Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:10 pm

Yeah, except that you could've said that about Crysis 1. Aside from the aliens being basically gelatinous fish and their machines being float-y and blue, Crysis didn't do anything that was even remotely original, story-wise.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:59 pm

Yeah, except that you could've said that about Crysis 1. Aside from the aliens being basically gelatinous fish and their machines being float-y and blue, Crysis didn't do anything that was even remotely original, story-wise.

That is not true at all. Crysis was able to implement combat with humans and aliens combined better than any game yet. The presence of the North Koreans and why they were there, and also the aliens themselves were all very unique ideas. They took aliens and fit them into the story in a way that felt very realistic and unique. When I played crysis I felt like if that **** ever happened, It would go down exactly like that. Maybe there weren't a million goofy ideas and details, but the realism made it great and intense. Crysis 2 will continue great story telling I believe.
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jess hughes
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 am

Wow. I thought this thread was dead.

Here's the conclusion I've come to after reading every single post.

To those who feel that Crytek is catering to the console crowd and are abandoning the PC community, I couldn't disagree more. Why do you ask? Because I strictly play the PC, and yet, I want to play C2. So why do I want to play it then? Or am I the only one?

As I said, I never played C1, and furthermore, I've not played COD neither. With that said, I can tell from the youtube videos, the one's that have commentary, that the majority of the 360 users are quite liking what they are playing. I automatically discard the ones that immediately compare C2 to COD. "Compare", not "contrast". To me, there is no comparison. But I digress, the C2 vs COD discussion should have an entire thread altogether.

I can count on one hand how many of those who posted built this thread up to 11 pages.

Unfortunately, they did not create C2 exclusively for the C1 community, and hypothetically if they did and there was no C2 for Xbox and PS3, what would YOU have changed AND improved about it?

As a fanboi, my answer would be, "nothing". Just give us more content for SP, but don't change multiplayer.

Fair enough. And as a non-C1 player, I have no idea if there's anything that could have been changed about it to make a better MP experience for C2, BUT... I refuse to to be complacent because of fear of change, and I certainly don't blame the non-pc community. Looks to me as if they had fun. Good for them. And please don't say that, we, as a pc community, simply are accustomed to having higher standards.

The standard we all share is having a fun a game to play.

The fact that a handful of you are predicting C2's downfall based on how Tungle is performing, is quite silly. Your basically attempting to point out to the community, that if C1 was released in the condition C2 is in its present state, it would have been dead in the water... because YOU don't like what you see. Talk about a fragile epeen.

In fairness, I'd also like to say that, I understand where a lot of you are coming from, particularly the ones who feel that Crytek has disgraced them. Back in the day I had a similar experience when a sequel came out, killing the original masterpiece.

So maybe the Crysis multiplay is a somewhat different beast now. Different does not translate into bad, and fortunately for me, if I don't like C2 when it goes live, I seriously doubt I would have liked C1 any better.

Thanks for the feedback :P
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jess hughes
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:02 am

Yeah, except that you could've said that about Crysis 1. Aside from the aliens being basically gelatinous fish and their machines being float-y and blue, Crysis didn't do anything that was even remotely original, story-wise.

I have to slightly disagree with this also. While there was plenty in the story-telling that was like other games before it, the one thing Crysis 1 did that really got me hooked was the fact that you never learn about the aliens by the time it's over.

You never learn how or why they are there in the first place and you never learn what their intentions are. The best you can do is speculate. And that story-telling tactic, no matter if it's used in books, movies or games, tends to make people think, "If they didn't just come right out and say what is going on with the aliens, then it must either be really cool or really unique."

However, I never end up satisfied with what the writer(s) come up with for whatever the work of fiction is, so thusfar I have not had my mind blown when the explanation comes.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:45 am

The first Crysis was EPIC,pure EPICNESS.THe multiplayer was good for a while,untill the hackers came and singlehandedly destroyed it.The gameplay was hardcoe,I mean hardcoe.Power Struggle was absolutely brutal,you need to be aware of the environment,blink and your ass was going to be plastered to the nearest wall.There was a lot of vehicle spamming but still it was fun for a little time.

Crysis 2 SP looks amazing,there is no worry there.The MP also looks nice.All those people who say its a COD clone are talking out of their pink assess.They are judging a game without playing it.The 6v6 or 8v8 gameplay is fine by the way.Less players with a lot of tactical gameplay:)

Its sad how a lot of people here are hating Crysis 2,well its there loss.Do you think Crytek is going to worry about a few thousand people who whine about little things like lack of strafe jumping etc while a million people are praisng them for what they have done in Crysis 2(PC and console gamers alike).Enjoy the PC demo when it releases,and then comment about the gameplay.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:46 pm

I have to slightly disagree with this also. While there was plenty in the story-telling that was like other games before it, the one thing Crysis 1 did that really got me hooked was the fact that you never learn about the aliens by the time it's over.

