» Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm
Always the same argument... Just don't.... Just...
Look, compared to the Singleplayer, the Multiplayer was maybe played of good 2/4 of persons who actually have the game, 1/4 who pirated it, and the last quarter just thinks the Multiplayer is really really bad. And then, taking these numbers to the total sales, we can see, that the community, who played that game, was really really small, compared to other games at that time. And I don't think you, as the leader of a developer company, wouldn't notice, or even ignore the fact, that they "wasted" money, regarding the expected sales. How much work they put into the Singleplayer can be seen by the community. ALL people who played it are loving it. The Graphics, the Sound, the Atmosphere, the Gameplay. Everything was just perfect! And for that, they made this sheme: They wanted Multiplayer in the game, but still, their focus was lying on the Singleplayer, so that not they didn't work the Multiplayer out well. It' was really unfinished, inbalanced and it made some people (like me) only a ver very little fun, but not that much, that we'd say "Oh, let's play a few rounds Crysis Multiplayer". Then, the Crytek Studio at Budapest worked on Crysis: Warhead, and for Crytek not to leave the people, who played the MP of the first game, they made Wars simultaneously. It was a bit more worked out, a lot of bugs were fixed, new maps were made and Team Deathmatch was included. BUT, the inbalance issues were STILL there. That's the point why Crysis Wars can s**k my b***s. Sorry to say it this way, but if they'd fixed the following points, that game would be awesome!
1. SCAR + Laser = no recoil, best accuracy (better as Sniper Rifle), best DPS = O motherf**king P
2. Circle, and Strafe Jump. They should had find a way to get these things out of that game
3. VTOL Bunker Camping. OP
4. Armor mode beeing useless. It may takes up to 2 shots, but thats it.
5. Damage of Explosives are too low
6. Melee is useless unless strength (Fister... I hate them!)
7. Toggle ADS slows down the gameplay
8. Energy regeneration is SLOW AS HELL! Makes suit modes (and with that, combat techniques) useless in certain situations
9. Cloak is (against "pro" gamers) useless
10. Shotgun is useless, because of it's low damage
11. Prone makes people lie down IMMIDEATELY after they saw you = noobtechnique
That are 11 points for me, not to play the game. And they will stay like that. Crysis 2 has the goal, to reach more, much more people, instead of only the old community. The fate of Crysis depends on Crysis 2's sales, and when it would've been PC exclusive (and all the things you critizise), Crysis would disappear. Crytek would disappear. GOOD GAMES would dissapear, but some people are just TOO ignorant, to think of other but themselves.
Some things mentioned here are DESIGN DECISIONS! For the LAST! FREAKING! TIME!!! Sorry for this Cpt. Capslock but this point got sorted out so many times, but still people don't understand ****, until it's been written in gold with the blood of Chuck Norris (We all know, he has none)
8vs.8 is a design decision, made to remove vehicle inbalance, add more close quarter combat, and enhance the teamplay. If it would be, because of consoles, M.A.G. wouldn't hold 254 Players IN THE SAME SERVER. Remind, it's a PS3 Exclusive.
This argument lasts way too long. If you don't like it, say it once, and then get out. Don't waste your time, but spend more time playing Crysis Wars, and be happy. Because of you, normally nice and friendly people go berserk, because they just can't take the flaming anymore.
Inb4 someone starts to flame me, I'm no console gamer. I play PC, own Crysis, Crysis Warhead and Wars, and I have played them for about 2 years now.