Don't vampires and werewolves hate each other? Why do vampires use wolves as familiars?
Don't vampires and werewolves hate each other? Why do vampires use wolves as familiars?
They.. don't, They just view them as a weaker "gift" (curse).
If you are a werewolf and talk to Lord Harkon during Bloodline, he says he can smell it on you and purge you of its "filth".
Because again, he views you as weak. Probably thinks Hircine is lesser than Bal. That's just him really, since he's more aligned with the actual Daedra than most vampires. There's no real vampire/werewolf schism in TES besides Daedric competition/arrogance.
While I'm sure they would pick something else if the developers allow them to... But I never see a vampire conjure familiars. I saw lots of raise dead and frost atronachs, rarely storm... But never familiars.
Also... Did you get the assumption that vampires and werewolves hate each other from the Underworld's series? (Or, God forbids... Twilight?) They are both mythical creatures of the night. They both drink blood. According to some sources they are both undead. And in many cultures, vampires are also shapeshifters who can turn into wolves. If anything at all, they should ally with each other to prey on people.
Vampires normally can turn into animals, like wolves and bats... So not surprised.
They will end up killing each other due to beliefs... Oh and technically, vampires specifically need human (Humanoid in this case) blood... Werewolves just need to feast on any animal they can find to take care of their animalistic bloodlust.
But anyways. There is one big difference between vampires and werewolves (Well Lycans in general). Especially for those that highly praise their respective Daedric Prince... That being this:
Lycans are most honorable and respective about their prey... They will always make sure that the prey can escape or even win in a fight since they hunt normally for the fun of the chase... If they made it so they can ALWAYS win no matter what then what's the point? Hircine himself even follows this rule and whenever he personal hunts someone, he always make sure they can escape... Also, if the hunt is pleasurable enough to the Lycan, they do seem to respect their prey in some way. (Depends on if the Lycan has full control or not though)...
Vampires on the other end are extremely disrespectful. They don't hunt for the same reasons as Lycans and a lot of times, they like to capture and keep their prey alive, tormenting them for years straight and using them as a 'food source', showing no respect at all to them. Though gotta remember, they were created by Molag Bal who seems to be one of the more evil Daedric Princes who would love and support that kind of stuff anyways... Oh and vampires normally will never let a prey escape. Only way to get away from a vampire is by killing them, otherwise they'll get you on way or another. They wont let you escape like a Lycan might...
Yes, Dracula can turn into a wolf. He does so in almost every movie that features him.
Also why would vampires and werewolves hate each other? I assume they would only become hostile to one another, if they both seek the same prey. In that case the werewolf would rip the vampire to shreds.
Because :
Vampire and Werewolves hate each other is in Van Hellsing and Underworld
Yes, a consensus somehow formed over time and some people (trying not to generalize here, but it's hard) tend to apply that, or desire that in order to establish some form of cognitive harmony.
It why some say that Dragons in Skyrim are not Dragons because they are not 4-legged.
Dawnguard was basically TES version of Van Helsing.
He also can transform into mist and has hypnotic control over the minds of lesser creatures, including bugs, rats, wolves and (some) humans.
That's probably why they would despise each other. Competition of resources.
Vampires and Werewolves do not hate each other in TES series. Although, Vampires do find the blood of Werewolves to be a delicacy due to it's unique taste of man and beast mixture, according to one of the books in TES II: Daggerfall.
You mean Underworld...
BTW in that particular movie the ONLY reason vamps and lycans (werewolves) are at each others throats is because 1 dude who was lycan was betrayed and royally pissed off by another who was vampire.
How people take any sort of "Werwolf-Vampire-shism" as granted since Underworld/Twilight. Modern popculture, I hate you.