Why are people so cruel to Lydia?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:56 am

Lydia died a heroic deathon the peak of Shearpoint after battling a Dragon Priest called Krosis. I buried her remains near the word wall. :sadvaultboy:
Now Elya Frostfire may look for a new companion
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:26 pm

I make fun of her and subject her to all manner of horrors just because of all the people who were initially obsessed with her. Sometimes if I'm about to reload anyway, I'll make sure she dies in some gruesome way first. If possible, once the CK is released, I'm going to add enchantments to her weapons which damage her on use. XD
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:23 am

Let me tell you a story.

I met Lydia as everyone does and she was my first companion. She proceeded to bore the living crap out of me, and just having her around was tedious and uninteresting. After just one dungeon together, I went back to the Breezehome in Whiterun and told her to stay there. Forever. I went on to have several other companions, such as Kharjo and Eola, who were very entertaining and fun and interesting. Then, after playing Skyrim for about a solid week, I returned to the forums and read around. And, for some odd reason, Lydia was EXTREMELY POPULAR. Popular to the point that people seemed to only consider her as a companion, and she was talked about specifically EVERY DAY and always used as the example for a companion--sometimes mentioned in a way as though she was the only possible companion. It was obnoxious.

I returned to Breezehome on that day. I hacked Lydia's head off with my two-handed Daedric axe, enchanted with Soul Trap, and aptly named The Daedric Soulflayer. Not only was Lydia dead, but her soul was now trapped in my Black Soul Gem, and she would never know Sovngarde.

Why was I so cruel? Because of you, lover of Lydia. Because of you.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:49 am

I like lydia. She is a good woman. If you get any follower they are all the same. Lydia is hotter than all of them. She will help you out. People like to walk all over her because she seems that way, but she's a good person in sprites lol.

I treat her well because she treats me well. It's my gain i guess lol.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:57 am

Haha on my first playthrough I was nooby and she sneaked up on me in a bandit camp, so I killed her... Second playthrough she got eaten by a dragon, third ,. Was abit weird, she got desintigrated by a powerfull undead mage... Ugh and then she became a zombie
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:03 am

She is the new adoring fan o.o no it cant be x)

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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:51 am

I love Lydia but that is probably just me as i loved Wynne from Dragon Age Origins hating "the Morrigan" with something akin to fanaticism. I have only used her so far and have given her some new weapons and armor so she is not to bad with some equipment upgrades. I think in general the AI is a bit wonky which makes her seem a bit unweildy, but i have figured out how to use her to assist my character which is a pure mage class, ( i wear elven armor i made but i use NO weapons not even staves and am content to stick with pure spells for my DPS). Alot of it is setup, i can not just run into a room and expect to live so i "pull" to a point where i have Lydia waiting usually allowing her to engage the enemies. I then either blast them while they attack her or i stand back and heal her during the fight (i have an outragious resto score) in either case other than having a bit more control ( i would like to be able to control follower much like I can a follower in Dragon Age) the companions while not entirely functional are still a feature in the game i would miss if not included. As this is just my first run still working out the details on the game my only complaint is that followers have a tendancy to bunch up behind in some of the narrower passages preventing me from moving around freely, i would hope that a mod or the developer will fix/create this with a patch/mod that would allow me to slip past a follower easier than at current.

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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:10 pm

Though seriously, I think the solution Bethesda should put is to let you dismiss someone as a housecarl. That way she can go on with her life freely without having to carry your burden, and you don't have to kill her
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:42 am

That's true, kobykoby.

I've tried to get Iona killed for the last 10 levels, but she survives one dragon after the other, even frost trolls, hags and spriggans. Now we're soon going to have so many experiences together that it'll be too late to get rid of her... :toughninja:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:13 am

I love Lydia but that is probably just me as i loved Wynne from Dragon Age Origins hating "the Morrigan" with something akin to fanaticism. I have only used her so far and have given her some new weapons and armor so she is not to bad with some equipment upgrades. I think in general the AI is a bit wonky which makes her seem a bit unweildy, but i have figured out how to use her to assist my character which is a pure mage class, ( i wear elven armor i made but i use NO weapons not even staves and am content to stick with pure spells for my DPS). Alot of it is setup, i can not just run into a room and expect to live so i "pull" to a point where i have Lydia waiting usually allowing her to engage the enemies. I then either blast them while they attack her or i stand back and heal her during the fight (i have an outragious resto score) in either case other than having a bit more control ( i would like to be able to control follower much like I can a follower in Dragon Age) the companions while not entirely functional are still a feature in the game i would miss if not included. As this is just my first run still working out the details on the game my only complaint is that followers have a tendancy to bunch up behind in some of the narrower passages preventing me from moving around freely, i would hope that a mod or the developer will fix/create this with a patch/mod that would allow me to slip past a follower easier than at current.


yeah i agree
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:38 am

Personally I killed her off because she was always sitting around in my bedroom, eating. She has her own damn room, use it or die I say.
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u gone see
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:37 am

