Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:24 am

I don't say that when it comes to Crysis 2 but MY personal idea of COD-feel. Is the feeling of the games.
How I move in the game, how the mouse reacts. And in addition how easy things get.

To really feel what I personally mean play COD (not 1 or 2).

Then play Wolfenstein ET (the old one) and notice the difference in movement. Then play the new Wolfenstein and you will notice that it feels like COD not like the old Wolfenstein. Then also play Crysis 1 and notice it feels like Wolfenstein ET.

Now that’s my COD-clone feeling. But for many other people there are other thinks I personally do not mind.

FarCry 2 has also a pretty good 'feel' to it but just not as good as Crysis 1 or Wolfenstein ET. You however should feel this difference when comparing FarCry 2 to COD.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:40 pm

It does not matter if the old Crysis multiplayer community hates C2 there was only a few thousand of them. What matters is if Cry-Tech can make a new, better and unique multiplayer community. The demo will tell if they did it right or not.

Yeah 12 year old cod kids are a better community.............
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:42 am

Also have a look at this.
I don't say it's accurate. Only time will tell.
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sally R
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:14 pm

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles.

These ones are indeed very very bad decisions if they are true. Still waiting for the demo and this are thinks I will be looking for (Crytek told they would not compromise the PC-users so please give them credit until you see the demo. The above things prove if the did or did not). This might even change my pre-order from nano to the normal (LE) edition. However the other thinks are just changes that are not a real problem. Also feel (movement) of the game is very important.

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles | As long as mods can change it, it's not a problem.
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles. | Armor mode default would be preferred but in the end no real braker.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles. | This indeed is just a very very bad decision and I hope the demo proves wrong.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles. | Both very important but especially lean is a must have. And you should (like in Crysis 1) also be able to shoot in lean-position.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles. | Should be possible to change this in option. Toggle, or hold mouse-button.

8v8 has been confirmed, i also think that there should be the option to use toggle ADS.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:01 pm

I don not think that Crysis 2 will be so terrible. Everyone your hearing from just doesn't want to accept that Crysis is now in a new environment. If you watch the videos you will hear that although when you think of NYC you think of tight corridor shooters Crysis 2 will have as much freedom as the first. Everyone here seems like they cant stand any sort of change. Would you prefer they place the game in the jungle again with the exact same guns and the exact same everything? Why bother whining about it because its coming out and if you really hate it that much you can just stick to Crysis and Crysis Warhead.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:05 pm

We complain too much because we don't settle for second place.

Thats true. I bought my xbox360 for 200$. I don't complain too much, because I didn't invest hundreds into a gaming computer. Sorry about your frustrations lol

Sorry no frustration here.
Infact I'm looking forward to Crysis 2 for PC and 360.
It's just that hell, Crytek broke the mold when it came to Crysis. And that's why I love it. Plus that's also the standard they set back in 2007.
"Don't settle for second place Soldier! You ready for the best?"

And to quote Jester when it comes to you new players.
Goddamn new recruits.....-Jester
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:30 am

I really think PC gamers complain too much, to be honest. They have dedicated servers, they have mod tools, and Crytek spent more time on the PC version. If console gamers are paying for the same game, but not having the same features, we should be the ones complaining. :P

Just be happy the game is finally coming out. I don't believe a single word from anyone on these forums that say they're cancelling their pre-order or not buying the game, or the worst excuse, going back to playing Crysis 1 or Crysis Warhead. If you're that much of a crysis fan, you're going to buy the game, GUARANTEED.

Do you realize that Crysis 2 has absolutely nothing in common with Crysis 1? Its not just a refinememt of gameplay, they completely threw out a franchise with a huge amount of potential.

There is plenty to complain about. To begin with, you console people shouldnt even be getting the game in the first place, and half of the design problems are from your simple controllers and obsolete hardware.

Dedicated Servers and mod tools are standard in PC games, its nothing we as a community should even have to ask for. Console gamers have nothing to complain about because they don't know what this game changed to just to accomodate them.

Its like Halo 3 ---> Halo Reach but on a much worse scale of losing base with the franchise. Just to put of a bit more in console terms.

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles
Huge varied maps ---> Small maps to accomodate consoles.
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles.
Removal of vehicle gameplay and Power Struggle to accomodate consoles.
Removal of real time weapon modification to accomodate consoles.
Removal of nanosuit menu to accomodate consoles.
Removal of strafe jumping to accomodate consoles.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC beta to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC video to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC information to accomodate consoles.
Delayed release of PC demo to accomodate consoles.
Inclusion of modules to cater to console mindset
Lowering of recoil to cater to console mindset.
Inclusion of nanosuit reboot to cater to consoles.
Inclusion of killstreaks to cater to consoles.
Inclusion of killcam to cater to consoles.
Raise in spread to cater to consoles.

