Yeah well the only reason I am purchasing this game is for the editor + mod support, and the singleplayer is amazing. Frankfurt really knows how to give us a treat every single release.
The singleplayer has a nanosuit menu wheel and a cover system which features lean, while the multiplayer does not. Crytek UK... I was very nervous when I heard a company with only console experience was developing for Crysis 2. Honestly, wouldn't they be better off doing Codename: Kingdoms or something particularly console oriented? They don't know jack squat about PC gaming
at all. Watch any interview where the inevitable question "what sets the PC version of this game apart and higher up from the console department?" is asked. Then the same stupid answer gets pumped out of Hasit Zala about the CryEngine 3's scalability to the higher hardware. I swear, half that UK team would look at me as if I had three heads if I were to tell them that the PC has much more necessary to stand out like stable dedicated servers in LUA, good surround sound coding for headsets which is much more predominant on PC's, HD textures which the CE3 can't magically decide to scale up to, and a fluent control system with good mobility. They are oblivious to bother to add anything that even the singleplayer makes good use of, like a cover system and the coveted nanosuit wheel.
Instead the best answer they can come out with is something that wasn't even developed by them, the Ce3. I would wager that the only people that played Crysis on that development team were the modders hired straight from CryMod. Do these guys know anything about Crysis 1 or were even forced to play it for a week to gain inspiration? Do these guys know what greatness and inspirational multiplayer baseline (because lets be honest, Crysis was great but only a base potential for what should have been in the pipeline for future games) they have torn apart? I have a feeling they are mostly oblivious to the damage they have done to the franchise.
Sorry UK, the Ce3 doesn't magically create non console ports or non console port graphics for that matter. Your own innovation might have to take over.
My hope rests on the CryEngine 3 and custom maps to hopefully spruce the game up a little more, my purchasing decision lies in that being released to the public on day 1.
The singleplayer looks like a world class job done by Frankfurt but i can honestly wait until a sale to pick it up for that.
Consolitis struck this game hard and I think UK should just stick with that Timesplitters console stuff or move into the Codename Kingdoms development scene. They stuck their console nose into the wrong area and their lack of experience or willingness to learn some PC development skills is quite alarming to the point that I am second guessing why Crytek even bought these guys out from the Haze failure that bankrupted them.