Why blame consoles?

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:16 am

I know people will disagree, but the console is slowly killing off PC gaming. Most PC games are just flight sims, MMO's and the occasional RPG like Skyrim.

The console is the new gaming platform for the future. They haven't ruined games, they have made PC gaming pretty much irrelavant.

Yes, I'm bored to see in Steam only "flight sims" and MMO's...

I love people who have no idea of what they talk about. And they still talk.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:11 pm

you look at PC exclusives - STALKER or ARMA or the X games - and what are they doing that console games aren't doing? ARMA is touted as this masterpiece of PC gaming and proof that PC gaming isn't dead and one of the bullet point features for ARMA 3 is RAGDOLL PHYSICS, which console games have had for at least this entire generation. STALKER and X3 both have amazing AI but that's really the only thing they've got going for them that console games don't, because they're both ugly as sin without mods.

what did The Witcher 2 do that console games haven't done? apart from the story, of course, since console gamers are clearly http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/02/the-witcher-2-casting-spells-on-xbox-360/. everything from the main menu to the act of rolling around was clearly designed with a gamepad in mind. it didn't even utilize DX11. it was a pretty game but all of that prettiness was what wasn't masked with tons of depth of field and bloom - which are mostly a console trick to hide [censored] LOD.

everybody going CONSOLES ARE HOLDING BACK GAMING seems to not really understand how incredibly important this generation has been to multi-platform developers. apart from economics or demographics or whatever, we're getting huge huge games like Red Dead Redemption or Skyrim running 100% on hardware from mid-2005 at the latest, and doing so with totally adequate graphics. over the course of these last six years video game developers have MASTERED the art of getting the most out of hardware, and it's only going to improve.

right now the biggest limiting factor for games is the fact that the 360 still uses DVD and doesn't allow mandatory installation. this isn't HURR THE 360 svckS, this is simple fact - if Microsoft had gone with HD-DVD as its standard media and had never released a 360 without at least a 20GB hard drive we would probably still be having this discussion but it wouldn't be nearly as hostile.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:17 am

I agree with that, maybe not so much the rest of it. Even then that isn't the fault of the consoles themselves but developers taking shortcuts with the PC versions. Look at what DICE is doing with BF3 and you can clearly see that a game can truly be made the best it can be for all platforms. It just requires a developer who is dedicated to that.

Whoa, deja vi. I had this same discussion replacing "PC" with "wii" a while ago. It's really all an issue of effort and creativity.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:24 pm

Yes, I know Bethesda is developing the game mainly for consoles, and I know that means they won't match high-end PC expectations. THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-PC THREAD

All I wanted to ask is why people say consoles ruin all video games. Almost every thing I see a PC gamer say, from youtube comments to this forum, is that the game is over simplified so they can be played on consoles, then they go and say how much better PC's are, which i agree that in some ways they are. But most gamers don't want to have to download a bunch of mods or other things, but they really do want a simple gaming system, and don't want to spend all the money to get or build a good PC. Yes the vanilla game is better on consoles, but PC gamers can run the game with bettter graphics and everything, and they also have the ability to fix whatever they want by making or downloading mods for free.

PC gamers have all these things that make better than consoles, but I actually prefer my XBOX 360. Why? Because I really do want to just start up a game for the first time and instantly enjoy it, not having to go through a bunch of setting to get the game the way I like it, after I install the whole darn thing to my computer. Plus XBOX LIVE is awesome, I can play whatever i want and still talk to my friends no matter what I or they are playing.

Skyrim's vanilla version may be better on consoles, I know, but most gamers play on consoles. So yes, the orignal game give more attention on consoles, but don't any of you dare think that they give console gamers themselves more attention, I mean they give PC gamers the entire engine that they made fro Skyrim.

PC's and consoles both have they're ups and downs, so why do so many PC gamers try to over glorify they're computers? If anyone has an answer I want to hear it.

And if there is another thread like this, I would like a link if you may.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly. (Plus I don't have a very good PC...) :brokencomputer:
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:50 pm

I built a computer from spare parts (dating back to oblivion era, the newest being a video card nvidia 9600GT) at the start of this year. You know what? That piece of junk ran any game on the market with a quality better then any console. This just shows that really consoles have stalled games as devs have to use more and more tricks to get new things on a console. When I was growing up, games would come out every year and would require newer and newer hardware....and tis doesnt happen anymore....look at most games from the last 3 years and te minimum requires (even te recomended) will be pretty darn similar.

If tis isnt a sign tat things are stalling ten I dont know what is.....its not a bad things, as games need to at last rely on gameplay again rather then graphics to sell....but something has to be done in the console world soon or they will be left behind in the technology. Im still waiting for games to be built on dx11 (and supporting it or using some features does not mean its built on dx11), or for games to have crowd AI or even a learning system that is capable on today's PC systems. But as long as the consoles continue to run on outdated parts we will never get anything really new.

I dont blame Beth, they have to work within the console's limits, I blame Mircosoft and Sony for pretty much holding the industry to random over when they feel like making a new console.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:57 am

I personally believe banged up pots hold both back, a bunch of svcky PC ports are just as bad as the other way round. I think devs need to focus on one or the other (for certain game types) only specific cross-over games should get ports, this would mean better console games AND better PC games.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:46 am

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.

