Not a single mod. For some parts i can believe you can create parts of the game because the lack of memory on ps3. But there are more things than horse armor and [censored]. For example smugglers cave, we with ps3 cant gett the [censored] key...
Why shouldn't i just jump to the conclusion that microsoft haven't opened the wallet? isnt it a little strange that you cant come up with a single solution to problems like the one above? The lack of memory makes it impossible to fix this, but yet there is memory to create mods like Shivering Isles.
Its not that the problem is important in that sense that it affects to total gameplay, but still it affects the game in some way...
One more thing that is a problem with ps3 version, its difficult to use bows sometimes because the sensitivity on the aim isnt that good. I asked other ps3 owners about this, and im not the only one. Why isnt this fixable?
Still, great game. But i dont wanna support you when it seems you dont care about ps3, just microsoft's products. And that why i think its easy microsoft (as allways) have payed to gett extra content. easy to jump to that conclusion any way...
Im not surprised if you delete my post, but would be great with some answers so i can understand.... What stops the content to get to ps3 owners?