This is the most accurate statement I have seen in these forums in a long time.....
This is the most accurate statement I have seen in these forums in a long time.....
I wish Beth would hire Chris Avellone and/or JE Sawyer to co-write all further installments of the series. But I can't hang with this whole "not proper Fallout" thing. While 3 is my least favorite (not counting Tactics and the Burned Game, of course), I still find it (especially the Pitt and Point Lookout) highly enjoyable.
Ah I was wondering when this topic was going to come back up...The discussion on what a proper or true Fallout game entails. Both sides dancing around each other in a ritual both time honored and vilified, neither gaining ground or reaching a consensus against each other until eventually it devolves or sputters out...or someone insults someone's mother.
We need Dr. Who's Osgood Box in this forum.
I will tell you the thing I do not miss about Fallout 1 and 2.
I replayed all the Fallouts this Summer. Well except the one that shall not be named since I do not own a console to play it on.
I had forgotten how much Fallout 1 and 2 were basically puzzle search games. The amount of treasure secretly hidden by the walls so that you must deag your character behind every wall
is ridiculous. The game play time was inflated by all the walking around along walls and into corners you had to do to keep from missing things.
I will furthermore state that I was also playing a little game called Daggerfall around the time the originals came out, and wished that Fallout was more like that game.
So you see I GOT MY WISH.
Oh, Ya well my Mama is so ugly she had too tie a pork chop around her neck just to get the dog to come to her.
If I ever become Proper or a Real fan, some one knee cap me... And remind me who I am
Yo mama is so stupid that when she watched football she thought a quaterback was a refund!
I miss those mama jokes from my childhood.
A proper Fallout game is like a proper Star Trek, Mario, or Star Wars game. Everyone has a different definition of what that might be. Fallout is merely the IP and numerous things can be done to an IP like a Fallout Racing game, Fallout Beach Volleyball game, or Fallout MMO. However, a proper Fallout game in the style of Fallout 2 is also unclear since do you mean the isometric view, turn-based system, mission style, or whatever criteria you define that makes up a proper Fallout 2 style game.
Bo Diddly did a song called Say man it is funny as all heck was near enough to 1950 so very fall-outy. and one of the funniest Smack talk song's I know. Well worth a listen too.
Thanks Grim! I hate it when I do stuff like that in the forums.
The main problem with nostalgia is that it's just that.. nostalgia. Nothing will ever come close to our beautiful memories of playing a game type which we had never seen before in our lives. You can't really compare new things to nostagia. You end up not being able to enjoy the new. It's hard not to compare things obviously, we all do it. We love comparing and complaining. It's in our DNA or something. Stupid dna.. always trying to ruin my fun.
I'm an old dinosaur who started with Fallout 1 back in '97 and still enjoyed FO3, FNV, and most likely FO4.
Most of us can be salty from time to time.
As long as we are addressing the argument rather than the person it should be fine.
No forum is perfect but this one is mighty fine by comparison with most in my opinion.
Every game is different, every Fallout game developer changes things and has their own view of what makes a good Fallout game. FONV had wonderful dialogue. It told a great story. Nothing wrong with that. Bethesda has weak dialogue but they do their best to immerse you in the game, making you go back into that world they created to actually be part of the story, not just hearing about it.
I dont have a problem with spoilers. I'm just going to say if you didnt care for FO3, your probably not going to like FO4.
I don't know what "proper" is but its Fallout to me. I've played Fallout since the day the first game was released.
Reminds me of Geneforge/Avernum games sort of.
I'll give you one example: OP is a close friend and the majority of the people in the gaming forum we both frequent treats Bethesda and their games like dirt (in fact no, they treat it toxic claiming it pollutes all of RPG genre) and their fans as sub-humans (including me) as far as gaming 'tastes' go and I'm the moderator there. (and I'm accused daily of favoritism because I try to curb those unprovoked attacks) How about that?
Believe me, this is a rather civilized place as far as Internet standards go. I got banned 3 months from official XCOM forums because I kept criticizing the game and Firaxis, on top of people attacking me personally and even my nationality. You have got a pretty liberal way of going here.
Here's to mods who believe in keeping a place civil when they can.
Opens bottle of Fallout beer Carlsberg 'clink'...
I remember I read a review of the movie "Ladyhawk" many years ago. It was a slow moving story set in the middle ages involving lovers and curse. There was a bit of nice swordplay but that wasn't the main thrust. The reviewer said it was identical to Conan the barbarian. This is how that statement strikes me.