» Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:12 am
Just a fact of life I think, it's like everything, for example when I worked for HMV they had a saying during customer service training "An unhappy customer will tell 20 people, those 20 people will tell another 20 and so on, a really satisfied customer MAY tell 1 person". Same deal here, the minority and I'm sure it's a minority who are unhappy are just louder. Also I would guess that a lot of the people complaining don't hate the game, if they did they wouldn't be playing it.
Some people will have issues of course and I can understand those being unhappy but another proportion of these people would complain no matter what, to quote British comedian Frankie Boyle when he was saying how negative most people are he said "John Logie Baird invented the Television and you know that when people came to congratulate him he would have said 'Yeah but there's feck all on!!!'"
People like to complain, I think the game is superb and I've emailed feedback to Bethesda, I just thought a positive thread on here giving my opinion of how great the game is would have just been hi-jacked by the haters, so I emailed them my thanks for a great game. Maybe others who like it are doing the same.