Why are some Crysis 1 players not interested in Crysis2?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:32 am

I've never played the first Crysis, but C2 looks amazing and from watching the youtube videos of both, I don't really get what there is not to like about the sequel.

Just some posts I read that didn't really go into details, so I thought I'd ask.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:24 pm

Cause they believe Crysis 2 is a copy of COD ...and that's not like this...is just ignorance
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:49 pm

Some fear other controll system...
Some fear they are dumping down things not possible on consols...
Some may just think it is not the game they expect...
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:11 pm

Because many think that it is just another console port. I believe that many things are not in crysis 2 only because it came out for consoles also. Examples are 32/64 player multiplayer and powerstruggle. I was mad about this until recently, the multiplayer gameplay videos keep getting better and better but I will have to wait till the demo to decide for myself =D
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:33 pm

Because many think that it is just another console port. I believe that many things are not in crysis 2 only because it came out for consoles also. Examples are 32/64 player multiplayer and powerstruggle. I was mad about this until recently, the multiplayer gameplay videos keep getting better and better but I will have to wait till the demo to decide for myself =D

Waiting for the demo makes sense, I agree.

As far as the player count goes, I think that the "fun factor" players think they are experiencing in large player count type of matches, is all in their heads.

Then again, I don't know how powerstruggle works, so I'm not sure if 6v6 or 8v8, etc, would support this match type.

Anyway, I'm pretty hyped up about the multiplayer aspect, and when I read posts about "lots" of Crysis 1 players not liking C2, I just worry about a dead multiplayer community.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:38 pm

It does not matter if the old Crysis multiplayer community hates C2 there was only a few thousand of them. What matters is if Cry-Tech can make a new, better and unique multiplayer community. The demo will tell if they did it right or not.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:12 pm

Because many think that it is just another console port. I believe that many things are not in crysis 2 only because it came out for consoles also. Examples are 32/64 player multiplayer and powerstruggle. I was mad about this until recently, the multiplayer gameplay videos keep getting better and better but I will have to wait till the demo to decide for myself =D

Waiting for the demo makes sense, I agree.

As far as the player count goes, I think that the "fun factor" players think they are experiencing in large player count type of matches, is all in their heads.

Then again, I don't know how powerstruggle works, so I'm not sure if 6v6 or 8v8, etc, would support this match type.

Anyway, I'm pretty hyped up about the multiplayer aspect, and when I read posts about "lots" of Crysis 1 players not liking C2, I just worry about a dead multiplayer community.

Power Struggle worked very well with even 3on3 matches. The gamemode was designed to run very well across servers ranging from 3on3 to 16on16 allout warfare. It featured small infantry only maps and large maps with the feeling of all-out war with vehicles and extensive tactics to take over the enemy. I encourage those of you who never played Crysis Wars, find a Power Struggle match on YouTube from the map Refinery, and then find a different one on the map Mesa. This is just one example of how dynamic and freeflowing Crysis as a franchise once was.

Crysis 1 is superior in many ways. The Nanosuit is much more freeflowing and has more options while the Nanosuit 2 is cut down and quite fat type of gameplay with limited options and movement.

The maps are not only small but offer limited options to which tactics you can use and no dynamically changing gunplay. The weapons in Crysis 2 lack any real sense of kick or recoil.. I thought these guys went to a shooting range? It sure doesn't look like it at all.

Many Crysis players couldn't give a crap about suit modules (perks), killstreaks, classes (this destroys real time weapon modification on the fly), nanosuit reboot (prestige), or challenges. The CoD cloning is extensive and obvious, and Crytek UK's lack of experience in the PC industry shows quite alarmingly in this game. What Crysis players wanted in Crysis 2 was to keep the core gameplay experience for the most part, but to refine and expand upon the foundation and keep a long lasting support to create a truly world class game. Crytek UK has managed to throw out three years of growing potential in Crysis MP and the franchise MP is now nothing more than a baseless CoD type style game with a 500 ton looking Nanosuit gameplay, and gone was the clearly unique and glaring potential that has now been thrown away by an inexperienced and may I say "lucky" company. Free Radical is nothing more than a haze type of company, it got very lucky by stumbling into Timesplitters and it will never again have that type of foundational success again.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:57 pm

