Why are you defending Crytek?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:28 am

Xyos, adding DX11 DOES make the game look magically better!

It maybe somewhat refreshing for console gamers, because they've been stuck with bottom of the toilet shooters like COD for years and years, but not the PC community. As a PC game it's a step down from some of the freedoms and advances Crysis 1 had made.

Think of it as a scale, Crysis 2 is indeed a step up from games like COD, but is no question a step down from games like Crysis or Warhead.

[ -Crysis
[ -Crysis 2
[ -COD

But compared to Crysis, it is basically just a generic shooter.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:06 am

Careful Crynetsecurity, Gunner assumes that because he says a lot of silly things, and that people understandably call him out on them
r u seriously calling names and trying to make fun is really "understandably calling me out" dont know what world you're from but that's straight up something a child would do.
You know what is say about people who make fun of others to make themselves feel better ? CHILD
thats what im dealing with here

And FYI im not the one who started it proof is in the post i merely went on the defense so dont even try to throw that **** in a sentence
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:57 am

thanks for ruining page you can read half of what people are saying now
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:19 am

page 9
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:30 am

page 9
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:11 pm

Try this again....

Careful Crynetsecurity, Gunner assumes that because he says a lot of silly things, and that people understandably call him out on them
r u seriously calling names and trying to make fun is really "understandably calling me out" dont know what world you're from but that's straight up something a child would do.
You know what is say about people who make fun of others to make themselves feel better ? CHILD
thats what im dealing with here

And FYI im not the one who started it proof is in the post i merely went on the defense so dont even try to throw that **** in a sentence

@ crynetsecurity89 i get what you're saying about physics
i just dont see eye to eye on other stuff
Also could have worded the whole "have you even played the game" sounded little harsh ..again i apologise

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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:59 am

The best part, when you break a forum page with a big pic like that, you can't do anything about it because the EDIT button is off in the void zone too :)
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:13 am

Try this again....

Careful Crynetsecurity, Gunner assumes that because he says a lot of silly things, and that people understandably call him out on them
r u seriously calling names and trying to make fun is really "understandably calling me out" dont know what world you're from but that's straight up something a child would do.
You know what is say about people who make fun of others to make themselves feel better ? CHILD
thats what im dealing with here

And FYI im not the one who started it proof is in the post i merely went on the defense so dont even try to throw that **** in a sentence
I'm not even going to bother addressing this until you include the entire quotation.

*edit* Ok, so since you obviously won't, I will:
Ringleader- Careful Crynetsecurity, Gunner assumes that because he says a lot of silly things, and that people understandably call him out on them, that were all feeding each other ignorance by focusing ALL our attention on HIM...
And I say this because...


Gunner- and lol at all you putting all your attention to me becasue i make valid points you're just mad why else would you feel the need to focus all your attention to me :D
So keep feeding on each others self ignorance and continue to throw insults at me.
I invite anyone to dig around this thread and find these 'valid points' we keep hearing about. I sure as heck couldn't find them.

Let's actually take a moment and examine some of the completely non childish things Gunner had stated:

Actually played the game unlike some people
maybe becasue i knew if i ignored it you would have your panty's all in a bunch
and LOL that you would not realize why i ran small drivers in a raid configuration some PC guy you're
neilthecellist wrote:

EDIT: Don't double post.

LMFAO Some of you guys clearly think you're the **** and are mad and jealous
that games run better on my system including crysis/warhead:D

LOL you guys bich and moan wost than my chick on the rag
neilthecellist wrote:

EDIT: Don't double post.

double post

Let's see, the only ones that have understandably called you out are, that guy you told to STFU for double posting, and myself, so that's a grand total of 2. I'm sorry about the name calling, or at least I would be if I had actually called you a name that is. I won't try to 'throw that **** in a sentence', because I don't even know what that means! LOL

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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:11 am

I'm not even going to bother addressing this until you include the entire quotation.

heh Post a giant picture first, so we have to tab to a new page to read it.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:34 am

LOL, these forums need DX11.
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Lily Something
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:59 pm

I'm not even going to bother addressing this until you include the entire quotation.

