So why are there no mods of marrying Serana?

Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:18 am

I expected it to be out asap, but it seems it's tougher than it seems? console commands don't work on her either.
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i grind hard
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:51 am

Probably for the same reason console commands don't work.

She has none of the dialogue, her voice actor does not work with another character who has the dialogue, and probably a few other issues as well.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:52 am

There is a petition here in the forums requesting Bethesda do just that--allow her to marry. Hard to believe they didn't have their voice actor make the appropriate dialogue while "in studio". I too tried all the console commands, pulling out what little hair is left. 640 hours into the game, finally find "that one", and find I can't marry her. Arrgh! I want Hearthfire (for pc), and to marry Serana before I'm too old and grey--is that asking so much?
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:19 am

Serana belongs amongst other factions in the serana faction, mods like UFO do not even give full controll of her inventory. If I remember correctly Bethesda were slow in releasing the .psc files for Dawnguard so modders were already behind the eight ball. It's possible that they are either fully into their own projects and maybe like me think why put any time in on it if bethesda change it in the future.

I don't know I have Multiple marriages installed but I actually haven't checked to see if it works on her.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:35 am

You can make far more attractive NPC vampires with the creation kit xD

But so many want serana because of who she is. There was a mod called Lauras Cult that allowed you to marry a Serana twin, but the guy ruined it by now making the twin have brown hair for some reason...

Looks really weird now.
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john page
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Post » Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:47 pm

Couldn't it just be done with texted based dialoge instead of Voiced.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:16 pm

I think if you forced an NPC into the marriage faction that didn't have voice acting it would all still work you just get silence where the marriage specific dialouge is.

Maybe Beth. couldn't have Serana marry, maybe the voice actor choked on the corny lines and refused.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:19 pm

Couldn't it just be done with texted based dialoge instead of Voiced.

It'd just be a bit more complicated as you'd have to give her the option implemented into her conversations to allow marriage, so forcing something that isn't already there to begin with, typically people replace rather than add in a new option as it's much much simpler. Like perk trees, they don't typically create new perk branches but replace some although some do create new ones.

Then you'd have to force her to follow the scripts to head to the house and stay there after the marriage, to go through the ceremony and so on and so forth.

But at the same time, the no voice and only text sounds appealing at first, but there would be SOOOO much silence during the wedding and after the marriage as half the options would be silent.
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i grind hard
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:28 am

Sorry I tell a lie Serana is in a serana faction and a serana crime faction.

It'd just be a bit more complicated as you'd have to give her the option implemented into her conversations to allow marriage, so forcing something that isn't already there to begin with, typically people replace rather than add in a new option as it's much much simpler. Like perk trees, they don't typically create new perk branches but replace some although some do create new ones.

Then you'd have to force her to follow the scripts to head to the house and stay there after the marriage, to go through the ceremony and so on and so forth.

I'm not sure about the follow scripts and marriage scripts being a problem I think that is handled by the quest, there are plenty of custom mod NPC's out there which it works on. In fact I just tested Multiple Marriages on a custom follower (the mod doesn't seem too crash hot but the standard marriage quest worked).

Damn I'll just have to put up with ASX Spells on Serana instead (lifes tough!!)
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:24 am

Sorry I tell a lie Serana is in a serana faction and a serana crime faction.

I'm not sure about the follow scripts and marriage scripts being a problem I think that is handled by the quest, there are plenty of custom mod NPC's out there which it works on. In fact I just tested Multiple Marriages on a custom follower (the mod doesn't seem too crash hot but the standard marriage quest worked).

Damn I'll just have to put up with ASX Spells on Serana instead (lifes tough!!)

When I've made followers before though they could only be married if you chose one of certain voices for the NPC. If you happened to choose a wrong voice they could not be married.
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carley moss
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:59 pm

This is ridiculous and not just because there is no mods, a nice female could voice the role for PC.
This better be fixed in a patch, it is disgraceful that we're being teased by her and her looks and not able to do anything about it.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:22 am

I completely agree with you, a modder probably could even find someone who could cast her voice good enough just for the few lines needed, well good enough to pass anyway. But you would still need someone willing to wade through the related quests, scripts, etc.. Easy enough (or maybe not) for someone who knows what their doing for normal followers but they did go to alot of effort in making her character different.

When I've made followers before though they could only be married if you chose one of certain voices for the NPC. If you happened to choose a wrong voice they could not be married.

May have been when I was reading about it that they got it wrong.

