Point taken, but just to be clear here, I did not say his post was right.... I said it was "great"
On a slightly different note but on the same topic of trapped souls and their relative worth, here's something I find interesting as well --- I just completed Bloodmoon, and while doing so I trapped not only the frost giant's soul but also Hircine's aspect. Both put up a very good fight, both were hard to kill. If they're not actual "gods" themselves they are definitely close to it, especially the aspect.
Anyway, to my utter amazement, both of their souls went into a greater soul gem rather than a grand, and both were worth less than that of a rickling raider or one of those squealing tusker pigs.
Some very odd logic went into that decision. Those values seem to be one of if not the most imbalanced things in the game I've found so far.
They were still fun to fight and soul trap though. I put those two soulgems on a display shelf in my new factor's estate. B)
Now that really adds to it - plus with all the stuff about Vivec and CHIMp the whole thing returns with a new slant I guess ...
So we trapped Vivec's Soul - but an earlier post states that you cannot trap part of a soul - so if Vivec had achieved CHIMp then he is soul-trapped in my little Soul Gem (he still is in one save game) and was not available for Hogithum Hall - another point that makes The Trial so unsatisfying. Nope, I think on balance that if CHIMp was as stated then soul-trapping Vivec's soul would not have been an in-game option - rather hard to make your self/soul one with the all when you are stuck in a Soul Gem

and we would have bounced when we attacked Vivec too. There was no need for Vivec to pretend to be helpless in that way to fool Almalexia when other ways would have given the same result without the need for him to die.
MK saying that comparing soul sizes is not in the spirit of ES is fair enough on the face of it - however:
I'm not very good at understanding these kind of lores. It needs to be plain english without fancy words for me to get it.
Okay: It's gameplay. There is no reason.
Adornacil's point then comes to the fore and if 'it's only gameplay' then what is Lore? What makes Lore?
You see I always felt that Lore is what I have found in previous games - and good lore adds up to adding some kind of meaning to the 'gameplay' - making the 'gameplay' into Lore. Add to that when a Dev adds an explanation out of game that makes sense of the Lore in game and the gameplay (since we are noting a possible difference) then that becomes part of the Lore rather than optional ideas for future development.
When a Dev or even several Devs create something that is full things that contradict known Lore, gameplay and game experience then it's an Easter Egg or some-such, maybe even an experiment - but it is not really Lore unless or until it gets into a future game. I am happy with the idea that a bunch of devs decided to have a bit of fun - oog. They all agreed the terms on which they would roleplay their bit of fun, but I do not see the Trial as a successful ammendation of current thinking. Why?
When looked at in serious terms (as many have stated) there is a huge gap in the Lore - different soul sizes are not simply/only gameplay - souls are such an important part of ES because Souls are real in-game and in-lore and there are various facets that have an effect and there is a lot of stuff in books in-game that seriously concerns them. So far better to state in mysterious terms that the nature of souls is not entirely understood by mortals and no God or Deadroth has seen fit to enlighten anyone ...
But I will offer a thought that may be satisfying to some - try it as a question of recycling: what if the size of a soul has to do with not only with deeds and factors in present, but also in past existances? Would that help?