You never learn how or why they are there in the first place and you never learn what their intentions are. The best you can do is speculate. And that story-telling tactic, no matter if it's used in books, movies or games, tends to make people think, "If they didn't just come right out and say what is going on with the aliens, then it must either be really cool or really unique."

You know what other game did that?
Half-life. And to be honest, it's getting rather tiresome, I've been waiting for 3 games to see wtf the Combine and G-Man actually are and want.
My point still stands. I didn't say it's bad, just that it lacked originality.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:31 pm

So basically you hated Crysis 1 (or are a console gamer and have no goddamn idea what it's even like to play it). That doesn't mean it was a broken, **** game.
NO! I do not hate crysis 1!
Dont lay words in my mouth i didnt spoke!

Stfu idiot. Here you come insulting everyone and expect everyone to keep quiet. Just get the **** out and do not come back here again. You are not welcome here, and no one will be even mildly upset to see you die.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:22 am

Always the same argument... Just don't.... Just...

Look, compared to the Singleplayer, the Multiplayer was maybe played of good 2/4 of persons who actually have the game, 1/4 who pirated it, and the last quarter just thinks the Multiplayer is really really bad. And then, taking these numbers to the total sales, we can see, that the community, who played that game, was really really small, compared to other games at that time. And I don't think you, as the leader of a developer company, wouldn't notice, or even ignore the fact, that they "wasted" money, regarding the expected sales. How much work they put into the Singleplayer can be seen by the community. ALL people who played it are loving it. The Graphics, the Sound, the Atmosphere, the Gameplay. Everything was just perfect! And for that, they made this sheme: They wanted Multiplayer in the game, but still, their focus was lying on the Singleplayer, so that not they didn't work the Multiplayer out well. It' was really unfinished, inbalanced and it made some people (like me) only a ver very little fun, but not that much, that we'd say "Oh, let's play a few rounds Crysis Multiplayer". Then, the Crytek Studio at Budapest worked on Crysis: Warhead, and for Crytek not to leave the people, who played the MP of the first game, they made Wars simultaneously. It was a bit more worked out, a lot of bugs were fixed, new maps were made and Team Deathmatch was included. BUT, the inbalance issues were STILL there. That's the point why Crysis Wars can s**k my b***s. Sorry to say it this way, but if they'd fixed the following points, that game would be awesome!

1. SCAR + Laser = no recoil, best accuracy (better as Sniper Rifle), best DPS = O motherf**king P
2. Circle, and Strafe Jump. They should had find a way to get these things out of that game
3. VTOL Bunker Camping. OP
4. Armor mode beeing useless. It may takes up to 2 shots, but thats it.
5. Damage of Explosives are too low
6. Melee is useless unless strength (Fister... I hate them!)
7. Toggle ADS slows down the gameplay
8. Energy regeneration is SLOW AS HELL! Makes suit modes (and with that, combat techniques) useless in certain situations
9. Cloak is (against "pro" gamers) useless
10. Shotgun is useless, because of it's low damage
11. Prone makes people lie down IMMIDEATELY after they saw you = noobtechnique

That are 11 points for me, not to play the game. And they will stay like that. Crysis 2 has the goal, to reach more, much more people, instead of only the old community. The fate of Crysis depends on Crysis 2's sales, and when it would've been PC exclusive (and all the things you critizise), Crysis would disappear. Crytek would disappear. GOOD GAMES would dissapear, but some people are just TOO ignorant, to think of other but themselves.

Some things mentioned here are DESIGN DECISIONS! For the LAST! FREAKING! TIME!!! Sorry for this Cpt. Capslock but this point got sorted out so many times, but still people don't understand ****, until it's been written in gold with the blood of Chuck Norris (We all know, he has none)
8vs.8 is a design decision, made to remove vehicle inbalance, add more close quarter combat, and enhance the teamplay. If it would be, because of consoles, M.A.G. wouldn't hold 254 Players IN THE SAME SERVER. Remind, it's a PS3 Exclusive.

This argument lasts way too long. If you don't like it, say it once, and then get out. Don't waste your time, but spend more time playing Crysis Wars, and be happy. Because of you, normally nice and friendly people go berserk, because they just can't take the flaming anymore.

Inb4 someone starts to flame me, I'm no console gamer. I play PC, own Crysis, Crysis Warhead and Wars, and I have played them for about 2 years now.

