Why do Caesar's Legion call Caesar Kaeser?

Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:21 am

You're a :spotted owl:. That is all.

You're flaming. That is all.
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:36 am

My guess is they use the term 'proffesional' loosely.... I mean Louis Farrahkan claims to be a professional and know all about all sorts of things. Besides the word Catholic isn't Turk in any way its Greek. The word Catholic (katholikos from katholou — throughout the whole, i.e., universal) occurs in the Greek classics, e.g., in Aristotle and Polybius, and was freely used by the earlier Christian writers in what we may call its primitive and non-ecclesiastical sense. Most words from the bible come from Ancient Greek because Ancient Greek was to the Romans (and the Hebrews of that time) the language of the educated. And the first Catholics weren't Armenian they were Hebrew/Greek/Roman although Armenians and others were early converts. Even the language you use is that of a conspiracy theorist. The long and short of it is that Julius Caesar took control of the Republic, was assasinated and when Augustus took control he took the name 'Caesar' as a title to give him a bit more legitimacy and to establish heriditary empire.

Which Greeks are we talking about here? The barbarian Greeks or the other Greeks? Because according to Herodotus, the first Greeks became powerful after barbarians from far East joined with them creating a special society. Those barbarians were Turks bringing with them new ideas, technologies and combined their knowledge with the sedentary Greeks of the time.
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Red Sauce
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:41 pm

Which Greeks are we talking about here? The barbarian Greeks or the other Greeks? Because according to Herodotus, the first Greeks became powerful after barbarians from far East joined with them creating a special society.

Yea... and Plato mentioned something about 'Atlantis'... but seriously the Helenes. 'Powerful' and 'Culturally significant' aren't necessarily the same thing, the Greeks didn't become seriously powerful until the defeat of the Persians and the rise of the two major city states which were later overcome by the northern Macedonians who weren't really 'Greek', But the Macedonians didn't particularly spread their own culture so much as Helenistic culture, hell Alexander the Greats tutor was Aristotle who while he was a Macedonian learned from an Athenian (Plato). But the word is Ancient Helenestic Greek if Aristotle or Polybius used it.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:06 am

Those barbarians were Turks bringing with them new ideas, technologies and combined their knowledge with the sedentary Greeks of the time.
The only Turks to move that far west were Trojans (which was still a 'Greek-esque' settlement) and they went on to found Rome and had very little impact on Greek learning until the rising of Rome as an international political entity.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:59 am

Because if they don't, they are put on a cross. Kaiser sounds rougher and more appropriate to a post-apocalyptic world.

When I met Caesar, I asked him about his organization. I didn't understand a word he said. It was something along the lines of fromage assassins and lego warriors.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:20 pm

You're flaming. That is all.

So what?

You fail to acknowledge the rest of my points on the post, whilst defending someone who chooses to act willfully ignorant.

Great job there buddy. But whatever. You're entitled to what you post.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:24 am

Another person with no training in Latin...what a shame. Latin should be a MANDATORY language to learn. Anyways, "Kaesar" is the Latin pronouciation, and "Kaesars's" Legion is based on old Rome.

Why should a dead language be manditory?? That would be a stupid idea.
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Jason White
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:06 pm

Yea... and Plato mentioned something about 'Atlantis'... but seriously the Helenes. 'Powerful' and 'Culturally significant' aren't necessarily the same thing, the Greeks didn't become seriously powerful until the defeat of the Persians and the rise of the two major city states which were later overcome by the northern Macedonians who weren't really 'Greek', But the Macedonians didn't particularly spread their own culture so much as Helenistic culture, hell Alexander the Greats tutor was Aristotle who while he was a Macedonian learned from an Athenian (Plato). But the word is Ancient Helenestic Greek if Aristotle or Polybius used it.

You can not (and should not) talk about the past with values and reality of today. In those days there was not really any "culturally significant" nations. Today we don't even know how the pyramids or Stonehenge was built with ancient technology. Those days nations imposed their culture on others by "pure force" not by songs & movies. Theaters were just gay entertainment. They did not spread culture, because everyone was either savages or barbarians. We know a lot about savages because they had the luxury to write documents. The barbarians kept migrating and didn't have the luxury to write documents. They simply inscribed their letters on rocks.

For example:
Today you can understand the concept of infinity by thinking about space.

Back then they probably couldn't think of space. They needed a sign (which is the horizontal 8 meaning a line that keeps going) to even start to understand the concept.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:58 am

Why should a dead language be manditory?? That would be a stupid idea.

No, its not stupid. Most western languages (Spanish, English, Portugese, French, Italian, just to name a few) come from Latin. If you know Latin, learning the Western Languages is MUCH easier. Trust me, I have taken Latin, and I know Spanish, Italian and English.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:15 pm

Why should a dead language be manditory?? That would be a stupid idea.

Because a large amount of today's modern languages have large Latin roots.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:30 am

You can not (and should not) talk about the past with values and reality of today. In those days there was not really any "culturally significant" nations. Today we don't even know how the pyramids or Stonehenge was built with ancient technology. Those days nations imposed their culture on others by "pure force" not by songs & movies. Theaters were just gay entertainment. They did not spread culture, because everyone was either savages or barbarians. We know a lot about savages because they had the luxury to write documents. The barbarians kept migrating and didn't have the luxury to write documents. They simply inscribed their letters on rocks.

