» Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:08 am
It's weird with Lydia. I hate the way/tone she says she's "sworn to carry my burdens" no matter what. It's a bit weird that all she does is sit in my room, and eat. Yes, she blocks the way, and doesn't always grasp the notion of "wait here."
Yet... we've travelled. She went from Bodyguard big sister (Especially towering over my Breton woman) to partner to lagging in combat prowess until I was in my mid to late 20s in levels. I'm really attached to her even after her retirement. She's the only NPC I really want to marry just so she can stay close in my home in Solitude.
Yes, she can be annoying, but when you go through so much together, you can overlook that.
Maybe Bethesda can give her more wander-lust when not your companion when they fix her so she can be married. :/
Yeah, she died a few times to my surprise, but I couldn't bear that, so no matter what, I reloaded a save, and battled and battled until she survived.
I kinda fear the point when Jordis has to retire, too. :/
But yeah, most people who're cruel will probably lack sentimentality, heart, or be childlike in their sense of empathy.