First of all, SCAR was far from being Overpowered. If you really did play for 2 years (which I think is ****) then you would know that the FY17 + laser + silencer is overpowered, because its damage output is far superior to that of the scar. Shotgun is for close range. There are two types of ammo for the shotgun. The default one has splash damage, which at close range does insane damage. The other type one shots people straight up to like 15m. There is nothing wrong with the dropshot or suit energy. The old suit still remains far superior to the noobsuit 2. Circle jumping was not taken out because people enjoyed using these techniques. Just because you couldn't be arsed to learn and reap the benefits of such a technique, does not mean that it should be taken out. You whine too much.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:23 am

I don't think the game is going to be as good as the original. I played a few levels on a mates PC and it feels NOTHING like Crysis.

-The game feels a bit like COD tbh.
-The game's graphics don't look as good as the original(This may change with the addition of DX11)
-The game is all scripted and no longer open world(Only in certain places are there choices of how to attack and the game tells you when you reach one of these areas)
-The games lighting looks like Black Ops, it shines in your face and takes up the whole screen. Even looking at fire creates lens glare which imo is VERY annoying.
-The gun is all up in your face, my theory behind this is because the FOV has been reduced to increase frame-rate. A trend seen in CONSOLE GAMES. Like in Halo 3, COD and many other FPS's.
-6 vs 6 MP svcks, Wii games have 6 vs 6.
-NO UN-SCRIPTED DESTRUCTION. This is the thing that REALLY got me, not even tree's branches break off anymore. They aren't even physical objects anymore. (The player moves through leaves and the vegetation just stays where it is, it doesn't move according to the player brushing up against it.) EVERYONE loved the tree breaking in Crysis, why they decided to remove it is beyond my comprehension.
-Boring static sky. The original had a beautiful sky with volumetric(3D) clouds that would move as the wind blew them. Not anymore...
-Nanosuit 2 is INFERIOR to NS1. Speed and strength have been removed. Strength has been replaced by a super jump and speed is just GONE.
You can sprint but it is just like a normal person sprint speed AND uses energy. Armour now uses energy whilst it is being used and not just when you get shot which svcks.
-Armour and Cloak are now assigned to Q and E which means the removal of LEAN. (Control simplification for the Xbox controller I presume) The only time you can lean is by using a weird cover system that I like to use but doesn't work on all walls in game. Prone has also been removed(Ughhh... BFBC2 all over again) And the binoc's have been simplified.

Through these technical "Issues" I am still buying the game. I can only hope that things get changed before release.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:58 am

I have to slightly disagree with this also. While there was plenty in the story-telling that was like other games before it, the one thing Crysis 1 did that really got me hooked was the fact that you never learn about the aliens by the time it's over.

You never learn how or why they are there in the first place and you never learn what their intentions are. The best you can do is speculate. And that story-telling tactic, no matter if it's used in books, movies or games, tends to make people think, "If they didn't just come right out and say what is going on with the aliens, then it must either be really cool or really unique."

You know what other game did that?
Half-life. And to be honest, it's getting rather tiresome, I've been waiting for 3 games to see wtf the Combine and G-Man actually are and want.
My point still stands. I didn't say it's bad, just that it lacked originality.

But answer this Question:Is your anticipation greater in any other game to see what has happened?Half life 2 was so fun and well made with beautifull pacing .That is why many games copied its elements but never surpassed it
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:51 pm


So you played the leak. If I’m correct that uses Xbox settings (at least, no high settings)
Now go install Crysis 1 again and play it at low or medium settings. You will notice that all the graphical /physic details you referred to (with exception of breaking tree's) are the same. So its save to say they will be in Crysis 2 (high settings on PC) and I’ve seen video's showing breaking tree's so that will also be in.

What I really hope to see with high resolution are these destructible buildings as seen in these video's:



That would be totally awesome and Crysis 2 worthy.

The thing with the PC-graphics is.. Everybody is complaining and looking at their arguments it looks like they have a point (see this for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WJG14uLA3k ). However, nobody really saw any high-end PC-material and the minimum requirements are higher as those for Crysis 1 so that’s why I still have high hopes for the demo / game.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:05 am

No. I have played the leak also, and I play Crisis Wars at medium. Crysis 2 is nowhere near the capabilities of Wars at medium. Its console ****. You don't see tree's break or vegetation move like they do in Wars. There have been a lot of posts already that show exactly what is wrong with C2 compared to C1 and Wars. The difference is HUGE. Crytek lied to us. They have sold us out. This is nothing but a console port, what you are going to play Tuesday has already been dumped by us leak players. The only people who are going to buy this for PC are those who like console ports. Real gamers who play Wars and simulations aren't going to touch it. It was made for 8 year olds with 10 minute attention spans.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:04 pm

