Thank you, I think. I now know that common sense is lost on some people, even my favourites devs.
Hey it's 2011, let's design a game for 6 year old hardware, then port it to pc and crank up the sliders. That's how to make a sequel to a legacy!!
Seems like a smart business move to me, if said six year old hardware happens to be the platform their primary demographic is on, which, I'm pretty sure it is, and that's probably why Bethesda has shown only Xbox 360 footage. They're marketing the game towards Xbox 360 players first and foremost and want to show the game as they will experience it. But maybe they will eventually show the PC version, maybe they're just saving that for later (As we can clearly see, Bethesda likes to leave fans anticipating new information.) or maybe not, only time will tell.
They never show the PC version IIRC. It's always the XBOX 360.
They showed the PC version of Oblivion.
I know why. Because Beth wants us to, most importantly, get our hopes down, or lowered, so when we get the game and discover that the carrots are weighted, that draw distance isn't as crappy as it looks, that weapons can actually hit targets, that everything isn't as bad as we thought, we'll be excited and go crazy.
Oh, right, now I see, they want to make people not want to buy their game, that makes perfect sense now! Suddenly all the secrets of the universe are clear to me!
Seriously, though, if their intentions were to get people's hopes down, then they're doing a VERY poor job at it, because for all the bits of bad news I've heard, I've heard many more things that make me excited for the game, and in all the previews of the game I've seen, the responses are for the most part positive, if anything, Bethesda is trying to impress people, like every single other company tries to do in its marketing campaign, and seems to be doing a pretty successful job at it.