This is probably all acedemic anyway, the whole marriage system in Skyrim svcks big time, unless you have some mods it's not like your going to see or get any action even if you do marry. The only character my female warrior married was Ysolda, they slept together once when she first moved into Hjerim and then Ysolda never slept again.
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gary lee
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:32 pm

I completely agree with you, a modder probably could even find someone who could cast her voice good enough just for the few lines needed, well good enough to pass anyway. But you would still need someone willing to wade through the related quests, scripts, etc.. Easy enough (or maybe not) for someone who knows what their doing for normal followers but they did go to alot of effort in making her character different.

May have been when I was reading about it that they got it wrong.

This is probably all acedemic anyway, the whole marriage system in Skyrim svcks big time, unless you have some mods it's not like your going to see or get any action even if you do marry. The only character my female warrior married was Ysolda, they slept together once when she first moved into Hjerim and then Ysolda never slept again.

Haha too bad it's not a fable game? :tongue:

Fable did marriage pretty well. You could even have multiple marriages and then the wives find out and get mad, you could have kids who would run away then you'd have to save.

I remember there was a magic sword called the swinger sword or something that got stronger the more you had six with people, and the more 3 ways you had.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:27 am

Yeah Serana follows no follow styles at all. she won't rest, wait or perform tasks. I have to send all my followers home before I can get her to follow me, and then using the UFO get all my followers back. kinda taxing if you ask me.

As for marriable... don't see the harm in it but none of my characters would marry her. Just not their thing.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:29 pm

Haha too bad it's not a fable game? :tongue:

Fable did marriage pretty well. You could even have multiple marriages and then the wives find out and get mad, you could have kids who would run away then you'd have to save.

I remember there was a magic sword called the swinger sword or something that got stronger the more you had six with people, and the more 3 ways you had.

"Takes me back to my horse riding days."
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lacy lake
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:15 am

Well, I think Serana explicitly stated that she doesn't want to marry. It's not that she doesn't care for [you], she values the existing relationship, and [you] should, too. And from a gameplay point of view, marriage oft turns NPCs into cardboard cutouts, and that would likely happen with Serana, too.
This feature wouldn't do any harm, but I don't see much logic behind it. It's not like they couldn't have cast the VA for a few more lines; she's intentionally not marriable, with fair enough reasoning behind it.
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Post » Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:31 pm

Blame molag bal storywise serana fear's temples is cause of him to me it seems like she does like you and depending on how you view it could be a relationship but she does not want to marry. I mean to me it seems like the option is not there for story reasons.
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:54 pm

Well, I think Serana explicitly stated that she doesn't want to marry. It's not that she doesn't care for [you], she values the existing relationship, and [you] should, too. And from a gameplay point of view, marriage oft turns NPCs into cardboard cutouts, and that would likely happen with Serana, too.
This feature wouldn't do any harm, but I don't see much logic behind it. It's not like they couldn't have cast the VA for a few more lines; she's intentionally not marriable, with fair enough reasoning behind it.

The reasoning is typically she hates temples and the divines would frown upon her and stuff. But if you get married, she'll show up regardless so that function destroys that argument typically.

Some people just want to marry her. Yes the responses will just keep repeating but, when you complete the MQ the responses will just keep repeating as well.

At least this way you can make her make you din din :devil:
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:51 am

But if you get married, she'll show up regardless so that function destroys that argument typically.

Another gameplay overlook. Just like when
Brand-Shei randomly shows up at your wedding after a certain quest only to walk off to jail and continue his life sentence later.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:34 pm

Another gameplay overlook. Just like when
Brand-Shei randomly shows up at your wedding after a certain quest only to walk off to jail and continue his life sentence later.

They should just allow marriage under deadra for dark relationships or something.

And take a note or two from fable on marriages xD
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:07 am

Try asking Serana about marriage, and then tell her that you were only curious. She'll admit that she knows what you're getting at, but after all the things she's done, she couldn't bring herself to ask the gods for a blessing like that.

That's why she won't marry you.

So keep it in your pants and respect the woman's feelings.

OP, you seem to think the modding community owes some sort of obligation to you.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:28 am

There isn't a mod because she is mine!!!! She is my boo, and no one else can have her!!!
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:18 am

Now now, there's over 10,000 others who want some action with her (re-petition). But it does make we wonder what the poor girl would like afterwards, does 10,000 equate to one fling Molag Bal?
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Big Homie
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:40 pm

I guess cause modders are too busy with Serana six mods? :P
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Post » Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:06 am

Now now, there's over 10,000 others who want some action with her (re-petition). But it does make we wonder what the poor girl would like afterwards, does 10,000 equate to one fling Molag Bal?
10000 probably equates to a nice dinner with molag bal.
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