I think your overbright problem is caused by a bad merge of these three environment mods, because my fellout is never that bright even when looking right into the sun.
I tried to fix my issue and I didn't properly backup some things and messed up my game (still learning that to be honest)--- at least I had a couple data backups to begin with
To me honestly, Even if there was a radioactive apocalypse, insects and plants would be the first to survive... it's just scientific realism to me... (just look at chernobyl)
I think the problem with Fellout in general is that either people want the darkest and most brooding landscape ever, and play the character that saves it
a hostile environment mutated beyond belief after nature took control....
that's all subjective I suppose
(Personally, I couldn't play WITHOUT fellout-- so this isn't the kind of comment you wish to illicit)
@Hattix, have you thought of maybe adding FOSE and perhaps a way to pick and choose how things will look with Fellout? (I haven't even begun to learn FOSE heh)
But yeah
Picking and choosing options of how dark and how bright (how fellout the world is) would be fantastic in Fellout... But as I am thinking about it, I kinda realize that is probably impossible.......
Altho, a very long time ago, I remember playing a mod for Oblivion that mimicked Adobe Photoshops ability to add hues and contrasts...
I await your update!