I can't say we are fully obligated to blame Crytek UK for the multiplayer asset just yet

If they can give word out that we are able to get some of our own servers to host the game, and have server files and everything else.. we just might be able to:

1. Design our own maps like power struggle (I've seen some videos where someone copied one of the Power Struggle Map)
2. Code power struggle to make it work on Crysis 2
3. Give us full control of the server files

In the near future, if they can't do this for us, what makes them think the real Crytek fans that were there for them in the beginning will be there for them in the future? They've said their still with the PC community, I feel as if they are only giving us the gfx asset, and not the core foundation of the game itself because of the consoles.

Either way, I'm still stoked to try the multiplayer, but I don't have high expectations for MP when the game comes out because of this issue
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:57 pm

wait, "nanosuit reboot"? hadn't heard of that one yet... seriously, no one denying the strong COD influence can be taken seriously at this point

the thing that bothers me, as a mainly pc gamer who built a rig for crysis 1 and patiently awaited its release, is that by cevat yerli's own admission, crysis could not be done on a console in any meaningful way - he directly stated that you would have to compromise, and i quote, "the design and the level design"

"(People) are asking me if it's possible. Of course. You can get Crysis even on the Nintendo DS. But not that Crysis -- you cannot get Crysis as it is on PC on any console. What you would have to do is compromise the design and the level design." http://www.techpowerup.com/tags.php?tag=Crysis

^THIS is what worries me...
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luke trodden
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:16 am

I really think PC gamers complain too much, to be honest. They have dedicated servers, they have mod tools, and Crytek spent more time on the PC version. If console gamers are paying for the same game, but not having the same features, we should be the ones complaining. :P

Just be happy the game is finally coming out. I don't believe a single word from anyone on these forums that say they're cancelling their pre-order or not buying the game, or the worst excuse, going back to playing Crysis 1 or Crysis Warhead. If you're that much of a crysis fan, you're going to buy the game, GUARANTEED. I am calling your **** :P lol
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:18 am

I really think PC gamers complain too much, to be honest. They have dedicated servers, they have mod tools, and Crytek spent more time on the PC version. If console gamers are paying for the same game, but not having the same features, we should be the ones complaining. :P

Just be happy the game is finally coming out. I don't believe a single word from anyone on these forums that say they're cancelling their pre-order or not buying the game, or the worst excuse, going back to playing Crysis 1 or Crysis Warhead. If you're that much of a crysis fan, you're going to buy the game, GUARANTEED.

Do you realize that Crysis 2 has absolutely nothing in common with Crysis 1? Its not just a refinememt of gameplay, they completely threw out a franchise with a huge amount of potential.

There is plenty to complain about. To begin with, you console people shouldnt even be getting the game in the first place, and half of the design problems are from your simple controllers and obsolete hardware.

Dedicated Servers and mod tools are standard in PC games, its nothing we as a community should even have to ask for. Console gamers have nothing to complain about because they don't know what this game changed to just to accomodate them.

Its like Halo 3 ---> Halo Reach but on a much worse scale of losing base with the franchise. Just to put of a bit more in console terms.

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles
Huge varied maps ---> Small maps to accomodate consoles.
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles.
Removal of vehicle gameplay and Power Struggle to accomodate consoles.
Removal of real time weapon modification to accomodate consoles.
Removal of nanosuit menu to accomodate consoles.
Removal of strafe jumping to accomodate consoles.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC beta to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC video to accomodate consoles.
Lack of PC information to accomodate consoles.
Delayed release of PC demo to accomodate consoles.
Inclusion of modules to cater to console mindset
Lowering of recoil to cater to console mindset.
Inclusion of nanosuit reboot to cater to consoles.
Inclusion of killstreaks to cater to consoles.
Inclusion of killcam to cater to consoles.
Raise in spread to cater to consoles.

