for you to enjoy...yet they trash everything that`s out there because its on consoles. Acting like they deserve more because they have better hardware then a console. Its your own choice to upgrade hardware!!

2 cents from me.......Haters will hate, gamers will game.

I'm not negative towards every game out there. I looked forward to Crysis Warhead and was completely satisfied with that game.
There is really no excuse. Crytek has only made PC games so far. Each of their games have been million sellers (Crysis sold 3.5 million copies). So why is it that they're focusing on consoles?

You where COMPLETELY satisfied....That`s all you need to know. Trust your favorite company.

3.5 + 10 million= Crysis 3 and much more. Rational thinking is what comes to mind.

Do you really think you can`t lean, prone, granade, run, jump, suit menu, large levels and vehicles in a single console game??
Like many people said including the big boss, its not the limitations of consoles (there are limits i know) its a choice made by Crytek to give you and the other 13 million people the best experience possible.


Are you paying 10x more for your video games like you would for a porche??? no.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:56 am

Again people aren't even listening to the company, but saying they are lying. The could just abandon Crysis 2, but you won't. Why? Because it's still Crysis. It's no franchise change, but a change in terms of style, wich is made really successfull. Get this: 3D on Console? Cryengine on Console? Graphical things, you only can see on very high on Crysis 1, you can see on consoles? THIS is a HUGE jump in techonolgy. And I HATE people who just say that consoles are bad ONLY because of some graphical advantages. Look at the games and not the hardware. The hardware can be as good as possible and still the games are crap.

Console racism... That's what it slowly evolves to.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:40 am

On the bright side nameless, it's unlikely the next gen of consoles will be anywhere near PC performance, so the developers will either be using split engines like the CE3, or move to console or pc exclusives (the latter, due to huge growth of steam and no second hand sales, coupled with an existing large user base will be more promising than any new console platform). Graphically the PC version of crysis 2 will be far and away the better version, we're talking massive differences, anyone who has ever played crysis can attest to that. Crytek haven't squished 'very high' onto consoles, they've squish 'medium with high shaders and low textures' onto consoles.

However, indeed, it is terrible that some people perceive consoles as permanently bad. Admittedly they are the more expensive option for less choice and worse graphical fidelity, but those buying it weren't to know, they've listened too much to the media and friends to realize. 'tis actually the reason that most of my friends are PC gamers, being both physicists and university students we automatically realized: 'hey, i'm buying a PC for doing stuff anyway, i'll build it and add in a £100 gpu and save tons of money from games'.

At least consoles appear simpler, although you still have installs, and they are far less reliable in the case of the 360. Plus on the 360 you pay £40 a year just to play online. The ps3 is far better on that front, and if they added kb+m support, the ps3 would be my 'nice low end pc for those not confident about building/learning to use a computer'.

I'm not sure where this ramble is really going, oh yes, if all your friends play on console and you don't want to start the trend off in your friend group by showing them how cheap pc gaming is for great quality gaming, then buying a console is okay :)
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:38 am

All my friends play on Pcs, too. :)
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:59 am

Aye, germany is a hugely pc-gaming country isn't it? (compared to some others like the US)
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:13 am

Crytek focusing on consoles is like Porsche deciding to make a mid-priced family saloon and then claiming to the original Porsche fans that they will have the same experience they did in the GTr3's.
More accurately it's like Porchse producing a cutting edge vehicle to be used in 3 different speed limits :)
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:06 am

More accurately it's like Porchse producing a cutting edge vehicle to be used in 3 different speed limits :)

Yeah but you would say that wouldn't you ;D

As I've said before, the proof will be in the playing.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm

More accurately it's like Porchse producing a cutting edge vehicle to be used in 3 different speed limits :)

Yeah but you would say that wouldn't you ;D

As I've said before, the proof will be in the playing.
Having seen all 3 versions i'll go with that - let the playing decide :)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:50 am

I think the problem wasnt that Crysis 1 didnt sell so well... thats just an excuse... but its rather a fact that the Cryengine 2 was a dead wood for Crytek. The development for the Cryengine 2 was presumably way more expensive than the development for Crysis 1. As it has been said before Crysis 1 didnt sell as bad as it was assumed.
Not a hand full of companies licensed the C2 and they delievered crappy games like the disasterpiece Merchants of Brooklyn. So Cryengine 3 needs to be more consolefriendly, so that more companies will license and use it for their games. And to proof that the C3 is a real multiplatform engine... Crytek develops Crysis 2 and Kingdoms to show other companies how versatile their new engine is. That is pure logic my friends! ;-)

For the consolehate:

Console and Pc gamers are just too different to share one game i think.
Pc players grew up with another style of gameplay and freedom in games looking back to a longer history of shooters in special. The most consolegamers dont even know that there were other shooters before Halo or Killzone ( ;-) ). Because most people just want to play and dont care about the history of gaming or where the Pc takes place in that history.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:38 pm

Crytek focusing on consoles is like Porsche deciding to make a mid-priced family saloon and then claiming to the original Porsche fans that they will have the same experience they did in the GTr3's.
More accurately it's like Porchse producing a cutting edge vehicle to be used in 3 different speed limits :)

yes, 30mph, 32mph and 180mph ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:41 am

Crytek focusing on consoles is like Porsche deciding to make a mid-priced family saloon and then claiming to the original Porsche fans that they will have the same experience they did in the GTr3's.
More accurately it's like Porchse producing a cutting edge vehicle to be used in 3 different speed limits :)

yes, 30mph, 32mph and 180mph ;)
Thats COMFY for you!

Oh you crack me up with your hilarious sarcasm.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:29 am

It could be worse, i could've gone on tech specs of average PC's :D (1:6 ratio is actually an underestimate).

Ah well, if console-exclusive fans won't realize the difference in performance then i can make them QQ in March with comparison screenshots and videos ^^

Personally i know my 360's place in comparison to my ps3 and in comparison to my PC :P Trust me, if mw2 can look quite a bit nicer on PC with no effort, crysis 2 will look phenomenally better (unless it downgrades from crysis 1). Everything they've done to make crysis 2 run on consoles has benefited the PC engine, so they've squeezed in some more stuff to make up the gap they had left to the old requirements of crysis.

Could be, however, that crytek have been talking through their arse and crysis 2 is indeed a huge downgrade from crysis 1. In that case consoles may be a bit closer, but i doubt that, the 'next-gen [console, meaning ps4/xbox3, but mainly current PC's] ready' graphics in CE3 trailers are amazing, even if the first transition to the 360 graphics resulted in this expression: o.O

Lastly, though, to all the console players who will scream 'zomg elitist' when a PC gamer truthfully tells you that the PC has a huge deal more power going for it: when you rag on the wii's graphics, the difference between the wii and the ps3/360 is less than the 360/ps3 to the PC.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:29 am

comfy... all your doing is assuming ****. calm down brotha... the console and pc versions will all kick ass. have some faith and listen to the pros
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