Why can ghosts be killed with regular weapons?....uh, right.

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:49 pm

In Bethesda's defense, though, it is annoying that only certain weapons could damage ghosts. What sense is there that daedric weapons could do it, but ebony can't? Or that silver can do it but elven can't? Or that an enchanted weapon of any type could do it, even if it had no charge?

It was sort of a silly rule. So while I do think they tend to follow a trend of ensuring the "safety" of their players, this one makes more sense than some other decisions they've made.

silver has unnatural abilities beyond mondane weapons (in TES), and deadric weapons are made from the soul of deadra (so they have unnatural abilities as well), but you are right about enchanted weapons that had no charges that was just silly
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:46 am

I RALLY hope that Bethesda does an overhaul on this ghost stuff.

Skyrim is feeling more and more easy and I'm playing on Master!

Is this a joke?.....If the patch doesn't address this basic stuff, the joke is on us foks.


I've never known Bethesda to make any kind of significant gameplay changes in a patch (or expansion for that matter). Mods or no mods. Check back in 5 to 6 years to see if they change it or not.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:19 am

Well in my honest opinion it should be realistic. You should have to aquire a proton pack before you can kill a ghost.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:15 am

I actually forgot all about this, it was like this in Morrowind too, Ghosts couldn't be killed with regular Weapons, only Magic, Silver Weapons and Enchanted Weapons.
Well Daedric is special, it's not made of regular Materials, if I recall Daedric items were originally created by Magical means in the first place and were from another realm, so it made sense that Daedric was enough to harm spirits.

It might be inconvenient but it was such a great little feature and in theory made a lot of sense.

Hey man....Now at least YOU won't be one of the people on this sub-forum who tells me "Your making no sense.....What are you saying?....What is the meaning of Skyrim? (just joking on that part! )LOL

Come to my defense when people who've never played Morrowind tell me I'm whacked.

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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:35 am

What makes even less sense is how in one of the books, a soldier is followed by a ghost and when he tries to kill it, his regular weapon has no effect but then he used a scroll and it died. I don't like how they made silver weapons so rare now since those were my favorite weapons in Oblivion.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:25 pm

Well in my honest opinion it should be realistic. You should have to aquire a proton pack before you can kill a ghost.

Proton packs were not invented, except maybe by the dwemers. And the dwemers are extinct. Perhaps because they crossed the beams.
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kevin ball
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:56 pm

It doesn't make any sense that an ethereal being can affect non-silver non-magic matter yet can only be harmed by silver or magic. That said, consistency in the rules of magic is more important than having sensible rules, so this feature should not have been removed.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:00 am

In Bethesda's defense, though, it is annoying that only certain weapons could damage ghosts. What sense is there that daedric weapons could do it, but ebony can't? Or that silver can do it but elven can't? Or that an enchanted weapon of any type could do it, even if it had no charge?

It was sort of a silly rule. So while I do think they tend to follow a trend of ensuring the "safety" of their players, this one makes more sense than some other decisions they've made.

because it was something from mythology. Silver damages supernatural beings, like iron burns fay creatures. Deadric weapons are supernatural weapons, as are magical enchanted blades. If this doesn't make sense to you, you're,.... uh,... :sadvaultboy:

Still, while silver weapons are no longer required in Skyrim, silver blades do extra damage to undead now.

I have a set of silver one handed blades I dual wield with my warrior against undead, it's great fun when a room full of skeletons comes at me and they die in one or two strikes exploding all around me with my whirling dervish moves.
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:01 am

Well in my honest opinion it should be realistic. You should have to aquire a proton pack before you can kill a ghost.

You know what really gives off that feeling? Using the sparks spell on an Ice Wraith. First time I did that, I immediately thought of Ghostbusters.
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Kevin S
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:11 pm

Who you gonna call?
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candice keenan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:29 am

In Bethesda's defense, though, it is annoying that only certain weapons could damage ghosts. What sense is there that daedric weapons could do it, but ebony can't? Or that silver can do it but elven can't? Or that an enchanted weapon of any type could do it, even if it had no charge?

It was sort of a silly rule. So while I do think they tend to follow a trend of ensuring the "safety" of their players, this one makes more sense than some other decisions they've made.

Makes more sense? Silly rule? That an ethereal being isn't hurt by physical contact? Are you serious? Have you ever played an RPG before?

Incorporeals have been made resistant/immune to physical attacks since the dawn of role-playing games like DnD 30+ years ago. Why should a being that can pass through objects, is dead, and exists without a physical form be hurt by just a plain stick of metal? You really don't understand that logic??

What sense is there that daedric and silver weapons can hurt them? According to TES lore, daedric and silver weapons are infused with magic or the essence of souls, thus making them more than just 'physical' weapons. The same goes for enchanted weapons. They hold arcane power within them which actually can 'touch' incorporeal bodies regardless of whether they hold enough charge to do their designed proc. If you deplete an enchanted weapons charge, do you have to go back and re-enchant it at an alter? No. The 'body' of the magic is still within the weapon, it just lacks the energy to perform the spell-on-hit.