No. I have played the leak also, and I play Crisis Wars at medium. Crysis 2 is nowhere near the capabilities of Wars at medium. Its console ****. You don't see tree's break or vegetation move like they do in Wars. There have been a lot of posts already that show exactly what is wrong with C2 compared to C1 and Wars. The difference is HUGE. Crytek lied to us. They have sold us out. This is nothing but a console port, what you are going to play Tuesday has already been dumped by us leak players. The only people who are going to buy this for PC are those who like console ports. Real gamers who play Wars and simulations aren't going to touch it. It was made for 8 year olds with 10 minute attention spans.

You abandoned Crytek, why the hell should they care about you? You played a pirated beta and based your purchase decision on that, instead of deciding to wait for the finished PC demo. Real PC gamers support the companies that make our games, so gtfo, and stop staining the rep of PC gamers.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:33 am

Real PC gamers don't support companies that **** them. So **** you, console baby.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:54 pm

Real PC gamers don't support companies that **** them. So **** you, console baby.

Are you completely retarded? Real PC gamers reserve judgment for an official demo, or official gameplay video, instead of basing their only opinion off something they were never supposed to play to begin with. Then they make what we like to call an intelligent, rational decision, instead of being a 12 year old who shoplifted the wrong damn candy.

If I don't like the demo, I won't buy the game. But if I played something that was never supposed to reach my hands, I would be smart enough not to base my entire life off it. That makes you presumptious, as well as stupid.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:12 am

I'm pretty sure that most Crysis fans aren't judging the game by its graphics or its AI or its bugs or its in-game destruction. Those are things that will change before the final release. What won't change is that the game was made for consoles. Think about the move from jungle to city (less geometry to render). The nanosuit is now fat, slow and easy for game pads to aim at. Crytek boasts "more focus on story," but that only means that they're going to put three walls around you so you can only go one way (less geometry to render, smaller maps). They nerfed the suit modes and got rid of the strafe jump. These are what's being judged. These are things that are NOT going to change.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:10 am

First of all, SCAR was far from being Overpowered. If you really did play for 2 years (which I think is ****) then you would know that the FY17 + laser + silencer is overpowered, because its damage output is far superior to that of the scar. Shotgun is for close range. There are two types of ammo for the shotgun. The default one has splash damage, which at close range does insane damage. The other type one shots people straight up to like 15m. There is nothing wrong with the dropshot or suit energy. The old suit still remains far superior to the noobsuit 2. Circle jumping was not taken out because people enjoyed using these techniques. Just because you couldn't be arsed to learn and reap the benefits of such a technique, does not mean that it should be taken out. You whine too much.
Yes, I've got the Crysis Maximum Edition since 2009. I've got a bill to prove it.

The SCAR beeing overpowered means, it's just the perfect weapon for EVERY situation. Melee, close quarter, long range, mid range and everything in between the SCAR can handle with several shots. God, people sprayed it instead of pressing the melee button when en enemy is about an inch away from them. It's the most used weapon in PS because people can't play with other guns. In those "awesome" fragvideos you can see, that most of the kills are made with the Scar, when real skill kills like with the pistol are so rare, that people forget, that there even is one. And btw, FY17 with Silencer? Yeah, the silencers damage drop is really overpowered. And for the Shotgun, it's built to do RANGED COMBAT! What the hell? Who get's the idea doing sniping with a shotgun? Everytime I pick a shotgun up, it's set to Sniping ammo. I always have to change that, and mostly I get killed while switching the goddamn firemode. Still, the energy regeneration is really slow. You cant say, now im getting in cover with no energy, waiting for it to regenerate and then get out of here with cloak. Try that, and then say you made it. Cloak still is useless. I can circle jump, but some people are exploiting this "ability" wich makes the game feel like a bug concert, or the people were cheating. It's usefull at certain points but... what the hell?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:32 am

I'm pretty sure that most Crysis fans aren't judging the game by its graphics or its AI or its bugs or its in-game destruction. Those are things that will change before the final release. What won't change is that the game was made for consoles. Think about the move from jungle to city (less geometry to render). The nanosuit is now fat, slow and easy for game pads to aim at. Crytek boasts "more focus on story," but that only means that they're going to put three walls around you so you can only go one way (less geometry to render, smaller maps). They nerfed the suit modes and got rid of the strafe jump. These are what's being judged. These are things that are NOT going to change.

