consoles have their charms for sure, i own a ps3 dedicated to pro evolution soccer

Consoles are keeping game development and evolution back technology wise .
Consoles are 1 disc only so developers are limited in what they can do
Console gamers
want to just start up a game for the first time and instantly enjoy it, not having to go through a bunch of setting to get the game the way I like it, PC gamers -most of the crowd i know - hates this simplistic approach , we want to have absolute control over everything and to an extent we are not casual gamers but rather dedicated ones.
Because of their horrible controls consoles require horrible UIs and game mechanics - like combat & movement -
Console gamers accept the game for what it is , like or dislike , PC gamers think what can be done with the game in order to improve , criticise developers for their shortfalls , whine in the forums , be creative - i guess this is because of our dedication-
Different people like different things and have their own reasons for buying and playing games , to make it easier for you to understand i care more about dialogue options than dragon fights i bet it is different for you. None is judging anyone but in my opinion there is a fundamental difference in what gamers from each side seek in a game and i don't think that this gap will be crossed anytime soon .