Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:46 am

Play it or don't, like it or lump it.

Games aren't made for YOU, they are made for someone who wants to play it.

Futile vexing about something that wasn't built for your particular taste.

I'm a total PC gamer & expect nothing - so I'm happy.

Crysis runs like **** on my system. Crysis 2 like Warhead is more suited to the masses.

I disagree with you.I believe that a game could only have success when the devs consider what their community and fanbase thinks.I dont say do it like the community wants it ,i say that they always must take into consideration some opinions of them
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:48 am

Yeah well the only reason I am purchasing this game is for the editor + mod support, and the singleplayer is amazing. Frankfurt really knows how to give us a treat every single release.

The singleplayer has a nanosuit menu wheel and a cover system which features lean, while the multiplayer does not. Crytek UK... I was very nervous when I heard a company with only console experience was developing for Crysis 2. Honestly, wouldn't they be better off doing Codename: Kingdoms or something particularly console oriented? They don't know jack squat about PC gaming at all. Watch any interview where the inevitable question "what sets the PC version of this game apart and higher up from the console department?" is asked. Then the same stupid answer gets pumped out of Hasit Zala about the CryEngine 3's scalability to the higher hardware. I swear, half that UK team would look at me as if I had three heads if I were to tell them that the PC has much more necessary to stand out like stable dedicated servers in LUA, good surround sound coding for headsets which is much more predominant on PC's, HD textures which the CE3 can't magically decide to scale up to, and a fluent control system with good mobility. They are oblivious to bother to add anything that even the singleplayer makes good use of, like a cover system and the coveted nanosuit wheel.

Instead the best answer they can come out with is something that wasn't even developed by them, the Ce3. I would wager that the only people that played Crysis on that development team were the modders hired straight from CryMod. Do these guys know anything about Crysis 1 or were even forced to play it for a week to gain inspiration? Do these guys know what greatness and inspirational multiplayer baseline (because lets be honest, Crysis was great but only a base potential for what should have been in the pipeline for future games) they have torn apart? I have a feeling they are mostly oblivious to the damage they have done to the franchise.

Sorry UK, the Ce3 doesn't magically create non console ports or non console port graphics for that matter. Your own innovation might have to take over.

My hope rests on the CryEngine 3 and custom maps to hopefully spruce the game up a little more, my purchasing decision lies in that being released to the public on day 1.

The singleplayer looks like a world class job done by Frankfurt but i can honestly wait until a sale to pick it up for that.

Consolitis struck this game hard and I think UK should just stick with that Timesplitters console stuff or move into the Codename Kingdoms development scene. They stuck their console nose into the wrong area and their lack of experience or willingness to learn some PC development skills is quite alarming to the point that I am second guessing why Crytek even bought these guys out from the Haze failure that bankrupted them.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:31 pm

Yeah well the only reason I am purchasing this game is for the editor + mod support, and the singleplayer is amazing. Frankfurt really knows how to give us a treat every single release.

The singleplayer has a nanosuit menu wheel and a cover system which features lean, while the multiplayer does not. Crytek UK... I was very nervous when I heard a company with only console experience was developing for Crysis 2. Honestly, wouldn't they be better off doing Codename: Kingdoms or something particularly console oriented? They don't know jack squat about PC gaming at all. Watch any interview where the inevitable question "what sets the PC version of this game apart and higher up from the console department?" is asked. Then the same stupid answer gets pumped out of Hasit Zala about the CryEngine 3's scalability to the higher hardware. I swear, half that UK team would look at me as if I had three heads if I were to tell them that the PC has much more necessary to stand out like stable dedicated servers in LUA, good surround sound coding for headsets which is much more predominant on PC's, HD textures which the CE3 can't magically decide to scale up to, and a fluent control system with good mobility. They are oblivious to bother to add anything that even the singleplayer makes good use of, like a cover system and the coveted nanosuit wheel.