Bingo! But yeah, we are judging on graphics as well, and they are no where near as good as C1 or Wars. And I would say AI is much less capable than C1, at least in MP. Singleplayer seems a little better, but not great. Destruction, besides breaking glass, seems to be non-existent, not even tree limbs breaking. As for the rest, the game is a total XBox port.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:42 am

You ever tried to shoot down a tree with a low caliber rifle? It takes a LOT more than C1 let you do it in.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:43 pm

I'm pretty sure that most Crysis fans aren't judging the game by its graphics or its AI or its bugs or its in-game destruction. Those are things that will change before the final release. What won't change is that the game was made for consoles. Think about the move from jungle to city (less geometry to render). The nanosuit is now fat, slow and easy for game pads to aim at. Crytek boasts "more focus on story," but that only means that they're going to put three walls around you so you can only go one way (less geometry to render, smaller maps). They nerfed the suit modes and got rid of the strafe jump. These are what's being judged. These are things that are NOT going to change.

Bingo! But yeah, we are judging on graphics as well, and they are no where near as good as C1 or Wars. And I would say AI is much less capable than C1, at least in MP. Singleplayer seems a little better, but not great. Destruction, besides breaking glass, seems to be non-existent, not even tree limbs breaking. As for the rest, the game is a total XBox port.

Oh, and @ nameless, cloak is not useless in Wars MP. You just have to be careful and keep to the shadows. Running across sunlit tarmac is a dead giveaway. Your shadow will show like crazy.
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:19 am

So you're basing your judgments of the graphics on an unfinished leaked version? You haven't even waited for the PC demo, which is going to be more representative of the finished product.

No. I have played the leak also, and I play Crisis Wars at medium. Crysis 2 is nowhere near the capabilities of Wars at medium. Its console ****. You don't see tree's break or vegetation move like they do in Wars. There have been a lot of posts already that show exactly what is wrong with C2 compared to C1 and Wars. The difference is HUGE. Crytek lied to us. They have sold us out. This is nothing but a console port, what you are going to play Tuesday has already been dumped by us leak players. The only people who are going to buy this for PC are those who like console ports. Real gamers who play Wars and simulations aren't going to touch it. It was made for 8 year olds with 10 minute attention spans.

A PC gamer pirates their game, and then has the nerve to complain about Crytek. So ironic and pathetic. I would've loved if someone just tacked on a virus with that leaked beta. Anyone who downloads it just ruins the reputation of the entire PC gaming community, and you wonder why Crytek doesn't want to stick with only the PC.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 am

You want to talk about ironic and pathetic? That would be Crytek, not giving us even A SINGLE PIC of the PC version yet. Yet there have been TWO DEMO!s of the XBox. Can you say married to M$? And you know whats even more pathetic? Console baby fanboys who come in to our forums and totally kiss their ass! So shove it you little ****! If your lucky, and let Crytek shove it up your ass REAL HARD, maybe they'll let you buy their game!
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:33 am

You want to talk about ironic and pathetic? That would be Crytek, not giving us even A SINGLE PIC of the PC version yet. Yet there have been TWO DEMO!s of the XBox. Can you say married to M$? And you know whats even more pathetic? Console baby fanboys who come in to our forums and totally kiss their ass! So shove it you little ****! If your lucky, and let Crytek shove it up your ass REAL HARD, maybe they'll let you buy their game!

I notice you assume anybody who thinks you're scum for this is a console gamer. I play exclusively on PC. Newest console I own is a PS2, and that's in storage.

There's probably quite a few PC gamers who recognize that idiots like you are the REASON companies like Crytek go multi-platform, to ensure their profits.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:17 am

And the people like me will be part of the reason they die. Three years of straight out lies and deception is pretty bad. We won't forget it, Crytek.

The other reason will be console kiddies who will play this game for about a month and move on. In half a year, I doubt if anyone is going to be talking about C2. This is just another episode of OFP2:Dragon Rising. Anyone remember that game? Somewhat? Maybe? Hyped to hell and DOA.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:32 pm

And the people like me will be part of the reason they die. Three years of straight out lies and deception is pretty bad. We won't forget it, Crytek.

The other reason will be console kiddies who will play this game for about a month and move on. In half a year, I doubt if anyone is going to be talking about C2. This is just another episode of OFP2:Dragon Rising. Anyone remember that game? Somewhat? Maybe? Hyped to hell and DOA.

People like you won't kill off the good companies. They'll migrate. You'll just run out of games to steal, and keep blaming the companies, instead of ever admitting you should have bought products legally. Meantime, you'll be stuck playing pure console games and have nobody to blame but yourself.
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