I had Lydia acommpany me on many occasions and I even console resurrected her a number of times or re-ran a fight so she could survive. She did annoy me though especially when she would just charge into battle and ruin my sneaking. She died however on the road out of Winterhold and for some reason I chose not to resurrect her this time. I did feel kinda sad which took me by surpise because I thougth I hated her but I now feel better the devil you know. Anyhow I dragged her body to the side of the road and laid her out respectfully with her sword and shield alongside her. I even paid my respects in a temple later that night. Damn I miss her now!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:29 pm

Personally I killed her off because she was always sitting around in my bedroom, eating. She has her own damn room, use it or die I say.

yeah she eats a lot I remember before I had a house whenever I went to pick her up from Dragonsreach she was ALWAYS eating at the dinner table
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:40 pm

I love her. I just hate that she cops an attitude when I try to overload her with dozens of pounds of dragon remains. I'm currently using Faendal, who's well behaved in that regard, but thrre's no...love. No feeling. Lydia is back home in her bedroom. I don't know what she does. Apparently, y'all's eat. Mine stands in her bedroom, staring at the walls. Just her, a bed, and a piece of cheese.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:22 am

One time I dismissed her and she said "I'll be home if you need me".

Later on I went to my house in Whiterun with my newly met Uthgerd. We had some fun and hard drinks in the local inn so we were a bit tired.

Suddently I hear about this cracking noise upstairs. I unsheathed my axe in hand, Uthgerd with her mighty blade, tiped with pint wrecking the kitchen ware, plate and food flying and all. I run upstairs in search of a villain and there she is. In my master bedroom sitting up and down in the damn chair.

Gets up.
Gets up.

Me and Uthgerd look at one another (like What in Oblivion mate!) sheath sword and axe. Then Lydia says "Need something"? OH hello! Now get out of my house!
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:10 pm

Ugh she spends all her time in my bedroom. GTFO [censored]! You have your own room, eat your food in there!

I have that same problem. We go separated when I went through my companion joining; hired Stendvar and we've been travelling. Finally got back to windrun and she was in Breezehome, in my room, stuffing her face on my food. Now, it wouldn't bother me if I was married to her but she's my lackey; my evil minion. Her butt needs to be in the other room. It's really annoying!
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:08 am

It's weird with Lydia. I hate the way/tone she says she's "sworn to carry my burdens" no matter what. It's a bit weird that all she does is sit in my room, and eat. Yes, she blocks the way, and doesn't always grasp the notion of "wait here."

Yet... we've travelled. She went from Bodyguard big sister (Especially towering over my Breton woman) to partner to lagging in combat prowess until I was in my mid to late 20s in levels. I'm really attached to her even after her retirement. She's the only NPC I really want to marry just so she can stay close in my home in Solitude.

Yes, she can be annoying, but when you go through so much together, you can overlook that.

Maybe Bethesda can give her more wander-lust when not your companion when they fix her so she can be married. :/

Yeah, she died a few times to my surprise, but I couldn't bear that, so no matter what, I reloaded a save, and battled and battled until she survived.

I kinda fear the point when Jordis has to retire, too. :/

But yeah, most people who're cruel will probably lack sentimentality, heart, or be childlike in their sense of empathy.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:52 am

well if you don't like her then just DONT TAkE HER AS A FOLLOWER!! its completely optional to take her. But if you do, then please TREAT HER WITH RESPECT!

No, she's a *****.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:04 pm

Lydia is a lot like Kelsey in Fallout 3 and FNV. If you haven't noticed she gets impatient and bored most times. You can hear her yawn. However, she's good in a fight and if you give her staffs she will dual wield them; with an attitude. :toughninja:

(I only with that Bethesda would fix it on the PC, so she can be married, rather than using the cheat code; (or the mod that just came out.) Not that the marrying option is anything special or meaningful mind you. It is rather childish, in fact. I want something like what DA:O has.)
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Matt Bee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:17 am

She's like my personal [censored], not only does she fight for me but when she goes missing I know she's going to be sat right by my bed in Whiterun ;-).
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:56 am

When she says "I'm sworn to carry your burdens", there is a hint of sarcasm mixed with the obvious annoyance.

I gave Lydia legendary Orcish armor and when I got my Skyforge War Axe, she got my Legendary Ebony War axe and a legendary dwarven bow. Now she is a wrecking machine. Before she was a little extra dps, now she finishes almost as many mobs as I do.

What I find funny is when she sas "Euoooohhhh!" when you bump into her.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:43 am

why is Lydia so popular?
i got Mjoll the Lioness she is my companion and wife :)

She's even worse. I think I put up with her infinite yapping loops for about an hour. When she started telling me her life story as I was talking to Jarl Ulfric - I sent her packing. At least Lydia is mostly quiet, except when you've just exited a cave or dungeon, bags full of loot; then she'll wonder what's inside after you just spent one hour scouring through it.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:24 am

someone over at nexus should do a "If you take Lydia as a wife, she can get fat from eating all your bread and sitting on her ass in your room all day" mod. Like to see her keep up then!
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:05 pm

I always.. ALWAYS
sacrifice her to Boethia. It feels so good to slash her and then take the lifeless body and throw it down the mountain.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:22 pm

The only female I want living in my house is me, I do not want her around my constantly drunk husband.
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