Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:10 am

4) You said Crysis didn't sell well and you said it did especially badly in the beginning....

what did i do?

Yes like Crysis 1. Especially in the beginning it didn't sell like it should have! Or like they expected it to.

I didn't say "especially badly", did i?
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:03 pm

I think Crysis 1 was very unique and a game like this will not appear so soon again.
Its not only that it was and is absolutely technically brilliant but its a game that offers you the maximum of creativity in a shooter.
It was the total opposite of everything thats famous on consoles and thats why some hardcoe Crysisfans are disappointed about C2.


as i already got tired long ago of typing walls of text to try to make console players understand what is so wrong about C2 i'll just say i agree with most of the opinions in this topic, specially Talon and Dark-lite

Because some people hate change and want claymoring, VTOL-bunker-spamming strafe jumpers who glide across the map 1km each jump, hip-firing their SCAR+laser to instakill anyone at any distance.
These people also whinge about how Crysis 2 is consolised because of tiny, puny things which make no logical sense.


Yes, so these people rage and whinge, but they're a tiny minority of people who don't deserve opinions, so you can ignore them and consider their posts a background noise until they flock elsewhere. Crysis 2 isn't going to change. Deal with it.

lol, your opinion is as biased as the ones you are trying to refute
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Richus Dude
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:31 pm

as i already got tired long ago of typing walls of text to try to make console players understand what is so wrong about C2 i'll just say i agree with most of the opinions in this topic, specially Talon and Dark-lite

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Devils Cheek
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:56 pm

Because it's a 360 port.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:23 pm

I don't know about anyone else but Crysis 2 seems like its more driven to making the biggest noise possible, and killing everything.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:55 pm

First off, Crysis 1 sales were actually very good, Yerli just had an insane expectation to outsell all other games and blamed it on "piracy". I am still waiting for Yerli to get butthurt when the PC MP hits the ground only a couple weeks from release and blame it on that "dirty leak".

dude syox, form an opinion and stick to it. You contradict yourself and defend yourself with every post when it honestly is not necessary and just flat out detracting from the point of the thread.

Yerli was so proud of Crysis 1 that he clearly stated that it could not be recreated on a console without having the gameplay and design experience being scaled down massively. So does this statement magically not apply to Crysis 2 when Yerli tries to twist his old words into a "creative restraint" when asked about it? The CryEngine 3 does not magically create non-ported games, the development team needs to physically spend some time with the code and design scheme to make it distinctly enjoyable on the PC. From what we have seen, Frankfurt's development team has done this in probably the best way they could possible without completely changing the game, and Nottingham has made just about 0% effort to distinctly make the game enjoyable for PC. The only thing they did change was the playercount to an astonishing 16 player slots, and that took a huge thread and several months of battling with Crytek to convince them to touch it at all from a completely mournful 6on6.

I mean come on, we are hearing that the demo will use a LOBBY SYSTEM? What kind of fail is that!? I do not consider Crytek UK to be any part of the real Crytek team and hell, they should just work on Timesplitters because thats all they were ever good at.

Crysis 2 Multiplayer is completely destroyed by a novice company that obviously has no clue about PC development and it will be shown 100% when the PC Demo hits and the playercounts dwindle down quickly after.

The engine does not handle the design decisions that make a game a console port, and Crytek UK simply does not seem to understand this, at all.

I have a bad feeling that Crysis 3 will not be on my list of games to purchase in the future, and it will be primarily because of the total **** job done by a novice developer.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:16 am

And in addition to my other post:

It is not just the radical change that pisses me off, it is how this is a radical change that is clearly gearing the game into a complete Call of Duty console oriented ripoff. Seriously, Crytek UK has a serious problem with lacking any sort of innovation. They have stolen just about everything that makes CoD unique and put it in Crysis 2, and renaming it does not make it unique... I could kinda accept a radical change from the Crysis style to something else thats still truly unique, but its from a Crysis style to the most generic game franchise out there: Call of Duty.

Seriously, one CoD per year is more than enough for my tastes, when I purchase Crysis 2 I expect to be playing something unique and not a rip-off.

