But, after thinking about this long and hard, and thinking over the past months since Skyrim was announced, I've changed my views.
A lot of people on these boards are aware that I'm not a huge fan of Oblivion. I've talked down the game, and stated my opinions on why I disliked it. But after recently playing through the game again, I've found a *slightly* different opinion. I still dislike it, though.

See, I think Oblivion was a test game of sorts as far as what they can do. I think they put their hearts into it, I'm not saying they were just fooling around, but the game was horribly optimized as far as the game engines were concerned. Yet, Oblivion did things right. They improved on a lot of redundant game mechanics that truly had no purpose in MW. They removed a lot of the frustrating things about MW , but again, concerning a few things, they over-simplified. A lot. And therein lies my problem with OB.
This is how I'd classify each game:
Morrowind - True hardcoe RPG style, huge, open, overly complex at times. A true "foreign/alien" feel to the game. I loved it. A frustrating, great game for the intelligent gamer who is willing to sit down and pour 300+ hours into it. It took me about 4 weeks to beat the main quest at level 40 something the first playthrough.
Oblivion - True hack-n-slash action/adventure game with RPG elements. Homogenized gameplay, overly simplistic, yet updated gameplay that made it less frustrating. Huge improvements regarding Stealth, Magicka use, and Archery A decently fun game that I truly did not enjoy near as much as MW due to the streamlining. It took me about 6 hours to beat the main quest at level 8 the first playthrough.
What I gain from this:
I truly hope that Skyrim will be the best of both worlds. I hope they take what made MW fun, foreign, exciting, and mystical, combined that with what made OB a better game, but not take away so much to the point of toddler proofing, and create the single most amazing RPG in the TES series to date.
I really believe that this will be the case.
Your thoughts? Please, discuss.