Creation is protected from interference from the realms of Oblivion that surround it by several mechanisms.
One of these is the pact that Alessia slave-queen, the founder of the Empire, made with Akatosh the dragon god of time. Alessia was given the Amulet of Kings, an enchanted soul gem, and instucted as to the ritual of the Dragonfires.
These fires protected Tamriel, centered on White-Gold Tower, from Daedric invasion and had to be lit at the crowning of a new emperor so that their magic would keep going.
Mehrunes Dagon in his plot with the Mythic Dawn assasinated the entire empirial bloodline except for one illegitimate son and through providence the Amulet of Kings, a soul gem by now housing a massive oversoul of all previous emperors, was saved.
The last of the bloodline, Martin, eventually shattered the Amulet of Kings at the spiritual heart of the Empire, the Temple of the One in the impirial city.
This allowed Akatosh to manifest himself through Martin as an avatar, in the literal meaning of living likeness of a god, and defeat the manifestation of Dagon on Tamriel.
After this the avatar turned to stone, a physical reminder that the ancient pact between Akatosh and Alessia was now fulfilled.
The Amulet of Kings used up, the Dragonfires no longer neccesary and the barrier re-instated by Dagons defeat at the hands of the most powerful Aedra working together with man.
Thus ends the story of Oblivion.
Dead for a god does not mean the same as dead for a mortal.
Even dead gods dream.
On death a soul goes to its alligned AE, that is, through life a person makes choices which shape or colour his soul in a way. After death it's simply a matter of the greater attracting the smaller, that is, if you've lived a life worshipping Mephala and doing things the way she would then on death you're like the small Mephala and she is the big one, svcking you in.