Makes more sense? Silly rule? That an ethereal being isn't hurt by physical contact? Are you serious? Have you ever played an RPG before?
Incorporeals have been made resistant/immune to physical attacks since the dawn of role-playing games like DnD 30+ years ago. Why should a being that can pass through objects, is dead, and exists without a physical form be hurt by just a plain stick of metal? You really don't understand that logic??
What sense is there that daedric and silver weapons can hurt them? According to TES lore, daedric and silver weapons are infused with magic or the essence of souls, thus making them more than just 'physical' weapons. The same goes for enchanted weapons. They hold arcane power within them which actually can 'touch' incorporeal bodies regardless of whether they hold enough charge to do their designed proc. If you deplete an enchanted weapons charge, do you have to go back and re-enchant it at an alter? No. The 'body' of the magic is still within the weapon, it just lacks the energy to perform the spell-on-hit.
I often wonder how some people actually get themselves dressed in the morning. :shrug:
Is there some sort of causal relationship between having the sense to get out of bed in the morning, and buying into the fiction... in a game... that silver weapons are
magical and magical weapons are also magical ... even if they don't have any
magic?Intelligence has nothing to do with it. I just think the concept is silly. I always thought killing werewolves with silver bullets was silly too. Does that mean I can't brush my teeth?
Edit just because you are a jerk:
Have you ever noticed that these ethereal ghosts of yours have no problems
holding a regular weapon?
Also, have you ever actually seen one go through a wall anywhere in a TES game? I haven't. In fact, I've seen them going so far as to open a door. Surely an ethereal creature wouldn't need to open a