I was wondering how flexible Skyrim really is. I'm sure what I'm going to suggest now won't be included in ANY way, however, it IS a VERY interesting idea.
My thoughts are about what if I don't want to fight? And I don't mean in the sense of "Just buy a house in a village, work and play Sims-like Skyrim", because TRUST me, I don't want to... What I'm talking about is, if I want to complete the main quest without having to fight, will I be able to do it?
Think about it, how complex it will make the main story of this game, adding tons of new options, just to give you other ways of passing through the main quest, your OWN style. I mean, why do we have to fight? It is a RP game, isn't it? It's also an action game, of course, but mostly RP (I hope, at least).
Nice idea, I believe.
Speechcraft need to be more interesting than just skill power.
When we try to persuade someone, we have to "CHOOSE" carefully from the facts collected.
Some facts may not be cheap.
There is not even a perfect dialogue option, only better ones, which means sacrifice may be possible.
Speechcraft levels up each time a quest is completed through talking.
Perks like recognition of lying expression are great.
However, if you're going to persuade Alduin, you'll need to find a truth larger than nuclear bomb.