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No emoticons were harmed in the making of this comment.
Detailed directions in the style of Morrowind are overrated. Screw immersion, I don't want to have to constantly check my journal and second-guess myself on which left I should have taken. And now with NPCs that sandbox all over town and radiant quest locations, quest markers are a way better solution from a player standpoint and a design standpoint. And preferring directions over a quest marker doesn't make you smarter.
I'm imagining it would be irritating seeing a path in vats every time you use it. I'm hoping the game will play well without it, but I wouldn't be bothered too much if I had to use it. Things like having no in-game fast travel mechanics would be more irritating to me, although I guess that is kinda tough to do in a fallout world... maybe boats on the river? whoa, theres a tangent. Anyway, yeah, I like how they implemented VANS as a perk to make it an in game option.
For me, I will only V.A.N.S. if I find myself having difficulties navigating to where I need to go. Clairvoyance in Skyrim was extremely helpful, as I sometimes got really frustrated with figuring out how to walk through and around the hundreds of mountains in the game.
But Clairvoyance got confused at times and sometimes had my characters running around in circles. I think it was using the AI from a follower for path finding.
Should require 0 zero int and having more should disable much hand holding do people need nowadays?
Actually being able to follow directions does make you smarter than someone who can't.
1, 0... it's all the same, since SPECIALs are defaulted to 1.
perhaps I missed someones post, or video evidence, but without this perk, will there be no compass quest markers?
I hope so. This way, everyone gets what they want. Even if it does come at the cost of a perk for some.
Anyway (that's right a second anyway). Mods, if you don't want a marker, will suffice just as well. non-problème.
The compass marker will be there regardless of perks, VANS draws a path on the ground to your quest target similar to Clairvoyance in Skyrim.
I don't think anybody had any trouble following the directions in Morrowind (except when they were poorly written or flat out wrong), but what the hell is the point if we can have something more convenient? No one at Bethesda was thinking "Man, those gamers are just too damn stupid, we need to use quest markers if we ever want them to complete our advanced and complex quests" when they decided that compass markers were more efficient for navigation than writing out directions for every quest.
I can see Gopher taking the perk in a hardcoe, modded, Let's Play where the UI is completely disabled. Other than that it takes a precious perk point away from my dominating, stealthy-assassin playthrough.
I would assume that it is meant as an in universe substitute for quest markers if you disable quest markers, which you can do in Skyrim. Just like clairvoyance was an in universe substitute for quest markers in Skyrim.
It helps immersion.
I don't understand this perk. So there will be a marker that leads you to your quest objective? That's just like in F3/NV, so what is the deal with this? What's the difference?
Ones a map marker the other is a line you follow if you summon it, at least i think that's right
I think it will be more like GPS and Pip Boy will give you directions on where to go.
Oh I see. I doubt I will take this perk though...
I've got no problems with it personally, I'm assuming the line won't appear until you summon your pipboy to have a look at the direction I'm going in. But if i want to find my own way I just won't summon it. Easy peesy.
If they have reasonable detailed quest descriptions then I will avoid taking the perk. The fact that they have it as a perk in the first place gives me hope that the quest log is more than two sentences long.
At the very least I hope that they don't have any "search the area for the hidden clues" quests where the [censored] arrows point to you every single object like in Skyrim.
Its all personal preference. Just like I think the party boy perk is useless as I rarely drink alcohol perk in-game, it may in fact be useful to someone else who plans to make a drunk character. Maybe your character is a hacker, who... after getting the pipboy modified it so it can directly lead you to areas of interest? Who knows.
Vault 13!? That's an incredible journey. I can't imagine how confused the NCR was when your brother's Lone Wanderer showed up at their borders screaming "I'm here for my GOAT!" and would not calm down no matter how much livestock they trotted out in front of them.
I found Eurogamer's speculation on how VANS works to be interesting...