Instead the best answer they can come out with is something that wasn't even developed by them, the Ce3. I would wager that the only people that played Crysis on that development team were the modders hired straight from CryMod. Do these guys know anything about Crysis 1 or were even forced to play it for a week to gain inspiration? Do these guys know what greatness and inspirational multiplayer baseline (because lets be honest, Crysis was great but only a base potential for what should have been in the pipeline for future games) they have torn apart? I have a feeling they are mostly oblivious to the damage they have done to the franchise.

Sorry UK, the Ce3 doesn't magically create non console ports or non console port graphics for that matter. Your own innovation might have to take over.

My hope rests on the CryEngine 3 and custom maps to hopefully spruce the game up a little more, my purchasing decision lies in that being released to the public on day 1.

The singleplayer looks like a world class job done by Frankfurt but i can honestly wait until a sale to pick it up for that.

Consolitis struck this game hard and I think UK should just stick with that Timesplitters console stuff or move into the Codename Kingdoms development scene. They stuck their console nose into the wrong area and their lack of experience or willingness to learn some PC development skills is quite alarming to the point that I am second guessing why Crytek even bought these guys out from the Haze failure that bankrupted them.

It's like Medal of Honor SP & MP all over again, except this time they're using the same engine.

I feel as if they don't have a tight communication. Crytek UK shouldn't of have any say whatsoever when it comes to the features for MP. Cevat Yerli could of just told them to keep the core foundation of the MP, and move on from there.

Hopefully, in the near future if C3 is ever going to be in development, Crytek UK should not add their "console innovative ideas", instead they should go talk to Cevat Yerli before anything is a go.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:38 pm

@ lunarf1264

I never had that problem you have with lean. this new way you talked about is nice but it should not replace lean. Lean is faster and can you use the 'new lean' from behind a tree? Probably not. Lean you can use always everywhere. The 'new lean' is nice indeed but the old lean should still be possible. It's just something completely differed.

The change to strength and speed (if there is a change. I see some people saying the PC-version will not have this change) might in some cases make it easier but that’s not what I’m looking. What I now know from it the old one was more realistic and more fun. That’s what I’m looking for.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:13 am

Its a simple question that deserves a simple answer.

Crysis 2 is a totally different game than Crysis. Simple as that. The gameplay, the actual feeling of the game is completly changed. Yeah, it has the same main story, aliens and the suit, but otherwise, from what i've seen in the videos, it doesn't have that crisp feeling of realistic motion, it just feels like a game. And I know that saying that "Crysis 2 just feels like a game" sounds weird, but for true Crysis fans, that phrase will make perfect sense.

For me, Crysis 2 was suppose to feel more like a movie, like something that was filmed on a pocket camera mounted on your helmet. And not even particularly in the sense of graphics; as much as game mechanics go, it just doesn't feel that way.

I hope that the PC version will bring back some of the realism that I think many of the fans enjoyed, but my honest opinion, at this point, no matter what the graphics are, if the game play itself isn't different from what I've seen of the consoles, this game is simply a new game with a cool franchise title.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:39 am

Because some people hate change and want claymoring, VTOL-bunker-spamming strafe jumpers who glide across the map 1km each jump, hip-firing their SCAR+laser to instakill anyone at any distance.
These people also whinge about how Crysis 2 is consolised because of tiny, puny things which make no logical sense.

Inclusion of modules to cater to console mindset. (So making the game more complex by adding suit customisation dumbs it down? Hm)
Removal of nanosuit menu to accomodate consoles. (Particularly a huge fail because there is a nanosuit menu)
Lowering of recoil to cater to console mindset. (Herpity derp. SCAR+laser had no recoil. Crysis 2 has more recoil than Crysis Wars. Please. Just stop before you hurt yourself.)
Raise in spread to cater to consoles. (Now this makes huge sense. Console players prefer inaccuracy when hip-fire spraying? Uh huh. Especially since controllers are harder to aim with? Hmmm. Nope. Swing and miss.)
Inclusion of killcam to cater to consoles. (There's nothing wrong with a killcam, especially when it can be skipped. Angry because CoD did it first? Angry because Doom 1 had a shotgun, and Crysis had one too? Crysis fans were begging for a killcam.)
Inclusion of nanosuit reboot to cater to consoles. (This one is derp-worthy. So, how do "hardware and controller limitations" force Crysis 2 to have a system where you can optionally choose to advance through the ranks again, with an added reward?)