I have much higher expectations from Crytek than to radicalize the multiplayer into something Call of Duty based.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:30 pm

Just let's wait for the demo. 3 days left.

It will btw svck if Crysis 2 is really bad. I was waiting for 2 games. Crysis 2 and Mafia 2. Mafia 2 was a nice game but it was clearly not finished yet, parts where just missing and it was by far not what Mafia 1 was (you could also feel the console in it, but that was doable). So I really hope Crysis 2 will be good.

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:40 pm

Every thing Talon said was 100% true. Though its kinda like cod, im still going to buy it for SP, mods and if i like the PC demo, MP.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:31 pm

Which I suppose is cool with me. As long as you own up to the bogus actions of the company and the game in the end whether you desire playing it is purely a matter of choice. And I really don't want to come off sounding like "its completely up to you if you like playing lame games" 'cause I don't want to. In the end the final product of the game is probably alright. For me and from what I've seen and heard the game is not worth the money and not up to what I've been expecting from the company.

If they had reduced the price along with the gameplay then I might understand. As of now they kept the price the same but reduced the gameplay and I'm thinkin "naaaaaah its not worth it". Again I'm sure other circumstances are different for other people. From the looks of I'd be willing to pay $40.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:25 am

First off, Crysis 1 sales were actually very good, Yerli just had an insane expectation to outsell all other games and blamed it on "piracy". I am still waiting for Yerli to get butthurt when the PC MP hits the ground only a couple weeks from release and blame it on that "dirty leak".

You know Yerli expects Crysis 2 to sell "like Black Ops"?
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:27 am

High expectations ^^.Seriously now from what i have seen crysis 2 is 30% of original crysis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:21 pm


Nah, this game will sell much more. Crysis has made a big name and all the console-players now think they can get their hands on Crysis to. (Of course they can't because there systems cannot run Crysis, simple as that) the question is more.. Will the PC-version make up to its expectations. If it does not the whole buzz around Crysis will go away and Crysis 3 will not sell. If it does Crysis 3 will sell.

I had a discussion with someone about making games for the masses or for the small PC-community. But the thing with games is that if you make a game that this little group likes everybody will buy it. While making a game for the mainstream mostly seems to fail (COD being the exception on that rule).

Examples of that are Mafia. It has a big name because of the way Mafia was created. It has that name till today. Now then they came with Mafia 2 and everybody had big expectations about it. In the end it did not met those expectations. It was a pretty nice game but it was not what mafia 1 is. It had a little bit console-feel. Is was not finished (parts where just missing), it had no the mafia feeling mafia 1 had and where was the free-ride and free-ride extreme that’s was part of the fame of Mafia 1? Nobody talks about Mafia 2 anymore. It was clearly created for the mass because of its name it got with Mafia 1.

Same with Wolfenstein. Big name. Then they released the new wWlfenstein for the mainstream, big fail. Nobody talks about the new Wolfenstein anymore.
GTA, Console-version was mend for the mass but the PC-version was created for the old GTA-players. Big success.

Look at WoW, created for the die-hard PC-gamers but player by all. Anyway, Crysis 1 had that name so Crysis 2 will sell, the question will be.. Will Crysis 2 keep that name or will it destroy the name because it’s trying to reach the mainstream. From a commercial point it looks like the logical choice but in the game-industry it just works the other way around. Most managers of these companies however don't understand that, they just do what they have been told on school and what I’m telling here is an contradiction to that. Even if the numbers show I’m correct.

I wait for the demo before my final judgment and for now I just comment on thinks I read here on the forum, hoping Crytek will see it. However I guess yesterday and maybe today will be the last day they work on changes. Monday only fixing the last bugs. The night form Monday to Tuesday will be compile-night and then Thursday it will probably be send to the guys that print the disc and distribute it. That’s what I think.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm

Always the same argument... Just don't.... Just...

