I just want to know why in skyrim lich's are now known as dragon priests an giant rats are called skeevers ok pet peeve over now.
OP what level are you cause even the priest at shearpoint is a pain in the rear to beat even at level 10 an from what i know krosis is one of the weakest their is as for valthume or is it valthune i went their on day one of buying the game an got my rear end handed to me luckily i saved before an gave it 10 tries before i said f**k it an decided id come back at a higher level which happened to be 60 levels later when i whooped his rear wrinkle bony end an taught him not to pick on me no more.
It was the same with all dragon priests after wards that i learnt to pause an use potions rather then regeneration spells an always have atleast 20 more health potions then you think you will need an never ever try an fight one as a low level werewolf or your just asking for a butt whooping.
Also dont forget to save save save save on rest save on wait save on fast travel save on everything cause when you do get whooped or fall down a steeper cliff then you thought it wont be that much of a kick in the balls to get over.
An personally id save after every dragon an grand soul that you gain as with me thats when my xbox decides to screw me over.