Why are we missing out?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:07 am

Do you developers give a [censored] when it comes to us ps3 owners?
Not a single mod. For some parts i can believe you can create parts of the game because the lack of memory on ps3. But there are more things than horse armor and [censored]. For example smugglers cave, we with ps3 cant gett the [censored] key...
Why shouldn't i just jump to the conclusion that microsoft haven't opened the wallet? isnt it a little strange that you cant come up with a single solution to problems like the one above? The lack of memory makes it impossible to fix this, but yet there is memory to create mods like Shivering Isles.
Its not that the problem is important in that sense that it affects to total gameplay, but still it affects the game in some way...

One more thing that is a problem with ps3 version, its difficult to use bows sometimes because the sensitivity on the aim isnt that good. I asked other ps3 owners about this, and im not the only one. Why isnt this fixable?
Still, great game. But i dont wanna support you when it seems you dont care about ps3, just microsoft's products. And that why i think its easy microsoft (as allways) have payed to gett extra content. easy to jump to that conclusion any way...

Im not surprised if you delete my post, but would be great with some answers so i can understand.... What stops the content to get to ps3 owners?
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am

So much rage :shrug:

Oblivion didn't hit the PS3 until a good few months, nearly a year, after the other releases due to the PS3 consoles later release. By that point I imagine the moment had passed and Bethesda wanted to get the DLC teams working on something other than porting over the DLC.

Microsoft had nothing to do with it. Why would they? The PS3 release was long after the Xbox release, not everything you dislike is a Microsoft conspiracy.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:44 am

Its all about timing, and, of course, money. PS3 came late to the game, so, it wasn't possible to do parallel development for that platform. It did get GOTY version, which in and of itself, is pretty good. As for the rest of the DLC, I seriously doubt it has anything to do with hardware limitations of the console itself, and far more to do with the cost associated with porting the content to the PS3. Granted, it would be another potential revenue stream, but, at this point, Beth has moved on from Oblivion, and have stated that they simply are not going to do anything else with it. Including not patching game breaking bugs on the consoles. (PC has workarounds/player made fixes)

Don't ever expect to see user made content for beth games on the PS3. Just not gonna happen. Sony won't permit it.
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naome duncan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:44 pm

Sony won't permit it.

Explanation please.

This is not a challenge, it's a request.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:00 pm

I don't have specific details, but content only goes to consoles if the console manufacturer gives the okay and from what I understand Sony is particularly hardcoe about what gets approved. Hence why JRPGs are still about the only things designed specifically for PS3--Western developers generally go Xbox and port to PS3.

PC is open format, but just about everything in the world of consoles is proprietary so you can't just go out and randomly make stuff for it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 am

I don't have specific details

Those are what I'm asking about. I know the broad strokes but thanks all the same.

Query still stands.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

Because Microsoft & Sony are extremely strict on 3rd party content, it cannot modify any games or settings without first being approved and certified by them. They do this because of the "risk" of chipping a device illegally, but by securing the console they block all 3rd party content from touching anything.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:12 am

Does everyone blame Microsoft for having a better system?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 am

Getting a little tired of typing this:

Bethesda stated that porting the house mods and other small plug ins to the ps3 would've been a bad business move and decided against it.
This is what a customer representative told me after I asked the very same question.
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Big mike
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:15 pm

Does everyone blame Microsoft for having a better system?

I wouldn't consider 50% hardware failure a "better system." People just blame them for even making a console in the first place.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 am

It's simply a matter of cost/benefit. The revenue they would earn with the small DLCs would probably not cover the cost of porting them to the PS3.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:51 am

I wouldn't consider 50% hardware failure a "better system."

The failure they fix for free, so if you can't stand waiting a month for a better gaming experience, then the PS3 is for you. But the PS3 has more problems, such as the fact that none of them do all of what they're supposed to (certain consoles don't play certain games). And it's way more expensive then the 360. Don't forget that Sony (last time I checked) doesn't even have a customer support besides a machine telling you to go screw yourself.
These problems Sony doesn't admit to, they smooth it over. Microsoft goes out and says the problems. PC might be better (for people whose computers don't svcketh), but out of consoles, the honesty and entertainment from the Xbox 360 is superior. But yes, Sony's like 25% hardware failure is better than Microsoft's 50%.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

The failure they fix for free, so if you can't stand waiting a month for a better gaming experience, then the PS3 is for you. But the PS3 has more problems, such as the fact that none of them do all of what they're supposed to (certain consoles don't play certain games). And it's way more expensive then the 360. Don't forget that Sony (last time I checked) doesn't even have a customer support besides a machine telling you to go screw yourself.
These problems Sony doesn't admit to, they smooth it over. Microsoft goes out and says the problems. PC might be better (for people whose computers don't svcketh), but out of consoles, the honesty and entertainment from the Xbox 360 is superior. But yes, Sony's like 25% hardware failure is better than Microsoft's 50%.

I don't mean to start a console war, but::lmao:
You crack me up.