Yes, so these people rage and whinge, but they're a tiny minority of people who don't deserve opinions, so you can ignore them and consider their posts a background noise until they flock elsewhere. Crysis 2 isn't going to change. Deal with it.

Finally some common sense.

I wonder what all the whiners would say if crytek anounced they would stick with their fun but somewhat broken and unbalanced gameplay of crysis multiplayer and wars. Do people truly expect crytek NOT to move towards a more mainstream and accessible style of play?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:01 am

[inane garbage]

I don't think I've ever seen so many straw men in one post before. Congratulations.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:21 pm

@ rabbitphluff

Well I really hope they did not go to a more mainstream and (what you name) accessible style of play. For the consoles of course they should, Consoles are for the mainstream. But I do hope that the PC-version is not for the masses. It would also not work because the masses PC is not able to run Crysis on the PC and will play it on the console anyway.

Every game that has been made mainstream has indeed a lot of players on the console but those games have no brain in them. I like a game with brains. Look at it this way, Einstein as also not mainstream but he had one of the best brains.

The 'not mainstream' on the PC is still a big community so they can make money with it and even better, they can use the PC-version to promote the console-version for the masses.

But we will see what the demo brings us.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:44 pm

Because some people hate change and want claymoring, VTOL-bunker-spamming strafe jumpers who glide across the map 1km each jump, hip-firing their SCAR+laser to instakill anyone at any distance.
These people also whinge about how Crysis 2 is consolised because of tiny, puny things which make no logical sense.

Inclusion of modules to cater to console mindset. (So making the game more complex by adding suit customisation dumbs it down? Hm)
Removal of nanosuit menu to accomodate consoles. (Particularly a huge fail because there is a nanosuit menu)
Lowering of recoil to cater to console mindset. (Herpity derp. SCAR+laser had no recoil. Crysis 2 has more recoil than Crysis Wars. Please. Just stop before you hurt yourself.)
Raise in spread to cater to consoles. (Now this makes huge sense. Console players prefer inaccuracy when hip-fire spraying? Uh huh. Especially since controllers are harder to aim with? Hmmm. Nope. Swing and miss.)
Inclusion of killcam to cater to consoles. (There's nothing wrong with a killcam, especially when it can be skipped. Angry because CoD did it first? Angry because Doom 1 had a shotgun, and Crysis had one too? Crysis fans were begging for a killcam.)
Inclusion of nanosuit reboot to cater to consoles. (This one is derp-worthy. So, how do "hardware and controller limitations" force Crysis 2 to have a system where you can optionally choose to advance through the ranks again, with an added reward?)

Yes, so these people rage and whinge, but they're a tiny minority of people who don't deserve opinions, so you can ignore them and consider their posts a background noise until they flock elsewhere. Crysis 2 isn't going to change. Deal with it.

Finally some common sense.

I wonder what all the whiners would say if crytek anounced they would stick with their fun but somewhat broken and unbalanced gameplay of crysis multiplayer and wars. Do people truly expect crytek NOT to move towards a more mainstream and accessible style of play?

Yes I do, because Crysis 1 was gem of an FPS. It took skill, and you had to put in proper hours of play to get good at it. Not to mention it was revolutionary in terms of graphics and physics. The fact is: it wasn't made for 12 year old weener kids like you. Get off your high horse and understand where we are coming from; we who actually put the effort in to learn the game. There was nothing broken or imbalance about it. You just svcked. I'm sorry to say this, but the only people who complain about imbalance are the ones who are just plain bad. Same with other games like Starcraft 2(in which balance is perhaps the most controversial topic), COD (notably the most unbalanced FPS in history), and various other titles. Now I may be contradicting myself when it comes to COD, but even with the imbalances you could still adapt to various strats and pwn the guy who was for example using the noobtube.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:54 am

Part of me wonders if this is why they were so devastated by the news of the beta leak. Not because the pc community had a romantic trust from the company and they somehow felt epicly betrayed by their long-entrusted lover, but instead they knew just how different Crysis 2 was from Crysis 1 and how many people would not play the game if they got a chance to play the real game.

