I was in the shower this morning, deep in though (as always) I suddenly realized that most of my friends are girls. I'm a dude but I only have a few bro friends and they are ones I've known since elementary, but besides them I must have at least a dozen or so best chick friends. I think its due to the fact that I think a lot of guys my age are obnoxious or straight up jerks (no one on these forums though, you're all cool) dont get me wrong, I'm loud and goofy and sometimes annoying but I just find girls to be better friends and I dont know why. I even ditched my old lunch table with a few of my guy friends to sit by my girlfriend and her chick friends, needless to say my friends pulled the old "bros before you-know-what card"

Also before anyone asks I do not paint my nails with them and talk for hours over the phone with them, I'm still a manly-ish man I just hang out with girls more than guys and I'm wondering if anyone else here tends to be better friends with the opposite gender.
Firstly, being a guy who doesn't want a relationship with every girl he gets along with is gonna be a breath of fresh air to about every female friend you make. You may find your current ratio odd, but it's far from bad.
Second, your pals chanting "bros before hoes" don't know what they're saying. Bearing in mind that phrase refers to guy friends over the girl you're in a relationship with, consider this: who would actually prefer you being with male friends instead of a girlfriend? The answer is a lonely guy who's desperate for company, or a virgin who doesn't know why a real friend would actually say "Yo, go hit that". Either way, ask your friend which one he is, and he'll stop saying dumb crap like that middle school mantra.
Ultimately, no one should matter but you. When you gotta decide whom to hang out with, ask yourself who and just go. The only way to be yourself is to forget how to second-guess yourself.