My thoughts are about what if I don't want to fight? And I don't mean in the sense of "Just buy a house in a village, work and play Sims-like Skyrim", because TRUST me, I don't want to... What I'm talking about is, if I want to complete the main quest without having to fight, will I be able to do it?
Think about it, how complex it will make the main story of this game, adding tons of new options, just to give you other ways of passing through the main quest, your OWN style. I mean, why do we have to fight? It is a RP game, isn't it? It's also an action game, of course, but mostly RP (I hope, at least).
Now, some will say that it's not necessary, or that it takes lots of development time, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about actually having the option(s) to complete the main quest/quests without having to fight. How will it be benefit the game? What are the disadvantages? How can it be expended?
Skyrim is about playing your OWN style, and I don't think it only has to come down to fighting styles. While of course I'm planning on fighting, I was just wondering if such a system (which was NEVER tried before) could be implemented.
VERY, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't post the obvious... like: "There's not enough development time for it to be done" or "I would rather have them invest their time on other things" or "It's not necessary". I want constructive, helpful comments, comments that will either disagree with this system by reffering to the disadvantages WITHIN the system, and not through development time/money/investment, or will support this system and expand the idea somehow, or any other thoughts.