Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:41 pm

Hmm, kind of like they try to blame us when they go against their customer base, and produce a **** console port. Do you really buy into their lies?
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John N
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:28 pm

Hmm, kind of like they try to blame us when they go against their customer base, and produce a **** console port. Do you really buy into their lies?

Their customer base? You aren't PART of their customer base, you pathetic little weasel. You're the online equivalent of a kid shoplifting at Hot Topic. You whine about having to steal it, because nobody loves you.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:36 pm

I've never played the first Crysis, but C2 looks amazing and from watching the youtube videos of both, I don't really get what there is not to like about the sequel.

Just some posts I read that didn't really go into details, so I thought I'd ask.

okay, here is my personal thoughts on crysis 2

1: multiplayer, the powerstruggle in crysis 1 was epic, it was basically battlefield with more depth to it, the objective of the game was to nuke the other teams base, you did so by capturing a research center and buy a nuclear warhead (in tank form or as a launcher) But to get these stuff you needed to capture energy sites that provided the necessary energy to obtain the nuke, the more energy sites you held the faster you got the nuke. but theres other points to capture, like the factory, that provided the user with heavy weaponry, like tanks and such.
There was also a ingame ranking system, not like cod, after every match your rank was rested, the higher rank you had, the more money you spawned with, with the money you could buy weapons, weapon addons, helis and tanks, and most importantly the nuke

It was epic, and unlike any other multiplayer experience i've ever had.

2: The nanosuit. The original nanosuit had four powers, strength, speed, cloak and armor.
Armor worked as the standard mode, it gave you that extra health boost, and unlike in crysis 2 when you had it equipped, it didn't drain your suit energy. You had to sacrefice that extra health boost to activate any of the other 3 powers. Now the powers are dumbed down, speed is just basically sprint, just that it drains from your armor power, strength is barely there either, it activates briefly when you punch and when you hold the jump button for a few extra seconds.

There is some other stuff that I dislike about it, but I am to lazy to write it all out, like it would make a difference when the game is this close to launch...
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:09 am

I have to slightly disagree with this also. While there was plenty in the story-telling that was like other games before it, the one thing Crysis 1 did that really got me hooked was the fact that you never learn about the aliens by the time it's over.

You never learn how or why they are there in the first place and you never learn what their intentions are. The best you can do is speculate. And that story-telling tactic, no matter if it's used in books, movies or games, tends to make people think, "If they didn't just come right out and say what is going on with the aliens, then it must either be really cool or really unique."

You know what other game did that?
Half-life. And to be honest, it's getting rather tiresome, I've been waiting for 3 games to see wtf the Combine and G-Man actually are and want.
My point still stands. I didn't say it's bad, just that it lacked originality.

I disagree. With Half-Life it was obviously an alien invasion. It's true, you didn't know if they were actually going to invade in the traditional sense or if they were just retaliating for all the guys humans sent into their world poking around where they weren't wanted.

In Crysis you have an alien species (or maybe they actually originated on earth) that was there millions of years before man. Maybe they were just here collecting resources because their species outgrew their homeworld like we did in the Dead Space games, maybe they were refugees looking for a new place to live due to war. If that is the case their violence could be due to the fact that they felt threatened by the humans on the island and defended themselves. Or they could just be there for all out world domination.

You have your opinion and I have mine. I feel mine still stands. Although similar, the degree of not knowing what is going on with the aliens is not the same in Crysis 1 and Half-Life.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:31 am

2: The nanosuit. The original nanosuit had four powers, strength, speed, cloak and armor.
Armor worked as the standard mode, it gave you that extra health boost, and unlike in crysis 2 when you had it equipped, it didn't drain your suit energy. You had to sacrefice that extra health boost to activate any of the other 3 powers. Now the powers are dumbed down, speed is just basically sprint, just that it drains from your armor power, strength is barely there either, it activates briefly when you punch and when you hold the jump button for a few extra seconds.

There is some other stuff that I dislike about it, but I am to lazy to write it all out, like it would make a difference when the game is this close to launch...

When jumping and briefly when you punched or threw an object were the only times you needed strength in Crysis 1, and all of those functionalities or still in Crysis 2. True you could have it on all the time in Crysis 1, but the only way in which it could be used was in the instances listed above. So there is really no difference in strength mode. So I think your point is moot.

Speed mode is very much gone and that kind of annoys me. It doesn't bother me as much as others because I rarely used it because it wasn't that useful in my opinion, due to what I say below. But I am annoyed that a regular sprint drains energy.

It is a bit annoying at first that armor is not a default and can't be on all the time. But it helped me out a bit that way. In the first Crysis the way armor is, you take it for granted and forget about it. So when I botched being stealthy in a few areas and wanted to switch to speed to run away or strength to deal with them, I couldn't because I had forgotten armor was default and the enemies had gotten some shots off and drained my energy and now I couldn't do anything.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:46 am

So basically you hated Crysis 1 (or are a console gamer and have no goddamn idea what it's even like to play it). That doesn't mean it was a broken, **** game.
NO! I do not hate crysis 1!
Dont lay words in my mouth i didnt spoke!

Stfu idiot. Here you come insulting everyone and expect everyone to keep quiet. Just get the **** out and do not come back here again. You are not welcome here, and no one will be even mildly upset to see you die.

Who did i insult? And with what?
I think if i am not welcome here, then the admins and moderators will tell me. Eh?
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:58 pm

Lol, the mods went into hiding a while back.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:50 am

We're not "hiding" at all. Warnings have been issued. Read the rules before using these forums: http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5405

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