» Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:36 pm
I've never played the first Crysis, but C2 looks amazing and from watching the youtube videos of both, I don't really get what there is not to like about the sequel.
Just some posts I read that didn't really go into details, so I thought I'd ask.
okay, here is my personal thoughts on crysis 2
1: multiplayer, the powerstruggle in crysis 1 was epic, it was basically battlefield with more depth to it, the objective of the game was to nuke the other teams base, you did so by capturing a research center and buy a nuclear warhead (in tank form or as a launcher) But to get these stuff you needed to capture energy sites that provided the necessary energy to obtain the nuke, the more energy sites you held the faster you got the nuke. but theres other points to capture, like the factory, that provided the user with heavy weaponry, like tanks and such.
There was also a ingame ranking system, not like cod, after every match your rank was rested, the higher rank you had, the more money you spawned with, with the money you could buy weapons, weapon addons, helis and tanks, and most importantly the nuke
It was epic, and unlike any other multiplayer experience i've ever had.
2: The nanosuit. The original nanosuit had four powers, strength, speed, cloak and armor.
Armor worked as the standard mode, it gave you that extra health boost, and unlike in crysis 2 when you had it equipped, it didn't drain your suit energy. You had to sacrefice that extra health boost to activate any of the other 3 powers. Now the powers are dumbed down, speed is just basically sprint, just that it drains from your armor power, strength is barely there either, it activates briefly when you punch and when you hold the jump button for a few extra seconds.
There is some other stuff that I dislike about it, but I am to lazy to write it all out, like it would make a difference when the game is this close to launch...