THat said, I've been playing games since the old Sega Master System days. I've played more games than most of you, I'd be willing to bet.
People write that the Elder Scrolls is dead, blah blah blah....
What is so bad about this game? In most aspects, the game is beautiful. The music is awesome. I remember when a game was nothing but some beeps strung together looped to form a melody.
The story is good. I prefer the Dragon and Civil War plots, over the Oblivion Gates. The NPC's are varied with well done voice acting. Skyrim is the "Norway" of Tamriel, and Most NPCs speak with the correct accent.
Here are one of the complaints I read....."BOO HOO Im too OP". this one give me a lol. They're "OP" but yet they want to wear the best enchanted armor and use the best enchanted weapons.....doh
The addition of perks is a great idea borrowed from TES's sister, the Fall Out series. Nothing wrong with it, and it works well. I appluad Bethesda for investing into the creation of this game. A game this huge had to have been very expensive. I applaud the extra effort to keep the LORE alive. Can you imagine how much effort (money) went into just writing stories for all the different books found lying about, even though they know that a good portion of gamers do not even take the time to read them. That is a prime example of the attention to detail and dedicationthat went into the creation of this game.
Thank you Bethesda, for creating this amazing sandbox for us to play in. 07