On the bright side nameless, it's unlikely the next gen of consoles will be anywhere near PC performance, so the developers will either be using split engines like the CE3, or move to console or pc exclusives (the latter, due to huge growth of steam and no second hand sales, coupled with an existing large user base will be more promising than any new console platform). Graphically the PC version of crysis 2 will be far and away the better version, we're talking massive differences, anyone who has ever played crysis can attest to that. Crytek haven't squished 'very high' onto consoles, they've squish 'medium with high shaders and low textures' onto consoles.
However, indeed, it is terrible that some people perceive consoles as permanently bad. Admittedly they are the more expensive option for less choice and worse graphical fidelity, but those buying it weren't to know, they've listened too much to the media and friends to realize. 'tis actually the reason that most of my friends are PC gamers, being both physicists and university students we automatically realized: 'hey, i'm buying a PC for doing stuff anyway, i'll build it and add in a £100 gpu and save tons of money from games'.
At least consoles appear simpler, although you still have installs, and they are far less reliable in the case of the 360. Plus on the 360 you pay £40 a year just to play online. The ps3 is far better on that front, and if they added kb+m support, the ps3 would be my 'nice low end pc for those not confident about building/learning to use a computer'.
I'm not sure where this ramble is really going, oh yes, if all your friends play on console and you don't want to start the trend off in your friend group by showing them how cheap pc gaming is for great quality gaming, then buying a console is okay