Steve Russell would like a word with you.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:31 pm

Yes, I'm bored to see in Steam only "flight sims" and MMO's...

I love people who have no idea of what they talk about. And they still talk.

I said most games, not all games. Sure you can buy junk off of steam, but most of it is just that.... junk. The rest of it are games that were designed for PC's, before consoles were all the rage.

You find me a decent sports game on steam, you can't do it. I'm not talking XGames. I'm talking NFL Football, Basketbal, Baseball, Hockey, Golf. You might find Golf, but that's about it.

When I can't go into Gamestop and ask for a PC game without them laughing in my face than I think that's a sure sign that PC Gaming is declining.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:12 pm

Don't understand this one either. What's "too big?" This is mostly due to a lot of console gamers (mostly Xbox, honestly. This is simply because of space limitations on DVD as opposed to Blu Ray) thinking that having multiple discs to change over is stupid. I remember playing PS1 and having to switch up discs all the time for Final Fantasy, and PC gamers are used to multi-disc installs by now.

If you can make a lush gameworld that's enormous and needs to fit on three DVDs, do it up. You'll hear no complaints from me.

By too big I meant more than the engine could handle. Like adding loading times, lag, glitches, and random freezing throughout the game.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:53 pm

I built a computer from spare parts (dating back to oblivion era, the newest being a video card nvidia 9600GT) at the start of this year. You know what? That piece of junk ran any game on the market with a quality better then any console.

Well, yes, that's true, but sadly my old 9600GT is beginning to have a bit of reuma when he wants to play something at 1680x1050, hehehe. I'm planning to change it for a nice overclocked GTX 560 Ti, mostly to run Skyrim without problems at that res.
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:50 am

I said most games, not all games. Sure you can buy junk off of steam, but most of it is just that.... junk. The rest of it are games that were designed for PC's, before consoles were all the rage.

You find me a decent sports game on steam, you can't do it. I'm not talking XGames. I'm talking NFL Football, Basketbal, Baseball, Hockey, Golf. You might find Golf, but that's about it.

When I can't go into Gamestop and ask for a PC game without them laughing in my face than I think that's a sure sign that PC Gaming is declining.

Ashes Cricket?
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:38 pm

I tend to disagree, actually. By forcing devs to use outdated hardware, it bottlenecks what they can do, not only with graphics, but with optimization as well. It's better to build for a high-end PC system, and then scale it back for consoles. This way, High-end PC gamers get what they want, midrange PC gamers can scale back to console levels or lower and get what they want, and console gamers tend to be none the wiser because the game looks and plays fine on their system.

I'm just not really sure, that wasn't my experience with PC gaming when it was separate from consoles. They tended to build as big as they could for the best screenshots and often left those with lower systems with a crapshot, would the game run scaled down with a computer that met the sysreqs, no clue. I've had to return countless games because the PC devs would screw optimization for just getting the best graphics that they could and they were no deeper for it.

Truth be told what would solve this would be the cease of lazy porting. Truth be told, PS3 users are screwed way harder by a port job than PC users. Comparing an exclusive to port on the PS3, the port will be kinda ugly and run rather poorly while the exclusive (or game made with the PS3) will run smooth as silk. A lot of port jobs just scale back and don't use the system.

I just don't know, I'm really tired of being attacked by PC users as a base philistine because I can't afford a top of the line PC and have to settle for the PS3. I'm really praying that Bethesda does not make the same mistakes with Fallout 3 on the PS3.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:31 pm

I said most games, not all games. Sure you can buy junk off of steam, but most of it is just that.... junk. The rest of it are games that were designed for PC's, before consoles were all the rage.

You find me a decent sports game on steam, you can't do it. I'm not talking XGames. I'm talking NFL Football, Basketbal, Baseball, Hockey, Golf. You might find Golf, but that's about it.

When I can't go into Gamestop and ask for a PC game without them laughing in my face than I think that's a sure sign that PC Gaming is declining.

Sports games? :lmao:

Steam has all games that are available on PC (excluding the new EA stuff), that includes PC exclusives and multiplatform games.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:46 pm

Most people game on consoles. As such, the problem isn't the consoles, but "most people" - that is to say, the mass market.

Games made with "mainstream appeal" in mind tend to be shallow, watered down experiences compared to those which are designed to stay true to an artist's vision, average joes be damned.

Look at most of the complaints on these boards. The majority of the controversial changes have little to do with hardware limitations.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:48 pm

Well, yes, that's true, but sadly my old 9600GT is beginning to have a bit of reuma when he wants to play something at 1680x1050, hehehe. I'm planning to change it for a nice overclocked GTX 560 Ti, mostly to run Skyrim without problems at that res.

I doubt a 9600 is going to have much if any problem running Skyrim. In fact I doubt you'll need anything past a 8800. That's kinda the point of the thread now that i think about it. :laugh:

Most people game on consoles. As such, the problem isn't the consoles, but "most people" - that is to say, the mass market.

Actually, that's not really true. Check the link in my sig.