LOl the problem goes far beyond the game at this point
so the rest of your post is irrelevant
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:25 am

LOL, these forums need DX11.

haha Well executed.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:31 am

I dunno about forefathers, civil wars and underground newspapers, I'm an Aussie. I know more about American history than i do my own country's, so as a result I assume nobody of old Australia is responsible for my right to complain. I'll complain about something if i feel strong enough about it, and if its mostly just to let of steam, so be it. A complaint doesn't have to be solved to become constructive.

I'm not going to raise all the issues here, i won't pretend to know every aspect of what i talk about, i'll just say what i've experienced.
Spent the weekend playing the campaign on the highest settings the PC version will allow. My PC specs aren't relevant, it runs the game well. TBH the graphics were very pleasing, and IF they bring out DX11 for it, i plan to play it again for the eyegasm. Even the DX10 was extremely detailed, i found mysefl marvelling at how the tyres on the vehicles would flatten instead of disappear when shot, laughing at the CELL troopers yelling "HOLY ****!" as my round narrowly missed their heads. But just the same it was missing things. Notably, thin layers of water on the ground, while beautifully reflective, did not ripple when walked through. Its these tiny things that would have gone a long way to a positive reaction towards crytek as an innovator. Crysis 1 shattered pretty much all ideas of what game graphics should have been. Crysis 2, whilst an improvement on those graphics, has not had the same effect.

Bugs? The one with the 0 nanocatalysy points. But really, complain about this and you can write off any claims of being a decent FPSer : /

I love game stories. Half life 2: genius. Thrilling, suspenseful, intriguing and at times moving. If we keep comparing game storylines to HL2, sure, eventually one will beat it, but its not realistic for every game. As you'll all know, the Crysis universe is based on sci-fi novels. Loosely based i'm guessing. Crysis 1 was not a fantastic story by HL2 standards, but i don't think it as ever meant to really sell based on its story. Its a widely adopted opinion that Crysis was a gorgeous, not great, game. My theory is that crytek were this time trying to create more of a story focus with C2 rather than annihilating our minds with yet another hardware-hammering visual experience. Again, its not HL2, but its pretty damn good. But i'm ranting, its amazing how easy it is to write this much! ^_^

Now, Multiplayer. Thankfully, it works for me, no problems. Thats not to say i have no gripes about it. Aussie servers aren't popular enough to attract hackers it seems, not that i'd know how to identify one, players don't seem to die from my shots one way or another XD
It kills me that there's no LAN, and though i'd be thoroughly pissed off at the prospect of paying twice for a game, i WOULD buy a standalone Multi version of C2, something like Crysis Wars, because i like to play it. As i said before, i'm not gonna cry about it hoping that it gets fixed in this game, but i will cry about it for the sake of having a bich. I dunno who gave it to me, but its my right.

Also, a word on the trolls.
I could be trolling right now, its funny as hell. But i'd at least have the sense to read the thread in its entirety before posting my delightfully insulting comments. Its really quite sad to see all that nerdage you guys spew forth go to waste because of ignorance in its purest form; ignoring stuff :P

Oh, and Swyv "balls-to-the-wall video flicker"
I take my metaphorical hat off to you, sir.
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:16 am

Hahahahaha, hahahahaaahaa, hahahaha....hahaha, hahaa haaaa. Okay, let's break this down:

The time has come people, to stand together as a community and say NO MORE! Will YOU be a human being with rights and freedoms, or would you prefer to be a cow, going through life being herded where the farmer wants you to go?
THE CHOICE IS YOURS whether you decide to use it or not.
1. I get the feeling you're trying to make a moving/powerful speech, unfortunately, that doesn't have as much effect on a forum.

I am so sick of hearing people say "lots of games these days have to be patched". Just because people do it, does NOT make it right! Millions of MURDERS occur daily, so we should allow those killers to go free? Lots of people are doing it!
*READ* 2. Being cheated by a game company isn't even in the same ballpark as the continuous murders that go on day after day, unpunished. In one instance (murder), someone's life is ending; all that they are and ever will be is gone, almost as though it's never happened...you've taken away their anger, sadness, joy and happiness, and you can never fix it, their loved ones (children, wife, husband, brother, sister, mother, and father's lives are forever changed). In the other (this), you have lost a fleeting moment of menial entertainment in your lifetime, a series of codes and script that will never amount to anything in your impact on the world. That's how undeniably wrong you are.

