Fair points ^^ ill answer the quisitive bits in them
1) well, considering this is ther first next gen and prior - im pretty sure the 360 was nothing like a PC (maybe moreso than the ps3 but still far from it)
2) I was born of the generation that missed the likes of morrowind, bloodmoon ect. My first taste of bethesda was oblivion (on ps3, which.. Didnt go down great) so i kinda missed the "yh me and ms are best of buds" from Todd. Hence the question.
3) Basically a repeat of 2; this is the product of what happens when 2 companies work together anyway
Yeah, i assumed as much with MS having a decent standing in computer software.
Last-gen wasnt built with ease of porting in mind, however current-gen was. Even if its a mess around - the ps4 was too designed inline to be more pc-like in terms of harddrive, capabilities, ect.
Im unaware if the PS4 uses cloud computing either? I mean, the xbox does and crackdown 3 demonstrated it, needing be bandwith of a good 23 X1's to compute all the destruction in real time.. Im unsure but hopeful this will give us a more visually enhanced game or, in turn, make the mods more easily compatible.