Why blame consoles?

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:19 pm

Yes, I know Bethesda is developing the game mainly for consoles, and I know that means they won't match high-end PC expectations. THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-PC THREAD

All I wanted to ask is why people say consoles ruin all video games. Almost every thing I see a PC gamer say, from youtube comments to this forum, is that the game is over simplified so they can be played on consoles, then they go and say how much better PC's are, which i agree that in some ways they are. But most gamers don't want to have to download a bunch of mods or other things, but they really do want a simple gaming system, and don't want to spend all the money to get or build a good PC. Yes the vanilla game is better on consoles, but PC gamers can run the game with bettter graphics and everything, and they also have the ability to fix whatever they want by making or downloading mods for free.

PC gamers have all these things that make better than consoles, but I actually prefer my XBOX 360. Why? Because I really do want to just start up a game for the first time and instantly enjoy it, not having to go through a bunch of setting to get the game the way I like it, after I install the whole darn thing to my computer. Plus XBOX LIVE is awesome, I can play whatever i want and still talk to my friends no matter what I or they are playing.

Skyrim's vanilla version may be better on consoles, I know, but most gamers play on consoles. So yes, the orignal game give more attention on consoles, but don't any of you dare think that they give console gamers themselves more attention, I mean they give PC gamers the entire engine that they made fro Skyrim.

PC's and consoles both have they're ups and downs, so why do so many PC gamers try to over glorify they're computers? If anyone has an answer I want to hear it.

And if there is another thread like this, I would like a link if you may.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:30 pm

I don't care.

We have mods :D
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:49 am

for me consoles are not inferior because of graphics nor controls nor power ...... I don't care about that stuff

MODS make all the difference for me thats why I prefer PC :D
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:44 am

YOU SIR, are a hero to me. PC gamers need to get off their modded dragon mounts.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:43 am

Most of them can be arrogant, one of the reasons is because the majority of the PC gaming community cant have the game exactly as they want it.

Not everyone can afford a $500+ computer, this has been said many times before, yet most people with money to buy anything they want tend to be more selfish and careless.

As much as i really want this game for PC, it's not gonna happen. I'm not working extra hard just so i can buy a computer that can run skyrim.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:25 pm

For me, it's a few things. The main one is that I have a powerful gaming computer, capable of running any game that consoles can run, and better. Why wouldn't I want an equal share in the quality of the gaming experience?

Second, it's one of those things where, the more something is catered to or filtered through a massive market, the more generalized and sterile it seems to become. When we've been getting our TES games crafted to the PC experience for so long, now to have them torn away from us in the interest of building a stable console experience, I think a lot of us feel left in the dust, especially given our storied history with TES and Bethesda. Jilted lover syndrome, perhaps?

Many of us devote time and money learning and building our computers much the same way people learn about and build cars. It's only fair that we'd want to use them, no? And to feel like all that work and know-how is being wasted for games that run half as well on outdated systems when our PCs scream these games with HD textures and 8x antialiasing, I can't speak for everyone, but it gets a little frustrating.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:32 pm

because some fail to realise we cant all be as wealthy and tech savvy as them.
im sorry im not in your elite upper class, i cant afford a good computer and apprently because of this i shouldnt be allowed to play top quality games from top quality publishers because i slighty hinder some of their enjoyment for a short amount of time untill mods come along for a small peice of enjoyment for myself.
capitilism at its finest.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:41 pm

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:41 pm

Developers have to reduce what their games could be so that they will work on the current generation of consoles. Also because 'noobs' and people who want pathetically simple games appear a lot more often using consoles.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:04 am

For me, it's a few things. The main one is that I have a powerful gaming computer, capable of running any game that consoles can run, and better. Why wouldn't I want an equal share in the quality of the gaming experience?

Second, it's one of those things where, the more something is catered to or filtered through a massive market, the more generalized and sterile it seems to become. When we've been getting our TES games crafted to the PC experience for so long, now to have them torn away from us in the interest of building a stable console experience, I think a lot of us feel left in the dust, especially given our storied history with TES and Bethesda. Jilted lover syndrome, perhaps?

Many of us devote time and money learning and building our computers much the same way people learn about and build cars. It's only fair that we'd want to use them, no? And to feel like all that work and know-how is being wasted for games that run half as well on outdated systems when our PCs scream these games with HD textures and 8x antialiasing, I can't speak for everyone, but it gets a little frustrating.

