Or even, "It's here. No really, it's right here. You're looking straight at it! Oh. You want to know what floor it's on? Heh heh heh. svcks to be you "
Or even, "It's here. No really, it's right here. You're looking straight at it! Oh. You want to know what floor it's on? Heh heh heh. svcks to be you "
Have we gotten any confirmation one way or the other if that perk has multiple ranks? If it does, it might be best to reserve full judgement until the latter ranks are revealed.
Such abilities are useful when you're in a place and you have no idea how to get the heck out of there.
Happened to me more than enough times in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, as they didn't have Skyrim's Convenient Dungeon Exit plan in place.
"...Was it this way? Wait no....Pipboy map is useless...Here? No, that just loops around...How did I even get in here...?"
As I said to mom and dad when I was a little girl "Don't hold my hand!"
Trust me to play the game..
Let me explore on my own..
Don't link quests and force quests..I just hate that.
It makes me avoid your quests..
I've learned in Skyrim how to avoid Brinjolf's forced dialog.
I'll do it again.. promise..
As some here have noted, for ~general~ use the VANS is largely unnecessary, but in those instances where you find yourself in a cave or building with lots of floors, and/or twisting / turning paths and similar-looking areas (so you can't just remember, turn left at the red door).... THEN it becomes quite useful indeed. Not sure it's worth a perk point, unless I had nothing more pressing to buy, though.
In the character system video, you can see that VANS only has one rank.
It would be cool if this was second rank, and the first rank would be required for map markers, quest directions. Lets get back to asking directions. Add lots of topics to local NPCs so we can directions, talk about other NPCs
I think it will be more of a "here is a quest/objective, here is where you have to go"
If you were told you need to go to ....... to find something. Yet you had no idea where that was.
You could spend days hunting for it. Yes you would explore a lot, but you might never find what you need.
This would be like if I told you to go talk to John Smith. Yet I did not tell you what country, state, city they are in.
No hate here but plenty of apathy. The few times I got turned around and a little lost were nothing I couldn't handle and there are far better (imo) perks to choose. The VANS perk would probably be the last perk chosen by me on a min max character and I doubt I'll ever make one with the need to get to over 300 levels to get all the perks. So don't think any of my characters will select.
There are multiple ways to deal with that. In my opinion, better directions from quest givers > VANS > map markers. VANS is actually a decent option on its own, but since map markers are built-in, VANS is totally redundant to me and not worth the opportunity cost of a perk. If map markers are toggled off, then maybe I'll give VANS a shot.
Personaly i dont mind this adition. There are times in anny game where i find myself scratching my head wondering how the freak i'm supposed to reach something, and in that case V.A.N.S. might be a life saver, saving me hours of failure and searching for awnseres on the internet wich usualy leads to more spoilers then just what you are looking for.
Since we don't actually know exactly how that perk will work, I'd say any love or hatee for it is a bit premature (IMO). Speculate all you want, but until we see someone using it in a game play video (or a Dev gives a very specific description of how it works), everyone is just guessing (that it works like Clairvoyance in ES games). Not a bad guess, but certainly not confirmed.
Man, not sure how I missed that, but thanks for the confirmation!
is a option, no a must
the perk should be there for those that like the help, but for those that dont like it, they can avoid getting the perk or just ignoring the function. isnt a big deal. ppl just love to make big deal about small things
Not hate. Just seems like a waste of a Perk slot.
I've never had a real problem finding stuff in Bethesda games, minus the Metro Tunnels in FO3. But then again, I enjoyed exploring and getting lost in them on my first playthrough of the game. It only became annoying on new characters.
Plus, I think there is a real danger of missing a lot of cool stuff off the beaten path if you just follow a line on your Pipboy between objectives. If I had a straight line to follow for GNR radio on my Pipboy in FO3, I wouldn't have gotten lost and discovered Hubris Comics, or the Grognak PC game, as I don't think there are any real quests that lead you to that area. I'm not obsessed with completing objectives anyway - I'm perfectly content to get a task, wander in that direction and get distracted off the path as I see fit.
that why that perk isnt for u, and i think the same exploring is one of the main reason i will not take that perk, but a lot of ppl actually get lost and angry when they do, so having that perk is a way to allowing ppl to play the game and not getting frustrated.
U need to remember that this game isnt just make for a small portion of the audience is make for almost everyone. =P if not they will not make alot of money and keep making games lol =P
Won't matter to me one way or the other as I always run empty UI most of the time anyway except when in combat or need to pull up pip boy map. Is it hand holding? maybe, some people just like to get to the objectives and not worry about what's around them. It's about completing and not really exploring. That MMO mentality of CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP to max level ASAP.
VANS is a waste of a perk slot that could've went to a more interesting perk.
Thankfully it's optional.
Eh, there have been times when I've ended up wandering around a vault trying to find where I'm going or how to get out, and because my sense of direction is not the best even in the real world, let alone from screen and map, I've kept ending up at the same place wondering where the turning is that I keep missing. It gets a bit old after the third, fourth or fifth time.
I am one who enjoys the VATS targeting system it is unique and different, I have used it in Fallout 3 and New Vegas and people who dislike it have the option to manually do it, fps. Oh I miss read it wrong I thought we were talking about VATS not VANS...oh well?
Some quests will not start with a marker and some quest that do have a marker will have convoluted routes...if/when I get stuck I will get to the next level and take it..If that doesn't happen I probably wont.
I was watching my 29 year old younger brother, who has played games all his life, play Fallout 3, and he got lost in Vault 13 on his way to the GOAT exam and couldn't find his way to the classroom. I told him he was doomed. Of course, his direction sense in real life is equally terrible. Luckily, I've always been blessed with great spatial awareness, and the military and land navigation training cemented that. But my poor brother ... yes, he will probably need V.A.N.S.
Sounds like the kind of nightmare I used to have