» Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:04 pm
Is there really any justifiable reason for their exclusion?
I mean, any and all balance issues can be fixed with just minor tweaking. For example, when I did personal patches for Morrowind, I made spears much more brittle than they were, overall Speed, things like that. All of which took maybe an hour, including testing.
The main reason I assumed Spears weren't in Oblivion, was because of their skill system. They reduced everything to Blade and Blunt, honestly, I think we're lucky axes were even included, I think only by virtue that they animate like a mace. Spears actually had a viable animation. Every time I used a magic staff, I couldn't help but think that, this is perfectly acceptable with a spear.
Why wouldn't they appear in Skyrim? Lack of time/ideas really. Considering their revamped, combat, I could see some difficulties in making a spear feel as visceral as the rest. But I could also see an unlimited potential for badassery with just about every creature, short of the Wraiths, shown so far.
I really hope somehow they make the cut, and Todd is just messing with our emotions right now, lol.