I have already seen a couple of people talking about Fallout 5 in some these posts, are you being serous or are you joking? I've already seen 'well this is the hope for Fallout 5' and 'I hope Fallout 5 has this in it.' I mean come on, are you really talking about this already? Fallout 4 isn't even out yet, no one here has played it, we have been shown about 20 minutes of gameplay and that's it. Stop throwing a tantrum and presuming things won't be in the game just because they haven't shown us or told us about it yet. Maybe they don't want to tell us everything because what would be the point in that? If there are no surprises in the game when we finally get it there will be no point in playing it. Please just stop with the Fallout 5 comments and wishing. I've only seen one or two so far but please don't talk about it just yet it's ridiculous. Wait for Fallout 4 to come out and play the game, then when you have finally played through it and seen what there is and what there isn't maybe then you can talk about what you want to see in a possible future Fallout game. Just relax, stop getting so ahead of yourselves.