Why should we be complaining again?
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:46 am

hahaha when i was reading your post i thought this is not crysis its another game.Well i guess its a new one:>(mainstreamed!)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:25 pm

I really think PC gamers complain too much, to be honest. They have dedicated servers, they have mod tools, and Crytek spent more time on the PC version. If console gamers are paying for the same game, but not having the same features, we should be the ones complaining. :P

Just be happy the game is finally coming out. I don't believe a single word from anyone on these forums that say they're cancelling their pre-order or not buying the game, or the worst excuse, going back to playing Crysis 1 or Crysis Warhead. If you're that much of a crysis fan, you're going to buy the game, GUARANTEED. I am calling your **** :P lol

Actually in the past few years PC gamers are the ones who get screwed: straight ports from consoles onto a higher quality system is not ideal at all. Also we get anti-piracy software that messes with our systems, not with consoles. Also we need dedicated servers especially with higher player numbers in MP. There are varied problems associated with PC gaming that console gamers never face - you for the most part get a very smooth game that works straight out the box, we often don't.

Regarding Crysis 1 players not wanting to play Crysis 2: So what? A million Everquest players had no interest in EQ2. I lost interest in Civilization after number 2. My friend loved Deus Ex 1 but had little interest in trying the second. You watched a movie, read a book: do really want to see a sequel?

Crysis 2 is for the new generation of gamers, not the old (like me). However, I don't hold onto the past so am very interested in Crysis 2.
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Solène We
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:17 am

hahaha when i was reading your post i thought this is not crysis its another game.Well i guess its a new one:>(mainstreamed!)

Meh. Quite frankly I could easily expand on that list but I do think that that list gets the point across pretty well, and it would be boring to list out any more console esque changes.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:28 pm

I really think PC gamers complain too much, to be honest. They have dedicated servers, they have mod tools, and Crytek spent more time on the PC version. If console gamers are paying for the same game, but not having the same features, we should be the ones complaining. :P

Just be happy the game is finally coming out. I don't believe a single word from anyone on these forums that say they're cancelling their pre-order or not buying the game, or the worst excuse, going back to playing Crysis 1 or Crysis Warhead. If you're that much of a crysis fan, you're going to buy the game, GUARANTEED. I am calling your **** :P lol

We complain too much because we don't settle for second place.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:20 am

hahaha when i was reading your post i thought this is not crysis its another game.Well i guess its a new one:>(mainstreamed!)

Meh. Quite frankly I could easily expand on that list but I do think that that list gets the point across pretty well, and it would be boring to list out any more console esque changes.

Do continue with that list.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:37 pm

Seriously i start to believe that few games can be played the way the pc users wanted to be playing.All are ports or have restrictions in buttons assignments,gameplay.The only last true competitive game i can remind the past year is one:starcraft 2.Where are the days of battlefield 2,crysis,counterstrike,team fortress,quake,unreal tournament,warsow.when u didnt need a radar to spot an enemy all the time ,when u do need audio and aim skills and brain reaction times and strategy to fullfill your goal .Thats a game !Now there are uav ,footstep tracking ,zero recoil weapons.There are so many gadgets modules ,perks ,wepaon attachments ,holograms but u know something ?THE DEEP CORE gameplay is zero
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:43 pm

if the demo turns out to be anything like the leak, which I am certain it will in regards to the suit mobility then crysis 2 is dead to me and everyone that is even worth talking to about crysis.

They have RUINED MOBILITY. the strength and speed together is a fantastic idea. works great. you should default armor mode though and have to go into power mode just like c1. you cant sprint now without taking energy. effing stupid. you sprint slow. no strafing at all. side strafing without the "flying" is basically zero since you move so slow. you die so much faster if you arent in armor. its pathetic. PATHETIC.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:21 pm

There is plenty to complain about. To begin with, you console people shouldnt even be getting the game in the first place,

Well you act like you own this game. Crytek is a business, they're going to open up to other platforms. You're just ignorant if you think you deserve or are entitled to a game more than everyone else, when they really have no personal obligation to you. Get off your own pedestal and stop going about these forums like they owe you something. My post was directly at players like you, to be honest. You're acting like a little child with parents that just had two new babies, just be glad you don't have that third sibling with downs (wii)

We complain too much because we don't settle for second place.