Why should we be complaining again?

I love you.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:41 am

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles.

These ones are indeed very very bad decisions if they are true. Still waiting for the demo and this are thinks I will be looking for (Crytek told they would not compromise the PC-users so please give them credit until you see the demo. The above things prove if the did or did not). This might even change my pre-order from nano to the normal (LE) edition. However the other thinks are just changes that are not a real problem. Also feel (movement) of the game is very important.

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles | As long as mods can change it, it's not a problem.
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles. | Armor mode default would be preferred but in the end no real braker.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles. | This indeed is just a very very bad decision and I hope the demo proves wrong.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles. | Both very important but especially lean is a must have. And you should (like in Crysis 1) also be able to shoot in lean-position.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles. | Should be possible to change this in option. Toggle, or hold mouse-button.

Lean wasnt removed it was just destroyed. As for ADS from what I can tell there currently is no option to make it a toggle. You only ADS as long as you hold down a button. Ive always played FPS games with a toggle ADS function, it will be awkward adjusting.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:41 pm

Lean wasnt removed it was just destroyed.

What's the difference ?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:14 am

As to the question.

Just play Crysis Wars, then play the leaked C2 beta ( ignoring any bugs and such).

Crysis Wars is clearly greatly superior to C2, just considering the world and environment alone. And of course, almost everything else is still superior as well. My well studied opinion on it after two years with Wars, and some days worth of careful study of C2.

Its easily seen how much of a bomb this game is after you look at how long C2 MP lasted on the Tungle Network. A week or two ago, probably 100 servers up. As of writing this comment, 2 servers left. Only one fully stocked.

Consoles destroyed C2.

C2 does have some good stuff in it, but it needs to be made PC worthy. And ditch the tiny maps. They are the smallest maps I have ever seen in a PC game. Even Quake 3 mods had more playable area.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:43 am

It does not matter if the old Crysis multiplayer community hates C2 there was only a few thousand of them. What matters is if Cry-Tech can make a new, better and unique multiplayer community. The demo will tell if they did it right or not.

All I have to say to you is piss off.
1) We are not just "a few thousand"
2)The name is Crytek.
3)If it we wouldn't have crictque Crytek when it was deemed necessary the end result of the would have been far worse.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:12 am

Considering some of the comments that have come out of Crytek, I think they know how bad their PC sales are going to be. Why should we buy it? We have Wars.
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Elle H
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:45 pm

Considering some of the comments that have come out of Crytek, I think they know how bad their PC sales are going to be. Why should we buy it? We have Wars.

Whoah, slow down mister, I believe that you have been talking about yourself playing the leak!

You know what that means? (Hint: something bad)

You can't really go against the forum rules and expect to keep your account/post :P
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:26 pm

Oh, yeah, another one of you newbie fanboys. I've been here for over three years, newbie. Don't give me the OMFG, he played the leak, ****. I've seen some of the other regs in the networks as well, though some will never admit it. If you have nothing to say, don't post. It makes you look foolish. Go play the leak ( and of course ignore any bugs ) and then come back here and debate. 4/5 of this forum already has. That's why were talking about it. Were not stupid. Were not going to succumb to Crytek's "lets give them not even a pic, and hope they will buy the game" bs. After you play the leak, you will realize that it is a TOTAL CONSOLE PORT. Crysis Wars is 10X better in graphics and gameplay. As is evidenced on the networks. After 2 weeks of playing, only about 2 - 16 player servers are left, with only a handful of people on. Even though 99% of the bad bugs have been worked out by good configs, everyone has ditched the game. You can hear the crickets chirping.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:18 pm

if the demo turns out to be anything like the leak, which I am certain it will in regards to the suit mobility then crysis 2 is dead to me and everyone that is even worth talking to about crysis.

They have RUINED MOBILITY. the strength and speed together is a fantastic idea. works great. you should default armor mode though and have to go into power mode just like c1. you cant sprint now without taking energy. effing stupid. you sprint slow. no strafing at all. side strafing without the "flying" is basically zero since you move so slow. you die so much faster if you arent in armor. its pathetic. PATHETIC.

Yup, agreed completely.

As to the question.

Just play Crysis Wars, then play the leaked C2 beta ( ignoring any bugs and such).

Crysis Wars is clearly greatly superior to C2, just considering the world and environment alone. And of course, almost everything else is still superior as well. My well studied opinion on it after two years with Wars, and some days worth of careful study of C2.

