» Fri May 04, 2012 6:30 am
I always got the impression that the Followers struggled to cope because the was a lack of medical supply.
As in, we know there are brief, short-term riots after independence is declared, thus the Followers get an influx of patients. They get an influx of patients not only because of the riots, but also because areas like that NCR encampment led by Captain Parker and Bitter Springs; NCR is pulling out, so where will those people go? The Followers are the most well-known doctors in the area, so obviously all the refugees that got ditched by the NCR would go to the Followers now. They then struggle in the long-term as that taxes their medical supplies, and then amidst the chaos of NCR merchants pulling out of the area, they have trouble getting their hands on enough proper supplies to treat everyone. Freeside itself would become more stable with time, as would trade in the area in general, but the short-term chaos once the three big armies fall really taxes and overwhelms the Followers in a way that affects them for months to come.
That was my take on it, anyways.