Thats true. I bought my xbox360 for 200$. I don't complain too much, because I didn't invest hundreds into a gaming computer. Sorry about your frustrations lol
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:17 pm

Because some people hate change and want claymoring, VTOL-bunker-spamming strafe jumpers who glide across the map 1km each jump, hip-firing their SCAR+laser to instakill anyone at any distance.
These people also whinge about how Crysis 2 is consolised because of tiny, puny things which make no logical sense.

Inclusion of modules to cater to console mindset. (So making the game more complex by adding suit customisation dumbs it down? Hm)
Removal of nanosuit menu to accomodate consoles. (Particularly a huge fail because there is a nanosuit menu)
Lowering of recoil to cater to console mindset. (Herpity derp. SCAR+laser had no recoil. Crysis 2 has more recoil than Crysis Wars. Please. Just stop before you hurt yourself.)
Raise in spread to cater to consoles. (Now this makes huge sense. Console players prefer inaccuracy when hip-fire spraying? Uh huh. Especially since controllers are harder to aim with? Hmmm. Nope. Swing and miss.)
Inclusion of killcam to cater to consoles. (There's nothing wrong with a killcam, especially when it can be skipped. Angry because CoD did it first? Angry because Doom 1 had a shotgun, and Crysis had one too? Crysis fans were begging for a killcam.)
Inclusion of nanosuit reboot to cater to consoles. (This one is derp-worthy. So, how do "hardware and controller limitations" force Crysis 2 to have a system where you can optionally choose to advance through the ranks again, with an added reward?)

Yes, so these people rage and whinge, but they're a tiny minority of people who don't deserve opinions, so you can ignore them and consider their posts a background noise until they flock elsewhere. Crysis 2 isn't going to change. Deal with it.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:32 am

Simplifying things means that u have also to raise the skillbar.Lets see how crysis 2 multi does with that.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:32 pm

Generally because Crysis 2 doesnt play anything like the first Crysis.
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:59 am

I've never played the first Crysis, but C2 looks amazing and from watching the youtube videos of both, I don't really get what there is not to like about the sequel.

Just some posts I read that didn't really go into details, so I thought I'd ask.
Crysis 2 single player looks a lot more tight and linear than the first game and the multiplayer looks to suffer the same. So some like me will probably wait to hear what user experience is like after the game is released to retail.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:18 pm

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles.

These ones are indeed very very bad decisions if they are true. Still waiting for the demo and this are thinks I will be looking for (Crytek told they would not compromise the PC-users so please give them credit until you see the demo. The above things prove if the did or did not). This might even change my pre-order from nano to the normal (LE) edition. However the other thinks are just changes that are not a real problem. Also feel (movement) of the game is very important.

32 players --> 12 players to accomodate consoles | As long as mods can change it, it's not a problem.
Armor mode default ---> Power Mode default to accomodate consoles. | Armor mode default would be preferred but in the end no real braker.
Removal of speed and strength to accomodate consoles. | This indeed is just a very very bad decision and I hope the demo proves wrong.
Removal of prone and lean to accomodate consoles. | Both very important but especially lean is a must have. And you should (like in Crysis 1) also be able to shoot in lean-position.
Removal of ADS toggle to accomodate consoles. | Should be possible to change this in option. Toggle, or hold mouse-button.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:31 pm

When you people are saying COD clone, what exactly are you talking about? I've played Far Cry 2, BC2, and CoD, they sorta feel differen't but im still playing an FPS that has its own specific style of gameplay. So when you say Crysis 2 is whatever from COD, what do you mean?

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