Now lets take a look at Skyrim.
There are a lot of annoying NPCs in this game. Thats normal, and I like that. What I dont like however, is that I cant kill many of them just because they are involved in some fetch quest or something.
I actually wanted to cleanse Riften yesterday, and I couldnt kill half of the NPCs, many of them belonged to the thieves guild. Why not? If I decide its worth it to kill someone, why cant I? Everytime I decide I want to kill someone and hes essential its like bethesda saying "nope, you dont want to kill this guy.". Yes, I do! I want to kill him, even if I break the thieves guild!
What is the reason for it to be like that? Why are so many NPCs essential? Why cant I break a quest if I want to?
>>>And now, because I know theres going to be tons of people saying "well a dragon could come and kill a quest-related NPC!"... Why are quest-related NPCs not handled like companions? Enemy NPCs can knock them out, but only the player can kill them for good? <<<<
There is NO reason for it not to be like that.