Brink only has 8 maps!!!
- These eight maps are large and a few of them are broken up into a few sections.
There's only TWO gametypes!!!
- Yes, but in each given match you are given upwards of four tasks to accomplish. Capture the flag: Check, Escort: Check, Search and Destroy: Check. So there isn't a TDM. Is that really all we are basing this argument on?
Yeah but it's the same maps EVERYTIME!!!
- I don't know if anyone has noticed but when the hell do the maps ever change in any other FPS? Check out the heat maps on any given map in Halo or CoD. Sure looks like people go to the same areas over and over again huh?
-- Escort missions turn into duds because nobody freaking FLANKS THE ENEMY. They just keep TDMing it up over and over in the same little area. In aquarium on the ramp I rarely ever see anyone go the back way and come around and surprise the guys on top of the stairs. Nope, they just keep running up the LONG ASS EXPOSED WALKWAY. Two groups of four pinching a group of eight wins every single time. Here's a thought, everyone should die and attack all at once Instead of spawning across three different waves and running out there. These maps play out the same way because people keep playing them the same way. Flank the enemy and wipe the out. Grenade flush and pinch THEN rez the damn escort. The CTF portions always have at least two different routes. I've seen people utilize the non main route 1/10 times. No wonder they die. BOOHOO ENGINEERS HAVE TURRETS AND MINES... Have you seen what frags do to turrets? And it's not the game's fault that your operative on the team is too busy shooting people instead of doing recon and spotting the mines and the MEDICS SO YOU KNOW WHICH ONES TO KILL.
Only 20 levels!!!
- Wow. Do we really freaking need levels in an online game. Freaking CoD did this. Every single game didn't need useless unlocks until that damn game. When it first started in MW it was innovative and unique and if you don't recall didn't really take very long to max. Now its a completely vapid process (along with regenerating to full health). I'm a [censored] navy seal and I can't have access to all the weapons and abilities because I haven't dumped 20 hours into getting destroyed by people who do have access to it?? Yeah freaking right. Even Crysis needed to have levels and ranks galore. It makes NO [censored] SENSE. I'm a [censored] navy seal mega marine and they found me qualified enough to wear an experimental super cloaking armor suit but screw me sideways I can't figure out how to use this new assault rifle until level 22!! Give me a break. Splash damage made it easy to unlock the weapons and attachments on purpose. These conventions are in the game but they aren't the whole game. Each rank adds a new layer upon the game and at rank five it's a whole new ballgame. That's when Brink actually starts. So what if you made it there in eight hours. Congrats, you just beat the tutorial.
I know SD overpromised on the single player. It's just the multiplayer with bots. But to say the multiplayer is lacking in content is like saying the board game RISK is lacking in content simply because it's the same board with the same pieces over and over.
Am I missing something here?