It is NOT acceptable to release a faulty product into the marketplace, and if you sit back and accept it merely because it's happened before, you dishonor the memory of your forefathers who took up arms, died in political prisons, and published underground newspapers to give us the society we live in today! My grandfather died on the shores of a foreign country, so that I would have the RIGHT to complain when I'm given a shoddy product!
*READ* 3. Your grandfather doesn't give a damn about your quarrels with a game company. He died for a cause in which he believed he was saving his country and facilitating the betterment of the world, you're sitting here on your (likely) fat ass and biching so you can get an imperceptibly small amount of extra entertainment for yourself. Your dead Grampa probably doesn't like you using him in your half-assed argument.

It's this kind of blind acceptance that allowed Hitler to attempt genocide in WW II! Most of the people of Germany didn't agree with him killing persons of the Jewish faith, but because no one stood up and tried to stop him, it was allowed to proceed! BECAUSE NO ONE STOOD UP AND SAID "NO"!
4. Now I don't even need to explain how unnecessary imprudent that is

Now I'm not saying that we should compare a faulty video game to the Holocaust, but the underlying factors are the same. If we as a community accept this, it will continue to happen, and we'll see bigger problems on more games, and get longer wait times for the fixes.
5. At least he admitted it (look back at 4)

I am daily grateful that our ancestors had the intestinal fortitude to stand up and DO something when they saw they were being wronged, and many of them DIED for that privilege! You people, however, only have to write a letter or post. Maybe return the game until they fix the issues, but you're not willing to do even THAT!

You act like a bunch of sheep or cattle, shuffling along, where-ever they care to point you, and the only contribution you make to this world is DUNG!
*READ* And Finally 6. I almost could've ignored your post, almost could've let it slide and continued with my day, but then there was this. So because I'm not trying to rally people from the comfort of my computer chair (on a forum no less) to rebel against a company that makes media products for simple entertainment and has never wronged me in my life (even though it was I who decided to spend my money on their product) and callously referring to my long dead grandfather's sacrifices in WW2 and the horrors of the holocaust to twist into a spearhead for my inane and menial argument....then my lifelong contributions amount to nothing?
I think I'd rather be making the dung then be like you and grovel in it.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:18 am

Hmm, thethinginmypants is smaller then I had anticipated.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:57 pm

Hahahahaha, hahahahaaahaa, hahahaha....hahaha, hahaa haaaa. Okay, let's break this down:

The time has come people, to stand together as a community and say NO MORE! Will YOU be a human being with rights and freedoms, or would you prefer to be a cow, going through life being herded where the farmer wants you to go?
THE CHOICE IS YOURS whether you decide to use it or not.
1. I get the feeling you're trying to make a moving/powerful speech, unfortunately, that doesn't have as much effect on a forum.

I am so sick of hearing people say "lots of games these days have to be patched". Just because people do it, does NOT make it right! Millions of MURDERS occur daily, so we should allow those killers to go free? Lots of people are doing it!
*READ* 2. Being cheated by a game company isn't even in the same ballpark as the continuous murders that go on day after day, unpunished. In one instance (murder), someone's life is ending; all that they are and ever will be is gone, almost as though it's never happened...you've taken away their anger, sadness, joy and happiness, and you can never fix it, their loved ones (children, wife, husband, brother, sister, mother, and father's lives are forever changed). In the other (this), you have lost a fleeting moment of menial entertainment in your lifetime, a series of codes and script that will never amount to anything in your impact on the world. That's how undeniably wrong you are.

It is NOT acceptable to release a faulty product into the marketplace, and if you sit back and accept it merely because it's happened before, you dishonor the memory of your forefathers who took up arms, died in political prisons, and published underground newspapers to give us the society we live in today! My grandfather died on the shores of a foreign country, so that I would have the RIGHT to complain when I'm given a shoddy product!
*READ* 3. Your grandfather doesn't give a damn about your quarrels with a game company. He died for a cause in which he believed he was saving his country and facilitating the betterment of the world, you're sitting here on your (likely) fat ass and biching so you can get an imperceptibly small amount of extra entertainment for yourself. Your dead Grampa probably doesn't like you using him in your half-assed argument.

