Do you think I can be banned just because of I said something? Sound strange
what if I say that I have nuclear missiles in my own and eat little girls on breakfast? How about innocence presumption?
"Or waiting a few days in case the DLC take some time to be released in foreign languages (don't know if your game is in Russian)"
I think it's useless because of all products of Bethesda are disappeared in Steam store. Including Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3, that has been localised long time ago.
"If all fails wait for retail bundle packs..."
In Finland DLC can be released on the retail disc? In Russia not
Maybe in case if will be released some Game Of The Year edition that will include all DLC's. I think it will be happened not tomorrow =\
The only way to me now: use some friends that live in another country's... Sadness :'(