What’s interesting to see is just how much larger the PC base is than any of the consoles. To tell you the truth, I really hadn’t realized how large a difference it is until I put this chart together. Enthusiast PCs are 62% of the total market, and there are 4PCs out there for every Wii, 7 PCs for every Xbox360 and 8 PCs for every PS3.

The problem isn't that there isn't a user base for PC games out there (there obviously is). Its more the fact that no one is making games for them. When someone does (Farmville, Minecraft, etc.) they instantly become huge hits. Often larger than any console "mega-hit". The question is really why developers don't want to make games for them?

I have my own theories but I'm getting off topic now.....
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:54 am

i enjoy my xbox more than my pc not that i dont like the pc and i do have a very power video gaming pc but their are just so many things that consoles do better like more accessible to me but maybe not to other easier controls and more connectivity with friends on xbox live and psn but i understand why people like the pc better as well but i don't need to go into that its pretty obvious so im really just neutral in that i like them both and they both have their strong and weak points

For me it's exactly because the PC used to bring people together for a social event like hot seat games. Then came the consoles and now we're all 'friends' via the internet. They killed the social aspect of gaming.

And then all the technical aspects already mentioned.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:48 pm

I said most games, not all games. Sure you can buy junk off of steam, but most of it is just that.... junk. The rest of it are games that were designed for PC's, before consoles were all the rage.

You find me a decent sports game on steam, you can't do it. I'm not talking XGames. I'm talking NFL Football, Basketbal, Baseball, Hockey, Golf. You might find Golf, but that's about it.

When I can't go into Gamestop and ask for a PC game without them laughing in my face than I think that's a sure sign that PC Gaming is declining.

I care little for sport games. If you want them, go to the EA site: you'll end up tired of them. Or better yet, do real-life sports.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:44 am

I doubt a 9600 is going to have much if any problem running Skyrim. In fact I doubt you'll need anything past a 8800. That's kinda the point of the thread now that i think about it. :laugh:


A 9600GT would run Skyrim on about medium settings on 1080p. That's a lot better than consoles. :thumbsup:
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krystal sowten
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:35 pm

Games made with "mainstream appeal" in mind tend to be shallow, watered down experiences compared to those which are designed to stay true to an artist's vision, average joes be damned.

That's a bit simplified, but I tend to agree. I usually think of the shovelware on the Wii, or various iterations of popular FPS games that come out every ten months, or the sports titles that come out every year.

Think of what one could do with Madden if the devs took two years off and revamped the whole system. Or Call of Duty. Or anything really. It's why I kind of like that things like TES come out every five years or so, even though the wait is painful. Even look at Dragon Age. I would have happily waited another year for DA2 if it meant it turned out to be a better experience.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:33 am

Despite the console's indisputable hardware inferiority they are responsible for the existence of the current gaming utopia in which we all find ourselves. PC gaming on it's own would never have brought us this far. I used to be console gamer right up until the 360 was released but moved to PC for the mods. PCs also offer many other things the consoles likely never will like video, audio and image editing. PC has it's place as do consoles and any "war' between the two is about as pointless as one between major car manufacturers such as Ford vs Chevy.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:41 pm

I doubt a 9600 is going to have much if any problem running Skyrim. In fact I doubt you'll need anything past a 8800. That's kinda the point of the thread now that i think about it. :laugh:

I guess. Well, I'm in quite of an indecision regarding my new rig right now. I suppose I'll wait a bit more (aka, the ******g Bulldozers being finally released) before taking any decisions.


A 9600GT would run Skyrim on about medium settings on 1080p. That's a lot better than consoles. :thumbsup:

Not to sound elitist, but I don't want Medium settings :) *

*(Which sounds pretty damn elitist now that I think about it :lol:).
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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:29 am

Sports games? :lmao:

Steam has all games that are available on PC (excluding the new EA stuff), that includes PC exclusives and multiplatform games.

And all the Multiplatform games are ports and nothing more. The PC Exclusives are what I stated before, MMO's a few RPG's and Flight Sims. You might find the odd game, like "The Sims" that is PC based but nothing with any substance. You either have console ports or very few decent PC Exclusives.

I said people won't believe it, but it's coming. Slowly but surely it's coming, and the console is to blame.

Why do you think Bethesda made the XBox the main platform for their games now?
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:30 am

Skyrim vannilla will be better on PC imo ...as was Oblivion.
Every thing you say about the xbox can be done on the PC? Talk to friends what ever they'er are playing?? you have been able to do this on PC since before the xbox was in exsistance.

I'm not worried for the PC version (Vannilla) of this game atall.

I'm not bashing consoles but they are imo slowing down the process of games moving forward. The majority of gamers are on the Consoles,i'm not going to argue about that,so this means that devlopers are of course going cater more for the "Console" crowed.
I have been both a Console gamer and a PC gamer. I actually used to play nothing but console games untill a mate bought me round "Medal of Honor Allied Asualt" on PC. I was hooked and havn't looked backe since...well i have tried but just keep coming back to the PC.

Nothing wrong with consoles,just more right with a good PC.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:10 am

Every other post is "I'm not blaming consoles, then a post about why they blame consoles.

Enough of this one.
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