It's this kind of blind acceptance that allowed Hitler to attempt genocide in WW II! Most of the people of Germany didn't agree with him killing persons of the Jewish faith, but because no one stood up and tried to stop him, it was allowed to proceed! BECAUSE NO ONE STOOD UP AND SAID "NO"!
4. Now I don't even need to explain how unnecessary imprudent that is

Now I'm not saying that we should compare a faulty video game to the Holocaust, but the underlying factors are the same. If we as a community accept this, it will continue to happen, and we'll see bigger problems on more games, and get longer wait times for the fixes.
5. At least he admitted it (look back at 4)

I am daily grateful that our ancestors had the intestinal fortitude to stand up and DO something when they saw they were being wronged, and many of them DIED for that privilege! You people, however, only have to write a letter or post. Maybe return the game until they fix the issues, but you're not willing to do even THAT!

You act like a bunch of sheep or cattle, shuffling along, where-ever they care to point you, and the only contribution you make to this world is DUNG!
*READ* And Finally 6. I almost could've ignored your post, almost could've let it slide and continued with my day, but then there was this. So because I'm not trying to rally people from the comfort of my computer chair (on a forum no less) to rebel against a company that makes media products for simple entertainment and has never wronged me in my life (even though it was I who decided to spend my money on their product) and callously referring to my long dead grandfather's sacrifices in WW2 and the horrors of the holocaust to twist into a spearhead for my inane and menial argument....then my lifelong contributions amount to nothing?
I think I'd rather be making the dung then be like you and grovel in it.

BRA-****-VO!!!! =D
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:50 am

I'm not even going to bother addressing this until you include the entire quotation.

LOl the problem goes far beyond the game at this point
so the rest of your post is irrelevant
Negative, your painting a false picture of those that support the notion that Crysis 2 is not up to snuff by misquoting, and basically quote mining my statements, so it is entirely 100% relevant to this topic.

Since this community actively voicing their sentiments to representatives of Crytek, then what has transpired here will ultimately influence what happens to the continued development of Crysis 2 on the PC.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:57 am

Hahahahaha, hahahahaaahaa, hahahaha....hahaha, hahaa haaaa. Okay, let's break this down:
Hahahahaha, hahahahaaahaa, hahahaha....hahaha, hahaa haaaa.
= better
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:36 am

I personally think a lot of people on this forum are very childish. I used to try and post a lot on these forums but now I don't read nearly as many posts because frankly, this community saddens me. It's just so full of hate, that the haters are hating nice people just because they aren't hating with them. It's really very silly. I actually have a lot of faith left in Crytek, they did a very good job with the game IMO and I do believe they will certainly patch in DX11 and provide Sandbox 3 for us at a later date. Go ahead and criticize me, I've made my point, and I'm probably not going to be coming back to this thread.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 am

Whelp, I do too believe it or not, but I do think progress is slowed by people that are basically over hysterical about the quality of this game, saying it's the best game ever made? I guess when Crytek reads that, they think they've reached the pinnacle of video game creation and make just Crysis 2 replicates.

Really dude, no one is going to criticize you because you actually made a valid, well thought out, realistic point. I mean, it's not like you said the textures are higher res in Crysis 2 then in Crysis 1 or anything like that.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:47 pm

In search of a psychologist for the poor man.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

I'm not even going to bother addressing this until you include the entire quotation.

*edit* Ok, so since you obviously won't, I will:

LOL RingleaderO nice edit on that post a page back...onlt took an hour later !!!
All you did was take everything out of context to make you look like the good guy and me the bad
try quoting the 3 pages of BS towards me becasue i like the game.

you really are a piece of work
People like you are truly an embarrassment to the PC gaming community

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Robert Jackson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:33 am

You're kidding right? I'm assuming your referring to the post in which I asked you to include my entire quotation as not to misquote what I said? That hour was time for you to rectify your mistake, something you had not done much to my expectation.

You constantly victimize yourself of every little critique in this thread, but really, had I ever really said something this malicious to you?
People like you are truly an embarrassment to the PC gaming community
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:16 am

YES our FOREFATHERS FOUGHT for Crysis!!!!!!!!
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:23 pm

The sad thing is you dont see what you're doing you really have some sort of physiological issues.
I mean if i dont respond back you go to other extent to try to stir the pot like editing post...ect
Yea im not innocent here but i can admit to things becasue im the bigger man unlike some people here

seriously im done and have no more interest in arguing YES I HAD ALLOT OF TIME ON MY HANDS TODAY so if you want to be the piece of work that you're and continue to talk **** when im not here to defend myself so be it...just will show your true colors....peace
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