So...why all the QQ'ing

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:13 pm

Some do, I wouldn't say most. There's a lot of german and russian/eastern european accents.

Having spoken (English) with quite a few scandinavians I must say that they sound accurate enough for me. The arnie one is out of place though.

Then again some people thought the Khajiit sounded russian... :shrug:
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:59 pm

Just reading the OP, this is a thread complaining about complainers.

Well... this is an internet forum. The internet seems to make people want to air their opinions. On everything. As long as people abide by the forum rules, they can discuss the games and if there are things that they don't like, they can go on about it, as they can if there are things they do like. If rules are broken, we close threads or delete posts or whatever.

If you personally find the "I hate this" or "That aspect is not what I wanted" threads, tiresome - and many do - then you can skip them. It is their option to post, as it is yours to ignore those posts that don't interest you.
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