» Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:10 am
The problem the original fans have with consoles is the fact that they limit the game for PC users. We don't give a xxxx about which of the consoles is gonna look slightly better/worse. The fact is Crysis was a revolution in PC gaming and is still a benchmark for graphics, physics and open world environments. Sort of like a Concorde moment, a real push to see what could be done in a game.
I still have hopes for Crysis 2 though but the proof will be in the playing.
^this aswell.
I have something to add though: If Crysis 2 is a success (Many players will like and play it, console and PC players.) then maybe EA will decide to put more efforts on the development of Crysis 3 and hopefully a new console will come out by then so we can get rid of several limitations.
Its going to succeed. All my friends loved it because of the graphics and the setting. COD and Halo fans, like I am, love the look of the MP. Also PC fans who loved the first will play the second mainly to dabble in the MP once or twice but really actually buy for the story, sandbox which will of course EVENTUALLY will come out.
So its a win-win for EA and Crytek. EVEN if this doesnt sell, EA will sell it out since its one of the best PR, then EA will try again. Its doing it with the sale-fail called Mirrors Edge 2.