Its easily seen how much of a bomb this game is after you look at how long C2 MP lasted on the Tungle Network. A week or two ago, probably 100 servers up. As of writing this comment, 2 servers left. Only one fully stocked.

Consoles destroyed C2.

C2 does have some good stuff in it, but it needs to be made PC worthy. And ditch the tiny maps. They are the smallest maps I have ever seen in a PC game. Even Quake 3 mods had more playable area.

LOL, numbers explain everything, thanks for the post. Tunngle network right now has 200 Crysis 2 players compared to over 2000 about a week ago. This number drop cannot be atributed to bugs in my opinion, anybody who did download it clearly knows the risk of a buggy game.

*Note that I only use tunngle for legitimate reasons, I have not played C2MP, but the number drop I have observed clearly shows how dissatisfied many are with the MP and is now being used to prove my point. ;) I use tunngle to play some Far Cry 2 if you are curious, because the public scene is entirely dead there*

Crysis 2 MP looks like a complete train wreck disaster of a multiplayer experience.

Just wait and watch how long the Demo stays populated or how many servers will be up and running on launch, because this multiplayer will be totally obsolete only a couple months after release.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:26 am

Because, to be brutally honest, it's not a sequel. It's a reboot. In essence, Talon has made every point I would have made save two:
32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles
Huge varied maps ---> Small maps to accomodate consoles.
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles.
Removal of vehicle gameplay and Power Struggle to accomodate consoles.
Removal of real time weapon modification to accomodate consoles.
Removal of nanosuit menu to accomodate consoles.
Removal of strafe jumping to accomodate consoles.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC beta to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC video to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC information to accomodate consoles.
Delayed release of PC demo to accomodate consoles.
Inclusion of modules to cater to console mindset
Lowering of recoil to cater to console mindset.
Inclusion of nanosuit reboot to cater to consoles.
Inclusion of killstreaks to cater to consoles.
Inclusion of killcam to cater to consoles.
Raise in spread to cater to consoles.
My two points are thus:
First, server-sided mods in Lua are not possible with Crysis 2. Period. I haven't downloaded the leak (let's get that out of the way), but I've had people take a look at it, and the gamerules are pure C++ now (which is, from what I hear, confirmed by comments in the files). Lua modding was one of the main reasons I would have got Crysis 2; it's what keeps me playing and modding Wars still, even with its dwindling player base. I don't care whether you think Wars became overmodded in the end; the fact is, without the first basic administration tools provided by the likes of Hawkeye and Rod-Serling, both Crysis 1 and Wars would have died long ago, crushed beneath an avalanche of hackers with cheats like this (fyi, that's not me) and worse: for example, they can make other clients appear to perform these hacks.

Second, throughout the community there seems to be a prevailing attitude that modders will save everything somehow. To explain why this irritates me, I'll quote an earlier WALL OF TEXT I wrote on this topic.
Don't worry dude, if your PC, then it can be modded. We'll have 100 players on a server if it can take it. This game is going to have the **** modded out of it to rid it of the COD crap, and bring back things like Power Struggle and Nano Suit 1.
Honestly, what is it with you people? Why are you treating the SDK as a magic wand that will turn Crysis 2 into the game you want it to be?

A lot of you are assuming that simply by having a SDK, someone (but of course, not you) will magically up the player count, patch out the killstreaks and perks, add the old nanosuit features and finally add back in Power Struggle and vehicles, while producing server administration mods at the same time.

First, you'd have to find someone willing to do any of that for you. I have no interest in writing administration mods for Crysis 2, and even if I did they would only be private mods; I think you'll find most (if not all) of the other administrative mod developers agree. So you'd need to get together a crack team of C++ and Lua programmers who want to start a huge project like this and continue working on it for the six months or more required to get it working. Lack of motivation would be a big issue: what's the point of turning Crysis 2 into Wars when we already have Wars? By doing nothing, we essentially get to the same end result with far less effort.

Second, the SDK won't be released immediately. You'll have to wait a few months to get it, after which the people who really dislike the game will have uninstalled it, and the remainder of players either like it or think "well, it's not that bad". Before the SDK is released, you're stuck with Lua scripting, and this quote sums it up.
You cannot correct source code level implementation flaws using scripting that sits on top of the flawed engine.
With Lua, you are crippled. If something is broken in C++, there's nothing you can do about it. You can only modify/detect things that happen in the Lua functions, and that doesn't cover a lot. There isn't even a function handling chat messages in Wars or C1: if you want to detect chat, you have to read the data from the server log file (which is horrendously inefficient and causes a lot of server stress). Chat messages and profile ID are the lucky exceptions where you can get data from the server log: in almost every other case, if there isn't a Lua export there is nothing you can do about it. What you can do in Lua is totally dependent on the number of Lua functions in the gamerules and their nature, and you're unable to do anything involving memory addresses, network channels, or packets.

