» Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:45 am
She has died many times over the few weeks I've been playing. Last time was yesterday when a frost atronach hit her by accident (It was Esbern who summoned it) she got rid of the atronach then charged against Esbern (while I was trying to separate them) needless to say Esbern killed Lydia, all this while that wandering guy (the one that could teach you some speech skills) was passing by to what he said something like "That was quite unique".
I killed Esbern in revenge, luckily I had saved just seconds before.
All in all I know Lydia is thick, and annoying when you're in a dungeon, but I quite like her. I have her a dragon scale armor, just like mine, a cool sword and bow. But she keeps changing to that lame Iron shield, although I removed it from her inventory!