Look, compared to the Singleplayer, the Multiplayer was maybe played of good 2/4 of persons who actually have the game, 1/4 who pirated it, and the last quarter just thinks the Multiplayer is really really bad. And then, taking these numbers to the total sales, we can see, that the community, who played that game, was really really small, compared to other games at that time. And I don't think you, as the leader of a developer company, wouldn't notice, or even ignore the fact, that they "wasted" money, regarding the expected sales. How much work they put into the Singleplayer can be seen by the community. ALL people who played it are loving it. The Graphics, the Sound, the Atmosphere, the Gameplay. Everything was just perfect! And for that, they made this sheme: They wanted Multiplayer in the game, but still, their focus was lying on the Singleplayer, so that not they didn't work the Multiplayer out well. It' was really unfinished, inbalanced and it made some people (like me) only a ver very little fun, but not that much, that we'd say "Oh, let's play a few rounds Crysis Multiplayer". Then, the Crytek Studio at Budapest worked on Crysis: Warhead, and for Crytek not to leave the people, who played the MP of the first game, they made Wars simultaneously. It was a bit more worked out, a lot of bugs were fixed, new maps were made and Team Deathmatch was included. BUT, the inbalance issues were STILL there. That's the point why Crysis Wars can s**k my b***s. Sorry to say it this way, but if they'd fixed the following points, that game would be awesome!

1. SCAR + Laser = no recoil, best accuracy (better as Sniper Rifle), best DPS = O motherf**king P
2. Circle, and Strafe Jump. They should had find a way to get these things out of that game
3. VTOL Bunker Camping. OP
4. Armor mode beeing useless. It may takes up to 2 shots, but thats it.
5. Damage of Explosives are too low
6. Melee is useless unless strength (Fister... I hate them!)
7. Toggle ADS slows down the gameplay
8. Energy regeneration is SLOW AS HELL! Makes suit modes (and with that, combat techniques) useless in certain situations
9. Cloak is (against "pro" gamers) useless
10. Shotgun is useless, because of it's low damage
11. Prone makes people lie down IMMIDEATELY after they saw you = noobtechnique

That are 11 points for me, not to play the game. And they will stay like that. Crysis 2 has the goal, to reach more, much more people, instead of only the old community. The fate of Crysis depends on Crysis 2's sales, and when it would've been PC exclusive (and all the things you critizise), Crysis would disappear. Crytek would disappear. GOOD GAMES would dissapear, but some people are just TOO ignorant, to think of other but themselves.

Some things mentioned here are DESIGN DECISIONS! For the LAST! FREAKING! TIME!!! Sorry for this Cpt. Capslock but this point got sorted out so many times, but still people don't understand ****, until it's been written in gold with the blood of Chuck Norris (We all know, he has none)
8vs.8 is a design decision, made to remove vehicle inbalance, add more close quarter combat, and enhance the teamplay. If it would be, because of consoles, M.A.G. wouldn't hold 254 Players IN THE SAME SERVER. Remind, it's a PS3 Exclusive.

This argument lasts way too long. If you don't like it, say it once, and then get out. Don't waste your time, but spend more time playing Crysis Wars, and be happy. Because of you, normally nice and friendly people go berserk, because they just can't take the flaming anymore.

Inb4 someone starts to flame me, I'm no console gamer. I play PC, own Crysis, Crysis Warhead and Wars, and I have played them for about 2 years now.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:18 pm

Some people liked the multiplayer, some didnt. If it remained the same as the first game, then it would just be that side of the audience crying.

You can never win guys :/
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:49 pm

Yeah, Crysis MP had glaring issues that were mostly due to Crytek simply having absolute **** patch support. The multiplayer actually had a huge amount of potential and was great fun in many cases, it just needed better support and to be expanded on in the future, since Crysis MP had loads of unfinished work.

Crytek UK has done something completely unessecary and thrown away all of this potential, when the problem never lied within the core gameplay experience and only needed to be tweaked and expanded on. It's disappointing to say the least, with how much ease UK threw out this potential.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:06 am

Yeah, Crysis MP had glaring issues that were mostly due to Crytek simply having absolute **** patch support. The multiplayer actually had a huge amount of potential and was great fun in many cases, it just needed better support and to be expanded on in the future, since Crysis MP had loads of unfinished work.