Finally, assuming you did find a team, and Crytek released a usable SDK that covered everything you needed to fix while player numbers were still high, changes this major would certainly require a client mod. And if Crysis 2 has the same level of mod support that Crysis 1 had, you're basically doomed. The mod will take so long to get to release that everyone who wants the game fixed will have left, and then you're left with a small population of players who need to manually download the mod and manually check for updates, fragmenting an already small player base even further. The only two major C1 / CW mods that got anywhere (MWLL and EX) are both run by Crytek employees (and thus have access to proper documentation), and EX is basically dead due to nobody playing it.

This post isn't targeted at you specifically, Logan. It's more of a rant about how everyone wants someone else to fix it with the SDK, but doesn't spend a moment thinking about how or why.

Since then, it's come to light that the gamerules are now pure C++. Which means no gameplay modifications are possible until the SDK is released. There's no way around this; the functions aren't hidden somewhere in Lua, they're all moved to C++, and Crytek's own comments confirm this.

To anyone about to accuse me of something ludicrous like piracy or hacking: no. Just no. I haven't downloaded the leak, and I have no intention of doing so. Nor do I have any intention of pirating or hacking Crysis 2 (or, for that matter, buying it). And that's not me in that hack video, that was someone demonstrating it back in 1.3.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:13 pm

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:22 pm

Crysis 2 does have a lean mechanic, one that I think works better for PCs. You can stick to pieces of cover and click the right mouse button to lean out and target enemies.

It's not gone, it's just been done differently, and I think it works better.

The old setup, which was also used on FEAR, led to alot of screw ups. I would get to a wall, lean left, and discover I am not close enough to the corner. So I would tap A to move over a bit, but because keyboard keys are digital and not anolog you can't tell it to move over just a little bit. So it would move me over so much that now I am sticking out and the enemy sees me and now the element of surprise is gone. It was for this reason that I never used lean in Crysis or FEAR. But this new system works great. I used it all the time.

Just because something isn't EXACTLY the way it was in a previous game doesn't mean it's gone. Same for the suit power changes. Having strength integrated into all suit modes made it more fun and I spend less time pressing the scroll wheel on my mouse. And having to activate armor mode works because there were lots of times I wanted to use a strength to do something in the middle of a fire fight, but because I had armor on I had no energy to use strength mode. I just think that helped the game be more fun.

But I do agree with you guys on all the multiplayer changes you mentioned. Removing power struggle and the large player cap was not a smart move. But all the other things are speculations from people who haven't played it.

And if you are wondering, "If you said it's all speculation from people who haven't played it, then how the hell do you know so much about it?" Just save the intelligent people from reading a meaning less post on this thread. You can probably guess how I know....
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:58 am

I can't believe they got rid of LUA. Thats UTTER FAIL.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:44 pm

two words:

strafe jump.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:04 pm

Well, that was a bug. It was never meant to be.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:02 am

DarkLite - Second, throughout the community there seems to be a prevailing attitude that modders will save everything somehow.

Yeah, its svcks that modders always have to come in to save the day. And sometimes, they really do. Seems to be game companies are just inclined to throw out crap these days, once they have their new engines built, knowing that modders will put out extreme amounts of time and effort to make a real game. Meanwhile, the company reaps all the profits from it.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:21 pm

DarkLite - Second, throughout the community there seems to be a prevailing attitude that modders will save everything somehow.

Yeah, its svcks that modders always have to come in to save the day. And sometimes, they really do. Seems to be game companies are just inclined to throw out crap these days, once they have their new engines built, knowing that modders will put out extreme amounts of time and effort to make a real game. Meanwhile, the company reaps all the profits from it.
It would of saved AvP last year instead of making it a shelved game.
Anyone remember the large sells it had?
Didn't save it after the crap hit the fan.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:46 pm

For sake i only care for GFX.
Though i think many are overreacting. And i hope they are wrong. Some things are def. wrong:
- only 6 vs 6(8vs 8 confirmed)
- no nanosuitwheel (though who use it if u have shortcuts ????)
- toggel vs hold down: imo: hold down is way better i only use hold down for zoom
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Heather M
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:59 am

Play it or don't, like it or lump it.

Games aren't made for YOU, they are made for someone who wants to play it.

Futile vexing about something that wasn't built for your particular taste.

I'm a total PC gamer & expect nothing - so I'm happy.

Crysis runs like **** on my system. Crysis 2 like Warhead is more suited to the masses.
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