I'm only going for rank three because I'm planning on playing an ice cream vendor. Those extra ice cream cones are all profit baby.
The only reason I dislike it greatly is because of how it could easily be a feature upon the options menu for those who...actually aren't capable of even following a big ass arrow on a screen, flashing, towards a specific area. Instead, it's wasting an entire perk slot, and not only that, it's a non-ranked perk, effectively wasting an entire perk slot for something that could've been a feature, like the last perk on Strength being a tackling perk when it could've been a natural feature on Strength itself. Hell, there's even some perks on the perk chart that is completely redundant and unnecessary, but as the focus is on V.A.N.S., yes, it's pretty worthless, even for a normal gamer who's desire is to explore. Hell, even a casual gamer would probably feel insulted, unless this is someone who was just introduced to gaming, such as the elderly, or children.
Yea... personally it destroys my experience so I won't pick it up. I will also wait for mods to change its functionality completely.
Anyone who feels insulted by a gameplay mechanic in a video game is either taking the game or themselves far too seriously.
Maybe a perk that gives you bonus XP when completing a quest would have been better.
And the VANS could have been some disc you find for your pipboy instead.
well they need to make game for the new generation of gamers, ppl that grow with game like CoD i mean the last ones, or even simpler games, if they make a game just for the core base player, will become the worst selling game, probably.
I really dont care about this perk i will never use it, like i never use the spell on ES.
Has it been confirmed yet whether or not Fallout 4 has/does not have a hardcoe/survival mode?
Isnt basically like the Clairvoyence magic in Skyrim. Would be useful if your in a dungeon thats really confusing to get out of. I wont use it still tho.
That's a terrible outcome. Instead of widening your challenges and options, the only way to sell is to literally cut it down and simplify it? How long can that go on until it's reduced to the point of being ridiculous and will most likely collapse upon itself?
I doubt that's actually how Bethesda's making their decisions, though, and the "casual gamer" in that context doesn't really exist. To me, it seems like a lot of the time when older games are more challenging, it's arbitrary challenge borne out of clunky mechanics. And we still have no idea if Bethesda's added more to their difficulty settings.
Nope I don't. It'd be absolutely impossible to find Rockopolis; the safest place in the Capital Wasteland.
Are the quest marker arrows not ENOUGH!?
Well, at least it's only a level 1 perk, so it won't make the higher levels of intelligence obsolete. This would be a much different story if you could only choose perks in order.