I often wonder how some people actually get themselves dressed in the morning. :shrug:
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:15 pm

Meh, I'm avioding all ghost ruins until the first Ghostbusters mod.
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Lily Something
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:04 am

Wait... Skyrim has ghosts? I've been playing for ~50 hours and I've only been to one dungeon with anything ghost-like and they were really just transparent bandits, not even all too ghost-like (read: eerie and dead-seeming).
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John Moore
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:46 am

if i remember right you had to use magic or have some kind of elemental effect on your weapon to hurt a ghost. Can't remember Morrowind
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elliot mudd
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:28 am

Makes more sense? Silly rule? That an ethereal being isn't hurt by physical contact? Are you serious? Have you ever played an RPG before?

Incorporeals have been made resistant/immune to physical attacks since the dawn of role-playing games like DnD 30+ years ago. Why should a being that can pass through objects, is dead, and exists without a physical form be hurt by just a plain stick of metal? You really don't understand that logic??

What sense is there that daedric and silver weapons can hurt them? According to TES lore, daedric and silver weapons are infused with magic or the essence of souls, thus making them more than just 'physical' weapons. The same goes for enchanted weapons. They hold arcane power within them which actually can 'touch' incorporeal bodies regardless of whether they hold enough charge to do their designed proc.


I often wonder how some people actually get themselves dressed in the morning. :shrug:

Another person who will come to my defense when people who've never played MW or Oblivion say "What is that Knewbie talking about?"
Riiiight?! :celebration:

P.S. I owned the original D&D box with the Dragon and 3 adventures on its' cover! I'm that old! Hehehe
Supernatural beings ALWAYS needed special weapons...another reason showing Bethesda dropped the ball with Skyrim....man
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:44 pm

In oblivion you had to either use a silver weapon or an enchanted weapon. I'm not sure why it was changed

Because in COD it does not take a special bullet to kill someone with.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:44 pm

Because god forbid anything remotely complicates the combat system.
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David Chambers
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:11 pm

retconning for lulz? who the [censored] knows with bethesda these days.

This lol.

I was also disappointed by that. Then again, there are no silver weapons this time around. Strange, too, considering the choice of fauna. ;)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:44 am

Silver weapons aren't all that powerful for one, and there aren't any silver arrows, hammers, maces, or axes AFAIK (maybe the player doesn't use a sword?).

Silver weapons are severely underrepresented in the game. Not only are they really rare, but they're also really weak (Ancient Nord weapons are stronger), and can't be upgraded or forged. I don't think they can be enchanted or have Nature's Fury shouted on them either, since the 'effective against undead' enchantment effect is implicit on all of them. It really makes no sense why they're so useless given the types of critters in the game. Vampires, werewolves, zombies, and ghosts... and silver weapons are junked.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:08 pm

Makes more sense? Silly rule? That an ethereal being isn't hurt by physical contact? Are you serious? Have you ever played an RPG before?

Incorporeals have been made resistant/immune to physical attacks since the dawn of role-playing games like DnD 30+ years ago. Why should a being that can pass through objects, is dead, and exists without a physical form be hurt by just a plain stick of metal? You really don't understand that logic??

What sense is there that daedric and silver weapons can hurt them? According to TES lore, daedric and silver weapons are infused with magic or the essence of souls, thus making them more than just 'physical' weapons. The same goes for enchanted weapons. They hold arcane power within them which actually can 'touch' incorporeal bodies regardless of whether they hold enough charge to do their designed proc. If you deplete an enchanted weapons charge, do you have to go back and re-enchant it at an alter? No. The 'body' of the magic is still within the weapon, it just lacks the energy to perform the spell-on-hit.


I often wonder how some people actually get themselves dressed in the morning. :shrug:

Is there some sort of causal relationship between having the sense to get out of bed in the morning, and buying into the fiction... in a game... that silver weapons are magical and magical weapons are also magical ... even if they don't have any magic?

Intelligence has nothing to do with it. I just think the concept is silly. I always thought killing werewolves with silver bullets was silly too. Does that mean I can't brush my teeth?

Edit just because you are a jerk:
Have you ever noticed that these ethereal ghosts of yours have no problems holding a regular weapon?
Also, have you ever actually seen one go through a wall anywhere in a TES game? I haven't. In fact, I've seen them going so far as to open a door. Surely an ethereal creature wouldn't need to open a door.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:26 am

retconning for lulz? who the [censored] knows with bethesda these days.

This. They've been doing a lot of silly things with this game. Good and bad.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:43 am

Wait, wait, wait, there are silver weapons in the game? :huh: I haven't seen any.

I'm level 30 and still havent seen Ebony, Glass or Daedric armors. Actually I've snagged an Ebony set of Gauntlets and a glass helm but nothing else.

With weapons, that's a slightly different story as I am using an Ebony sword and have a glass sword and trading some glass weaps I dont use.

But yeah silver weapons are there, not so common as iron and steel though.

I miss Bonemold.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:21 am

It's the dumbing down man, man... the dumbing down man is bringing us down, man... :hippy:
If only there were a hippy emoticon. :c
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Josee Leach
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:43 pm

see gripes like thi i can get behind it goes agianst the lore and so should not be changed i mean ok some retconning is going to happen but to go from silver/enchanted/deadric only to anything and everything works (hell im surprised you casnt just kill them by looking at them)

at least give me a half arsed reason for it!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:05 am

You're in Nord territory. If a Nord wants a ghost to die, it's gonna [censored] die, silver weapon or no.

Besides, there are actually very few ghosts to fight, and draugr are very much corporeal. Incorporating the rules for one or two ghost enemies is what we call a waste of resources.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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