A lot of knowledge has come from said gameplay and now EVERYONE knows the game got downsized.

Part of me wonders if the company was not banking on the hope that the pc community would "eat it" come game day. I think they made an executive decision. Thinking that the reduction in PC sales would not be greater than the increase in console sales by devaluing the game (ya I'll say that). I think that the beta leak, although I'm sure on some lower level was a feeling of betrayal was more devastating in that it exposed the foolishness of their plan. They felt like fools who thought they were wise and they tried blaming that foolishness on the fault of the pc community.

If they had such a game, then the leak would be no worry.
A gaming company that devalues the game for the sake of consoles isn't interested in "ideals" but instead the bottom dollar.
IF the game was such a great game then the leak would only expose how awesome it is, rather than how dumb-down it is.
A gaming company interested in the bottom dollar would only be upset if a leak exposed the game for what it is, since it would most likely affect the bottom dollar negatively.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:34 am

Lol i would say some Nerds around here should come down from there horses,
Not for the Masses? Yeah they invest Multimillion € to sell it to 3000 Freaks? Sure?
Grow up one of the major issues of Crysis 1 was the MP part. And don't think that they won't anolyse their customers. This is big bussinues and they wont put something into the game what makes a thousand buy it and a million not. And dont hump on teens or what ever is their money less worth than yours?
If you want pure enthusiasm and nerdy freaky feelings look for some opensource projects, like Sauerbraten, Warsow but don't hype to much such games are way slower in Development. There is no demokratic community cuz mostly one guy is sitting on it like a Warlord. And finally after some years of development the half finished build will vanish in the depth of the webs.
And for most players some 12 hour learning curve is not something they will like. They want to play the game do fine! Whats even better if there is the possibility to get better while playing it lots, but not many are able to play weeks while they get only pwnd to get some days like 50:50 kil death ratio.
Man if i hear what some guys here want to have, we would only have broken developers and **** games!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 pm

Like Crysis 1?
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:39 am

Yes like Crysis 1. Especially in the beginning it didn't sell like it should have! Or like they expected it to.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:32 pm

So basically you hated Crysis 1 (or are a console gamer and have no goddamn idea what it's even like to play it). That doesn't mean it was a broken, **** game.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:51 am

? Cry1 was epic and amazing
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:58 pm

@ syox

Did you read the post?
Not for the Masses? Yeah they invest Multimillion € to sell it to 3000 Freaks?
Hmm lets see what have we here.. Oow yeah Crysis 2 where did it came from, it came from Crysis 1. Developed for the PC only so not for the masses but for the so called freaks. Trust me, if this Crysis 2 PC version will be a console (masses) game the whole game will die while if the PC-version will not be a console port there will be a Crysis 4.

Without those PC-freaks those games would not exist and without those freaks it will die. Now how is that for your multimillion infestation. Why do you think GTA 4 had a complete lose version for the PC. Because they knew that if they did not there would be no GTA 6.

And yes I’m talking about Crysis 4 and GTA 6 because the sales for Crysis 2 will be good since Crysis has created a name with Crysis 1 and that’s because it was for those freaks. But if they then create a Crysis 3 that is also for the masses that mainstream will not buy it.

I will simplify it even more for you.
Create a game for the PC-freaks (as you name it) and the masses will buy it to. Create a game for the masses and maybe they buy it (See COD) but it may also die (See Wolfenstein).
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:58 pm

So basically you hated Crysis 1 (or are a console gamer and have no goddamn idea what it's even like to play it). That doesn't mean it was a broken, **** game.
NO! I do not hate crysis 1!
Dont lay words in my mouth i didnt spoke!
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Timara White
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:34 pm

Man if i hear what some guys here want to have, we would only have broken developers and **** games!
Like Crysis 1?
Yes like Crysis 1. Especially in the beginning it didn't sell like it should have! Or like they expected it to.
Dont lay words in my mouth i didnt spoke!
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:11 pm

@ syox

Did you read the post?
Not for the Masses? Yeah they invest Multimillion € to sell it to 3000 Freaks?
Hmm lets see what have we here.. Oow yeah Crysis 2 where did it came from, it came from Crysis 1. Developed for the PC only so not for the masses but for the so called freaks. Trust me, if this Crysis 2 PC version will be a console (masses) game the whole game will die while if the PC-version will not be a console port there will be a Crysis 4.