For example:
Today you can understand the concept of infinity by thinking about space.

Back then they probably couldn't think of space. They needed a sign (which is the horizontal 8 meaning a line that keeps going) to even start to understand the concept.

Really? Then how do you explain that poetry and the theatrics were the main mode of education up until Thucydides? Why did the sophists travel from city to city instructing the youth? Why were bards revered as teachers and allowed to travel largely unmolested from polis to polis? Why did Sparta and Athens enter basically a cold war? Ever heard of the Milean Dialogues? How do you explain the Ionian and Helenestic split between the Greeks and why the both seemed to evolve along the same cultural track without major conquests until around the latter part of the 6th Century B.C. Hit the books man, I'd recommend Paidea by a Richard Wagner if you're interested in learning why the 'pure force' bit is completely and utterly wrong when it came to Greek societies within ancient Greece.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:18 am

The only Turks to move that far west were Trojans (which was still a 'Greek-esque' settlement) and they went on to found Rome and had very little impact on Greek learning until the rising of Rome as an international political entity.

Don't forget Etruscans, and Kiphchaks., and Goths, and Celtics... The Great Migration of Nations (or Turks) started after the inner sea in Middle Asia was evaporated. the migrations took a long time.

Turks got divided among themselves being extremely aggressive upon disagreements.

The oldest found Turkic dictionary called "Divan-? Lugat-?t Turk" talks about some people in North Asia that pronounces the "Z" sound as "R" (they say Ogur instead of Oguz) and tells us that they no longer are Turks (even though they still speak Turkic) and because they rejected a single God.

Turks were in Anatolia and Europe much before Christ. They got lost in translation. They were not a single race. They consisted of many nations just like America is today.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:11 am

Because that's the original latin pronunciation of Caesar.

Yup, I learned that at school too ;)
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:24 am

This thread has succeeded in shattering my idea that I had a semi-decent grasp of the classical world :[
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:30 am

So what?

You fail to acknowledge the rest of my points on the post, whilst defending someone who chooses to act willfully ignorant.

Great job there buddy. But whatever. You're entitled to what you post.

I don't care who I defend, point is you were flaming. (I didn't like his post either but that doesn't mean I'm going to call him a :spotted owl:)
Didn't care for the rest of the post which is why I cut it.
It had no relevance to my reply to you.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:24 pm

The things I wrote in this topic all have concrete evidence and are well documented in documents that are well kept in royal libraries all around the world. (like a book written by Prof. Sven Lagerbring (who is regarded as founding father of Swedish history) who explains that the Nordic God Odin was in fact a Turkic leader that brought the runic letters with him)

Now let me come to my conspiracy theory part :)

I suspect that today world is ruled by ancient Turks (who became evil) and control masses through religion which they imposed on people. They start wars, and they are modern Kaesars of history. That's why Turks became infamous in history.

See? This is a conspiracy theory, not the things I wrote earlier.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:38 am

I don't care who I defend, point is you were flaming. (I didn't like his post either but that doesn't mean I'm going to call him a :spotted owl:)
Didn't care for the rest of the post which is why I cut it.
It had no relevance to my reply to you.

The word is just moron. If that constitutes as a flame nowadays, then the internet is truly getting sad. He was essentially acting like one, so I called him it. I'm not going to enable someone to act like an idiot because they want to. I don't enable "stupid crap" in that sense. Sorry. I'm not a passive person who lets that kind of stuff slide, unfortunately. And pointing out that I was flaming in the first place seems pretty counterproductive to the entire thread anyway, plus ironic because it could have lead to even more pointless flaming by other people, which in the end would result in pure irony. So lets just drop it now. If you want to continue this just continue it through PM.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:27 am

So lets just drop it now.

No reason to dwell on it anymore anyway.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:44 pm

Why should a dead language be manditory?? That would be a stupid idea.

The question is 'understanding' vs 'blind acceptance' . While the former is not a prerequisite for usage it is of great interest to some, allows for greater comprehension and facilitates more precise communication of ideas.

You do not need to know Latin or Germanic or Saxon etc to use English.
You do not need to know electronics to use a light switch.
You do not need to know physics to drive a car.
You do not need to know chemistry to use cosmetics or pharmaceuticals.

Heh, we have such an easy life these days but every gap in our understanding leaves us at a disadvantage. We live in such a complex society these days where everyone can express an opinion or reveal 'facts' based on 'research', it is I feel essential to have at least a little understanding if one is to be able to see beyond the clutter and pvssyr and marketing and the general high level of background noise. YMMV :)
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:04 pm

The proper question is why don't WE pronounce it with a K, that's how it was in Latin.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:59 am

I prefer the original latin pronunction of Caesar before people decided to anglonize the word. And by no means is latin is a dead language given that there are many who speak it and besides much of western language comes from latin and much of the greco/roman culture has shaped western culture everywhere from the Americas to Eastern Europe which is to say that learning a bit of latin could't hurt if only to better educate someone. Kinda why I'm going to take latin classes.

But anyway to be redundant that is just the way the word Caesar is pronounced.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:04 am

Closed for clean up. Maybe it'll reopen, if there's enough actual content left to justify it.

No. The question has been answered, and the rest is pretty much just arguing. :shrug:
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