Because i like fast frame rates.
Because i like sharp graphics .
I play it through my TV.
I don't personally care for mods but i have the choice.
Mouse and keyboard for the win.
Playing with a controller just don't cut it for me. Athough i could use a ps3 controller or an xbox controller if i wish.
I used to play on Consoles but i choose not to now.
Plus i will be playing with my clan mates (on Team Speak) that iv'e been with for 7 years now

What is your reason?
(EDIT) No flaming please.
1. I don't own any consoles (last console I had was the Nintendo Entertainment System about 20 years ago)
2. after playing recent games at 1920x1080 resolution with high res 2048x2048 texture pack, SSAO, 16 x AF, high quality shadows, and various graphics mods, I could never go back to gaming at a lower resolution such as 1280x720
3. I'm more comfortable gaming on my sofa using wireless NumPad and wireless mouse, with my laptop connected to 1080p projector via HDMI cable
4. 30,000+ mods available for Oblivion, including some truly epic mods that tremendously improve the gameplay experience, suggests there will be some great must-have mods for Skyrim
5. I will be creating some mods for Skyrim, so I need to be able to run the Creation Kit on my PC and test and tweak the mod.