On topic:

Yes, Bethesda has had sub par support for PS3, both with Oblivion and Fallout 3. But in Oblivion's case, it was sort of an afterthought and we're lucky we got it at all. There won't be a patch, and PS3 users will just have to live with it. I recently bought Oblivion for my PC, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:50 am

The failure they fix for free, so if you can't stand waiting a month for a better gaming experience, then the PS3 is for you. But the PS3 has more problems, such as the fact that none of them do all of what they're supposed to (certain consoles don't play certain games). And it's way more expensive then the 360. Don't forget that Sony (last time I checked) doesn't even have a customer support besides a machine telling you to go screw yourself.
These problems Sony doesn't admit to, they smooth it over. Microsoft goes out and says the problems. PC might be better (for people whose computers don't svcketh), but out of consoles, the honesty and entertainment from the Xbox 360 is superior. But yes, Sony's like 25% hardware failure is better than Microsoft's 50%.

Again, not to start a console war, but considering that the majority of games are available to both the 360 and PS3, how is it possible to get a better experience out of one moreso than the other? :nuts: Unless you're a major Halo fanatic and/or an extremely obsessive fan, you have to admit that the gaming experience on both consoles is equal. Hear that? Equal. End of potential war.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 am

not sure if it has been stated...

You realise that bethesda could have released oblivion on the ps3 at the same time as the 360 correct?

why they didn't? One simple word... money

Sony enforces additional license fees and such to have games on the ps3.

because of this, bethesda, like most cmopanies, released it on the other systems to get the moola, and afterwards released it on the ps3 for a little extra revenue.

IMO, that's good enough reason not to release additional content on the ps3. License fees are a [censored]
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 am

@gatalis - It also would have helped if the PS3 was released at the game launch. The topic author can blame Sony for not releasing it in time, because of that the PS3 game is a port as opposed to being created in development, so is quite buggy.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

not sure if it has been stated...

You realise that bethesda could have released oblivion on the ps3 at the same time as the 360 correct?

why they didn't? One simple word... money

Sony enforces additional license fees and such to have games on the ps3.

because of this, bethesda, like most cmopanies, released it on the other systems to get the moola, and afterwards released it on the ps3 for a little extra revenue.

IMO, that's good enough reason not to release additional content on the ps3. License fees are a [censored]


Oblivion release date (Xbox and PC) - NA March 20, 2006
EU March 24, 2006
JP July 26th, 2007

PS3 Console hit shelves - November 11 2006.

Would have been difficult for them to release the PS3 version at the same time as the Xbox/PC versions when the PS3 hadn't even been released.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 am

microsoft=ps3? wtf no it doesnt
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 am

Sorry, I forgot about that factor Ddraig and deven

Even so, my point still stands that it would have been a [censored] to release additional content either way because of license fees :P
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Jah Allen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 am

I've played a few games on both consoles (Oblivion being 1), and 360 versions made more sense, and the achievements along with basic non-freezing made 360 seem better. Maybe just played wrong games/wrong console? I've just noticed less major glitches with the 360. More small ones than PS3, but honestly I've played more 360 than PS3. So I'd notice them more.
But I'm in no way a Halo fan. I can't think of a word worse than "hate" that accurately describes my feelings toward Halo. Maybe despise. Loath. No, even those aren't enough. Fable's okay, but definitely not good enough to change my console choice. If Fable was only for Sony, I'd still keep 360. But if I had the PS3, I wouldn't go out and buy an Xbox just for 1 or so games.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:41 am


PS3 users are missing out because Playstation jumped into things too late in the game for them to get DLC ports. They were lucky enough to get a port of Oblivion, KotN, and SI.
As to why they're not going to port now... They are one-and-a-half games past Oblivion. Oblivion is old. They are done with it, and that's that. Does it svck for PS3 users? Certainly. But Bethesda's been clear from the get-go that they're not releasing DLC for the PS3, and with the exception of those who purchased within a fairly narrow time-window, that was something they had available to consider before purchasing. It was a one of the many pros and cons for playing Oblivion on one specific console over another.

When TES:V DLCs start coming out, it's more than likely this problem will not exist.
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KU Fint
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:25 pm

I appreciate Bethesda for taking the time to create a fully PS3 customized port of Oblivion. It looks better and runs smoother than the X360 counterpart. :thumbsup: Too bad the same can't be said about the god awful Fallout 3, which was obviously built for X360 hardware.

Anyway, one thing PS3 owners should have is all the DLC! Damn it, there are many PS3 players who are still hooked to Oblivion! We've done nothing wrong to not deserve all the DLC!
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:38 pm

I do not wish to start a consol war either, so I say, go PC!

Seriously guys, consol manufacturers are locking you in, that's why I will never move away from PC, and anyone who thinks PCs are too pricey should take another look, until consols become more open they can keep them.
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i grind hard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:51 pm

I do not wish to start a consol war either, so I say, go PC!

Seriously guys, consol manufacturers are locking you in, that's why I will never move away from PC, and anyone who thinks PCs are too pricey should take another look, until consols become more open they can keep them.

PCs are expensive. If I could have found a pc for the price of my ps3 that could play the same games, I would have done it. It was unbelievable that I was even able to get a ps3. I am an RPG player and truly am a pc gamer, but I don't have a decent pc. Please, help find me a good gaming pc for anywhere close to $400. It's not that simple. My mom doesn't spend excessive amounts of money on luxuries and I can't find a way to make money.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:49 am

Well you're not missing out much, some horse armour etc. Why get worked up over that.
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