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sarah taylor
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:53 am

1. SCAR + Laser = no recoil, best accuracy (better as Sniper Rifle), best DPS = O motherf**king P
2. Circle, and Strafe Jump. They should had find a way to get these things out of that game
3. VTOL Bunker Camping. OP
4. Armor mode beeing useless. It may takes up to 2 shots, but thats it.
5. Damage of Explosives are too low
6. Melee is useless unless strength (Fister... I hate them!)
7. Toggle ADS slows down the gameplay
8. Energy regeneration is SLOW AS HELL! Makes suit modes (and with that, combat techniques) useless in certain situations
9. Cloak is (against "pro" gamers) useless
10. Shotgun is useless, because of it's low damage
11. Prone makes people lie down IMMIDEATELY after they saw you = noobtechnique


8vs.8 is a design decision, made to remove vehicle inbalance...

i see you are one of those that just cant get it, i'll try to explain it to you the simplest way i can
C1/CW fans liked the game for its uniqueness , freedom of gameplay and skill required, though everyone that played it recognise that the game has many flaws
said that what the original community of crysis was expecting was the improvement of an already great game, with more content and with this kind of problems and imbalances solved as well with better anti cheat protection and better net code
instead, what we get is something that resembles cod with a nanosuit on top, which will probably increase the sales but will make the game die as soon as another cod comes out, cause cod fans rather a cod over a game that looks like it, meanwhile if crytek had decided to continue with its unique game style and expand it further they could get a very good number of sales and keep a lasting community playing the game for a long time, maybe even something like BC2 numbers
about the points you made there, some of them might be correct but most are not
and if you think that if something is imbalanced then the solution is removing instead of fixing it then i dont know were did you got the authority to call other people ignorant
last note, mag had 256 players servers at what cost? low graphics and even lower detail, now try to imagine how consoles would hold up with C2 graphics on a map with a suitable size for 32 players, meaning a big map, i think this is the main problem, not the amount of players but the size of a map for that amount of players wouldnt allow for a good performance
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:54 am

1. SCAR + Laser = no recoil, best accuracy (better as Sniper Rifle), best DPS = O motherf**king P
2. Circle, and Strafe Jump. They should had find a way to get these things out of that game
3. VTOL Bunker Camping. OP
4. Armor mode beeing useless. It may takes up to 2 shots, but thats it.
5. Damage of Explosives are too low
6. Melee is useless unless strength (Fister... I hate them!)
7. Toggle ADS slows down the gameplay
8. Energy regeneration is SLOW AS HELL! Makes suit modes (and with that, combat techniques) useless in certain situations
9. Cloak is (against "pro" gamers) useless
10. Shotgun is useless, because of it's low damage
11. Prone makes people lie down IMMIDEATELY after they saw you = noobtechnique

All the online games like that , Ofc there gonna be stuff like that , but at future they gonna balance it for sure
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:33 pm

The bad thing that most games nowdays dont come balanced ,they balanced them after 2-3 patches and this is just irritating .Get it right from the start or dont do it at all
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:34 pm

I'm all for attacking devs for not putting effort into their games, but perfect balance from day 1 is a bit too much to ask. Hell, not even Starcraft 1 had perfect balance until what, 3 years after release?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:00 am

The bad thing is that most games are poorly balanced .Biggest example bad company 2 .At first days u took m60 and kill all the other with 2 hits from any distance.Seriously even now after so many months it isnt even close to balance.Black ops the famas and the galil are way too overpowred.Aku and mp5 also.Knife is a total joke with 2 perks.I mean if ive been playing this game for 10 hours i can find the serious issues with balance .Why dont they?Some days i wonder that gamedevelopers dont know how to play their games.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:15 am

Some days i wonder that gamedevelopers dont know how to play their games.
Or they just have £$€ in their eyes, so they don't care is the game balanced or not.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:22 pm

Some days i wonder that gamedevelopers dont know how to play their games.
Or they just have £$€ in their eyes, so they don't care is the game balanced or not.

Usually not. Sometimes its been so many months, and they have a new project, they dont ptch it. Just look at COD5 and the MP40.

Also, publishers can just say 'Get started on your next game and put all your guys on it' leaving no one to work on the old game. Stuff happens in the industry that is beyond the devs control.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 am

Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2.
- no spoilers here, but maybe because some r tired of the same old storyline,
found on games such as left 4 dead, half life, resident evil? same old plot?
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