Without those PC-freaks those games would not exist and without those freaks it will die. Now how is that for your multimillion infestation. Why do you think GTA 4 had a complete lose version for the PC. Because they knew that if they did not there would be no GTA 6.

And yes I’m talking about Crysis 4 and GTA 6 because the sales for Crysis 2 will be good since Crysis has created a name with Crysis 1 and that’s because it was for those freaks. But if they then create a Crysis 3 that is also for the masses that mainstream will not buy it.

I will simplify it even more for you.
Create a game for the PC-freaks (as you name it) and the masses will buy it to. Create a game for the masses and maybe they buy it (See COD) but it may also die (See Wolfenstein).

Lol and why do you automatically think everyone who bought crysis 1 is your opinion?
I didnt say everyone who bought crysis 1 is a freak either. Though Freak may have beem too offensive!
I do like Crysis 1, but though i can have issues with it.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:52 pm

Like Crysis 1?
What exactly did you ask?:
If i like Crysis 1? -> yes
Or if i think : That what i said earlier happend with crysis 1, at least in parts?-- Yes here tooo though
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:40 pm

Yes like Crysis 1. Especially in the beginning it didn't sell like it should have! Or like they expected it to.

Not what I heard:

"Our co-publishing and distribution business delivered big. Revenue in the quarter was $372 million ex deferral, up more than seven times that of last year. Rockband, Orange Box and Crysis all exceeded expectations."(EA Earnings call transcript)"


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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:40 am

"Do you think early sales numbers were a little lower than expected (at least according to our North American NPD numbers) "
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:15 pm

I think Crysis 1 was very unique and a game like this will not appear so soon again.
Its not only that it was and is absolutely technically brilliant but its a game that offers you the maximum of creativity in a shooter.
It was the total opposite of everything thats famous on consoles and thats why some hardcoe Crysisfans are disappointed about C2.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:50 am

"Do you think early sales numbers were a little lower than expected (at least according to our North American NPD numbers) "

"IGN: Do you think early sales numbers were a little lower than expected (at least according to our North American NPD numbers) because of the requirements? Or was it the amount of games in the market? Or was it that everyone is still playing WoW?

Cevat Yerli: You can never sell enough copies of a game that you've put your blood sweat and tears into. It's probably a bit of all of the above."

There is a world outside North America!
An interviewer asking if he thinks off the top of his head that the numbers were "A little lower"and he says "you can never sell enough copies of a game" lols come on why did you even bother posting this?


1) The interviewer is asking him, in his reply he doesn't actually answer the question. For all we know he hasn't even seen the statistic He's talking about. Or doesn't remember off the top of his head what the projections were.
2) He's referring to a specific statistic for a specific region.
3) I just showed you a transcript in which EA explicitly say the game performed better than they expected.
4) You said Crysis didn't sell well and you said it did especially badly in the beginning given the date of the article you posted I don't see how it can possibly support the former part of your statement since it is dated less than 3 months after the games release.
5) Anything in the article could be misquoted, it's not verbatim like a transcript.

If your statement was fact as you proclaim then surely you could do better than I did? And yet my evidence is better than yours.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:26 pm

i'm a player of more games ( battlefield bad company 2, halo 1-2, CRYSIS I,Warhead and wars). but i think that crysis 2 is ... well... too smart (sorry for my noob english, i hope that you can understand it ).
my friends and me played crysis wars for about 2 months because it is easy and funny. respawn, kill, a bit of punch, death...
then i played bfbc2 (see up) and it has a gameplay totally different: here you must play hard, to be the best you must play very good, you always looking for the best k/d ratio.
now, crysis 2 is similar bfbc2, not crysis 1.
where is the easy of crysis wars?
anyway i alredy order the limited edition
bye bye
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