Which is why you get access to mods, to raise it to your PCs standards, and we already have a game that matches our standards.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:10 pm

PCs are a good investment, but the way I see it, consoles just make it run even BETTER on my machine (which is not that good :() :intergalactic:

@Britishwolf, Um, Pong wasn't a console game
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:05 am

Yes, I know Bethesda is developing the game mainly for consoles, and I know that means they won't match high-end PC expectations. THIS IS NOT AN ANTI-PC THREAD

All I wanted to ask is why people say consoles ruin all video games. Almost every thing I see a PC gamer say, from youtube comments to this forum, is that the game is over simplified so they can be played on consoles, then they go and say how much better PC's are, which i agree that in some ways they are. But most gamers don't want to have to download a bunch of mods or other things, but they really do want a simple gaming system, and don't want to spend all the money to get or build a good PC. Yes the vanilla game is better on consoles, but PC gamers can run the game with bettter graphics and everything, and they also have the ability to fix whatever they want by making or downloading mods for free.

PC gamers have all these things that make better than consoles, but I actually prefer my XBOX 360. Why? Because I really do want to just start up a game for the first time and instantly enjoy it, not having to go through a bunch of setting to get the game the way I like it, after I install the whole darn thing to my computer. Plus XBOX LIVE is awesome, I can play whatever i want and still talk to my friends no matter what I or they are playing.

Skyrim's vanilla version may be better on consoles, I know, but most gamers play on consoles. So yes, the orignal game give more attention on consoles, but don't any of you dare think that they give console gamers themselves more attention, I mean they give PC gamers the entire engine that they made fro Skyrim.

PC's and consoles both have they're ups and downs, so why do so many PC gamers try to over glorify they're computers? If anyone has an answer I want to hear it.

And if there is another thread like this, I would like a link if you may.

Todd Howard said in an hour long interview/podcast that the PC is coming before consoles. This thread is pointless.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:13 pm

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.

EH? So, gaming consoles have existed for seventy years? lolwut?

And in response to everyone's extreme negativity about PC gamers here, I certainly don't BLAME consoles for decline in game quality. I tend to blame mass-market console GAMERS for it. Think: Shovelware on the Wii and this month's CoD reboot.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:06 pm

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.

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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:37 pm

PC gamers have all these things that make better than consoles, but I actually prefer my XBOX 360. Why? Because I really do want to just start up a game for the first time and instantly enjoy it, not having to go through a bunch of setting to get the game the way I like it, after I install the whole darn thing to my computer. Plus XBOX LIVE is awesome, I can play whatever i want and still talk to my friends no matter what I or they are playing.

Whats so hard in using a settings menu? Or updating gpu drivers?
Don't know, I think you're just not used to it. :unsure:
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:27 pm

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.

my first was an Attari <3
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:16 pm

It's not so much as it being the consoles fault as they are not doing anything 'wrong', it's just developers tend to focus on them more with PC as a second thought. The hardware on consoles right now is very limited with PCs starting to take massive steps up from it, so it's just annoying for PC users to only have one or two games a year come out that can actually take advantage of the better hardware.

The fact that most games are primarily designed for consoles and just ported to PC also usually makes them awkward to play on PC's and PC users then have to go and mod games and mess around with game files just to get it to work nicely and more naturally (or open up options that should already be there, like Brink for example).

Most of the advantages you said about xbox live could be said for PC's, chat support is now very common and Steam acts as a sort of xbox live dashboard (completely free though) and offers most of the same features and more. The only reason PC users have to adjust settings before playing is because of the wide range of hardware they can run on, whereas consoles are 'locked' with their hardware, no options for improved graphics/effects.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:04 am

i enjoy my xbox more than my pc not that i dont like the pc and i do have a very power video gaming pc but their are just so many things that consoles do better like more accessible to me but maybe not to other easier controls and more connectivity with friends on xbox live and psn but i understand why people like the pc better as well but i don't need to go into that its pretty obvious so im really just neutral in that i like them both and they both have their strong and weak points
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:32 pm

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.

Pong is not a console, and even if it was, computers have been arpund for longer Computer GAMES on the other hand...
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:45 am

Developers have to reduce what there games could be so that they will work on the current generation of consoles. Also because 'noobs' and people who want pathetically simple games appear a lot more often using consoles.

I hate this stereotype, why is it that just because people want a pick-up-and-play game that they're instantly super dumb and don't deserve to play video games. Video games are bigger than they use to be, it's not just the super addicted people who want the super complicated games anymore.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:42 am

I hope they actually make it to where mods are on consoles. So NO PERSON can say they are better than the other.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:16 pm

Repeat: Todd Howard said this game is being made for the PC.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:09 pm

Funny thing is consoles have been around for MUCH longer than computers. So i'm sure consoles are the way too go.

You realise consoles are just simplified computers aimed towards gaming right? That means computers must've come first for there to be consoles...
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:57 pm

I hate this stereotype, why is it that just because people want a pick-up-and-play game that they're instantly super dumb and don't deserve to play video games. Video games are bigger than they use to be, it's not just the super addicted people who want the super complicated games anymore.

Exactly, the market for computers has changed, in the past they were for D&D nerds (like me :D) now they are for the man in the street.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:26 pm


Heres that interview...get far enough in it you'll see
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